Is there a way to force s_clock cutout to be ALPHA? I need the MFD with D(rive) and since there is no D, I think it might work if I stack all of the gears on 1 place, but for that I need it to be ALP.
Is there a way or nah
What if the original author of a 3D Model is gone for 10+ years and the emails which he have left in the descriptions, credits in all of his works are no more active. ( This is confirmed from people from his team )
This model is pretty much.. not usable here, in LFS?
I mean. it won't work if we just credit the original author/s? The people from his team (which are still active by some miracle) said that it will be OK if I just leave credits in the description.
Also when you convert a private mod to a public one, a thread is created automatically in the "Vehicle Mod Discussions" - Example My mod
Since the mod is now available in TC City Driving, I don't want to touch anything regards the physics ( HP, kg , tire size etc.. ) But I might do Time Attack version.
I will probably do Time Attack version. Clear interior ( less kg ), more powerful engine.
About the skin issue - Not sure if I can fix it, but I will definetly look it up. Thanks
I want to use shader that was made for 0.6W, but it doesn't work for 0.7.. In which of the files is the chrome thing stored? So I can try to convert the 0.6W shader to work with 0.7.
Hello, I just experienced this.. ( maybe it is my mistake but ok)
So. I Missclicked Load button instead of Save.
My suggestion is:
When you click the LOAD button while working on a MOD and you select a Name of a Vehicle to LOAD, there should be a pop up prompt type of thing that asks you: Do you want to LOAD this because you haven't saved your progress. ( something like when you are saving over already existing name)
now im a bit worried, im with laptop with intel pentium n3710 1.60ghz ( max 2.56) 4cores. ( and 2gb gpu luckily i support dx12 so at least i can run lfs after update. )
will the update affect me alot with fps / performance. since this processor is kinda lack @scawen
You don't get full experience with S1. I would recommend jumping on S3. I remember there was a demo server with FBM with leaderboard. And at the end of the season the top guys on the leaderboard get s3.. ( not sure if its exactly like this)