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S2 licensed
i used to love playing LFS but the attitude of racers got out of hand and all the fun went out of it. now 90% of racers on LFS just want to be serious racing and never have fun. most arent willing to help those that are willing to learn and as said above think its rude to enter a race when you dont know how to handle the car. well i think its very rude to not offer help to those that are willing to learn and its even more rude to ban without asking if their new of they need help.

no im not trolling. i saw this thread and thought it would be a good idea but then i see most of the posts putting down the idea. what happened to freedom of speech and respecting others and their views. ive found a game with a nicer community and will stick to it until or if this community becomes helpful and respectful of others views and is willing to help the newbies.
S2 licensed
what is it with all you elitist drivers. you all think your gods at lfs or something and you all think noobs shouldnt be allowed to play online. This LFS community used to be nice but now its full of elitst drivers that gang up on noobs. Give the noobs a break.

if the launch control was there there always could be an option to turn it off. I think traction control and spin control should implemented and if so there could be an option to turn it off. yes i know theres a similar option to traction control in LFS but it isnt very good and doesnt realy work.

just because you guys are good at this game and dont like the traction control , spin control and launch control dont mean you have to laugh at those or be down on those of us that like the idea.

now let the flaming begin. (i realy dont care)
Last edited by steve30x, .
S2 licensed
im using a download manager which most downloads with it gives me 400kb/s - 1.3mb/s but this video is giving me 8 - 14kb/s. is there any other links to this file that are faster?
S2 licensed
sir yes sir kev , mkinnov8 , Stoney . shall i tell the world my life story while im at it. (do i get a break some time?)

The main reason for not being there is i had major computer trouble (but obviously stoney thinks im lying on this reason. i realy dont want to argue over it.). im not going to go into details over the second reason because its personal.

secondly stoney , mkinnov8 , Kev whatever else hes called started CRC so he was no longer able to help. Happy now stoney? also stoney supplied me with the webspace. (he also done all the work on the web design and plugins in there)

have i left out anything?
Last edited by steve30x, .
S2 licensed
i dont have anything like banners or anything. im realy not pushed what the skin looks like once people can see the web address. im sorry if this is no help to you but i just need to draw more visitors into the website because while i wasnt to be there to look after the website nobody visited.

Thank you for replying to my request VT and i hope that the fact that i have no banners for you isnt a convience.
"Thegamesforum" skin request
S2 licensed
Please could somebody make a skin for me for my website. just a plain skin skin with the text in it would do once the web address is visible on the front and back of the car and maybe the sides. i dont care how iventive you are buit please help.

the web address is any help is appreciated. Thank you
S2 licensed
i use this wheel <-------- AVB MagTurbo Force Feedback Racing Wheel

i have a dfp ordered with almost 2 weeks. im hoping that the shop will get it soon.
S2 licensed
[EDITED] Motherboard , wheel and PSU upgraded [EDITED]
Last edited by steve30x, .
my rig
S2 licensed
Harddrives : 40 gig maxtor hdd (7200 rpm) + 10 gig (4500rpm)(only for storing stuff)
Graphics card : asus radeon 9600 256mb
cpu : amd spemprom 64 3100 (64 bit)
monitor : 17" hyundai delux scan 17b+
power supply : Casecom 500watt
memory (ram): 2 sticks of viking pc2700 512mb
os : windows xp sp2
wheel : Logitech Driving force pro

the Hdd , monitor and ram is going to be upgraded next year. I have no picture of this but yall dont need one anyway.
Last edited by steve30x, .