What about Options -> Graphics -> both lods on 1.0
Options -> Misc -> Multiplayer speedup option -> Yes -> Multiplayer car draw 500m and dynamic lod on 0?
Writing here since I didn't find more appropriate thread/discussion.. [EDIT by Scawen: moved to bug thread]
So, I think this message for when someone is connecting, and when someone fails to connect is getting a bit annoying.. This message "lfsname failed to connect" appears every time someone tries to joint he server and the server is full. Maybe more player slots and driving slots or just removing this message that appears will be cool
Ok, I don't know what happend but last time I tried making 2048x2048 skin the cargo went white, and when I downscaled it to 1024x1024 the cargo skin showed up.. Nevermind everything is ok now and going to remake the skins in 2048x2048
The lfs object file extension is .sre, while the rim/wheel is .spk . So It does not work.
Well it can work but will some extra steps. You need to modify 1 value in Hex Editor.
Load .sre which you saved as LFS Object from The Modeler in HEX EDITOR.
You need to modify the first values - Replace the SREOBJ with LFSSPK
Save the file with new extension - filename.spk
After this you will be able to load it from the spoke editor!
You can. Example for this is the LCT3000 Truck It comes with 2 Default Setups - Empty and Loaded, the "Loaded" has automatically adjusted Handicap - Voluntary Added Mass 200Kg.
I tested it right now and figured out how to do it. ( there might be other way but I could thing of only this method right now)
1. You make the setup inside LFS Game.
2. Copy the setup from LFS\data\setups
3. Paste the setup to Editor\data\setups
Now inside the editor.
4. Click on the button "dup" ( I recommend clicking the button "dup" and load the custom setup you made, over the "duped" one so, you can have backup with the default one if something goes wrong )
4.1 Load the setup by clicking "Load" in Editor like the picture below.
4.2 You can change the setup name by RIGHT Clicking with the mouse over the "[unnamed]" setup
After everything is done, you can test it ingame by "TEST Mod In LFS" And see actually that it comes like default setup.
This is what I found in the Live For Speed Discord.
- create a new vehicle project (any)
- import .obj as main object
- create new empty subobject
- select all object triangles and click "break off" (this will move all triangles to that new subobject)
- from there you can save the subobject, discard the vehicle project, open the actual vehicle project and load a subobject
Try replacing the .eng file you made, with the one thats inside the .7z file that Modeler exports.
Edit: Have you tried [Transmission / Audio] and load from there? Also the button "Load ENG inside "Edit Engine"is for configuration for the engine specifications - example - You make 2JZ Engine, click "save ENG" then you can load this .ENG configuration 2jz engine to any car.
Picture of where the .eng SOUND file is loaded
Path: LFS_EDITOR/data/engine
This might be a bit unuseful, but a cool feature and it will bring more "realism". Can the mfd dashboard be made to work only when the vehicle engine is started up?
Something like this.
Yes, you can do the old .vob replacement. But can you play multiplayer with .vob replacement mods and see everyone with different modded car? I don't think so
Hello, I am working on a little XFG project, and trying to make the fog lights work, i mapped them as "l_ffog" they work in the modeler but in game they dont.