i was fined for driving the roundabout the wrong way, it was only £250 the cars suspension and steering were shagged anyway so i was struggling to get the thing back to the pits.
dont bust a gut over it, i`m not
you stick up for the server to much, get out there in the real world with a real car, it was fun while it lasted, but i couldnt spend all my spare time driving around a fake set of "streets" in the hope of sumhow getting a faster car to drive around the same "streets" LOL
the website was studied, it does not explain what happend, its a bit random
i lost an XFG due to pitting, this is explained, fair enough, i bought another UF1, fair enough, nice police man cropsy asked me to pay a fine, fair enough, i messed about for a bit and left a short while later, i came back the other day, no UF1 and around £700 in my account
i always thought you have 5 spare unlocks at any one, i have been S2 for a while and only ever used 1 unlock EVER
until in my "wisdom" i decided to try these new updated test patches, and after having to unlock again, and then another few times while i tried to revert back to my original version "U" left me without any
it was then, that i realised i never had as many as i thought, after all i`m not an unlocking freak, i don't unlock every month as i built a proper PC in the first place that does not break down.
as it happens i also had to mail politely for another unlock, i would not have bothered but i have some much needed time off from my business for a few days over Xmas (Christmas day and boxing day only i only technically get 4 days off per year when i don't have to do ANYTHING!!!) and i would have liked to play the game, rather then sit round a table at my parents house rabbiting on about how much of a git i was when i was a young boy
it was a simple mistake, i do belive som,ething changed after patch u32 which is why so many people seam to be dropping unlocks??
agreed with this, although i have jumped from "U" to U33 and i am having big troubles with the tyre sounds, if 30 is the last good one i will try and find that instead
are you a regular on [cd]
it seams the same thing has happend to you!!??!!
although it happend for me just as i was turning left for T2 and not on the straight joining T1 to T2
here is the last time i was on CD
this i belive was 1/2 races after the "incident"
it maybe so that the lighsaver one happened after this? i was there when ghostryder left
sounds like he is a regular crash TBH, or maybe he should practice a little offline with the AI before joining competitive online races?
so as regarding this chap being sick of people "spamming" "blue flag", maybe this is because he fails to take any attention to the actual blue flags, and he is pissing everybody off with his n00b attitude?
this ghostryder person might not be the same one, but i do remember him driving a black FZR, i pretty much ignored the "incident" at the time and it was not until after the race when the toys were thrown from the pram, he was not banned at the incident, so maybe there was another afterwards?
i race at conedodgers most nights it was the first time i had ever seen him
FWIW i can remeber asking him about the blue flag after the race (i normaly drive wth blocked messages anyway), and got some waffle back, i then rember typing in something along the lines of "you tried to force me off and got your arse wiped" meaning as i turned left and locked a little i skimmed the back end of his rear
he took this as "you got your arse whipped" and started getting angry LOL
this is not true, he was not letting me past safely!!! he swung out which was on route to force me off the track, just as i was starting to turn left for turn 2,
any normal person would have backed off the throttle a little before turn 2 and let the car behind past!!??!!
he was just gutted because a FXR driver was storming through and he wanted to throw his toys from the pram, plenty of people were watching at the time, like i say i do not use a Fkey "blue flag get the feck outa there" message
yes i remember, i belive i was pretty high up in the race order (2/3 position?), driving a bloody FXR and you never yielded to the blue flag, i DO NOT put up a blue flag message myself, i think they are gay, but i do remember others putting up a message who were watching you
Turn 2 at aston nat, i move towards the outside kerb expecting you to hit the brakes and let me past (after all you never slowed up while approaching the turn!!??!!) to find you swinging out towards the kerb, i locked up and hit your back end spinning you out, IIRC i came out much better and you spat your dummy out.