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S2 licensed
Doesnt make sense to me why people start threads like this when they dont have any mods to share with peopple in the first place. This thread shouldnt have been started by the OP because he doesnt have any mod of his own posted in the first post.
S2 licensed
Quote from Feffe85 :I think its an epedemic.. NOBODY can read.. the RIMS have NEVER been seen in wheelview.. END.

I think it´s only good that the disc is gone tho, i mean.. how often do u drive ur real car and use that view + see ur brakediscs?

But I do see the rims. Its the spokes and disks are missing. If there was no rims then what would the tyres be attached to? (im being sarcastic BTW(you americans calling wheels rims lol))
S2 licensed
I usualy use a bonnet view because I find it to be the easiest view for me to use.
S2 licensed
I got full view of the rims but the spokes are missing as well as brakes and calipers.
S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :It's because brake discs are now drawn differently than before, hence they cannot be seen from behind.

They may be drawn differently but it still doesnt mean that its not a bug. Only the developers can confirm what you have said.
S2 licensed
Heres my proof. Same car , track and graphics settings

LFS S2 Z8 no spokes or disks

LFS S2 Z spokes and brakes
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :It has been like that since ever...

No it hasnt been like that forever. I had spokes and brake disks in Z but the new patches changed that. I have been playing LFS with 4 years I should know by now.
S2 licensed
I updated lfs TO Z8 but I still only see rims and tyres in wheel view. Their is no spokes on the wheels nor is there any brake disk.

S2 licensed
Will we get wheels with the rims?
S2 licensed
If the option to disallow ABS in a server is implemented I hope that we dont get 80% of the servers with this option enabled. I like the new ABS system and would like to use it every once in a while.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :When i view from the wheels camera, i can't see the rims. Sorry if it's been reported already. my specs are in my signature. and when im in fullscreen, only in fullscreen, the shadows look, well, not like shadows. Altough when i printscreen it looks normall. And i sometimes can't press escape for some reason.

I also cannot see the wheel spokes or disks in wheel view. The centre of the wheels , Tyres and RIMS are present but the spokes and disks are missing. Also I like the addition of ABS> Pitty we dont have traction control for those cars also. (even though I would hardly ever use it)
Last edited by steve30x, .
S2 licensed
Can somebody please post a download link. The link in the first post is dead.
S2 licensed
So theyre beta testing and were alpha testing?
S2 licensed
Quote from VoiD :Just a note about BETA / ALPHA.

"BETA has a clear definition : The software is 100% finished, and is in final testing before release. So... in Beta stage, only very minor changes and bug fixes can be made. Beta is a shorter stage of development, unless the developer seriously underestimated how complete the software was.

So... the next patch is still Alpha, just a better Alpha than you have at the moment, and with some new features and improvements, which I am sure you will like." Scawen, April 2006

Im sure April 2006 is almost 3 years ago. But the Alpha stage of this has been dragged out for a long long time now.
S2 licensed
Dont you guys think we have been on the alpha stage long enough? I think the next move should be BETA.
S2 licensed
I hardly ever play LFS any more. I am waiting for the new VW car before I play again. I wont abandon LFS any time soon and I will pay for an S3 licence when it is possible to do so. This game has come a long way with only 3 developers. The only big thing I would like to be changed in S3 is the engine sounds. Other than that LFS is the best racing sim available.

What I think we badly need is the points system that was in LFS S1 where you needed so many points to unlock certain cars. This should also increase the interest in LFS again
Last edited by steve30x, .
S2 licensed
Even though this is a good idea to edit the engine values. The engine sounds still dont sound near as real as I would like them. Its a pitty nobody is able to use real car sounds for this sim.
S2 licensed
Quote from gru :excuse me?

i'm not member of "We're glad LFS is harder and more realistic now" club

i don't like overheated clutch after 1 (one!) bad start (but i can't do anything about it, and if i did, that would be hacking)

i don't like speeding penalty in pits (i have 19" monitor and still can't see if i'm under or over 80)
i also dont like gear number hidden under steering wheel in some cars
and i want to have shiftlight as big as i want it to be

what's bad about it?

If I were you I would Ignore the guys on this forum like that because they have the attitude of LFS being their way or no way at all. This is a welcome addition.
S2 licensed
LOL He was definately lieing then. What a shame. I found a torrent for LFS and a keygen a few weeks ago and reported it to the DEVS. I hope they can do something about this keygen. I would say they have an excuse to pirate the game if its overpriced but for gods sake 24 euro for a S2 licence is dirt cheap. They have no excuse.
S2 licensed
According to the tag under your flag on the left your a demo racer unless you have a second account then you are lieing.
S2 licensed
actualy the new bloom isnt that unrealistic. its closer to real thna the original one posted.
S2 licensed
Is that the old bloom version you are using. It looks like it has that Vaseline effect on the camera.
S2 licensed
No Scawen said that its possible to use different wav files for the engine sounds when the engine sound editer was first discovered. I was just wondering if you all just edit the engine sounds or use wave sounds for the engine sounds as well?
S2 licensed
Do any of you guys use different wav sounds for the engine sounds instead of remixing the engine sounds? It would be nice to have something different other than the original sounds remixed.
S2 licensed
Why wasnt this posted in the other thread instead of starting a new thread? Anyway I dont like to have motion blur in games so Ill skip this.