Since the mod is now available in TC City Driving, I don't want to touch anything regards the physics ( HP, kg , tire size etc.. ) But I might do Time Attack version.
I will probably do Time Attack version. Clear interior ( less kg ), more powerful engine.
About the skin issue - Not sure if I can fix it, but I will definetly look it up. Thanks
I want to use shader that was made for 0.6W, but it doesn't work for 0.7.. In which of the files is the chrome thing stored? So I can try to convert the 0.6W shader to work with 0.7.
Hello, I just experienced this.. ( maybe it is my mistake but ok)
So. I Missclicked Load button instead of Save.
My suggestion is:
When you click the LOAD button while working on a MOD and you select a Name of a Vehicle to LOAD, there should be a pop up prompt type of thing that asks you: Do you want to LOAD this because you haven't saved your progress. ( something like when you are saving over already existing name)
now im a bit worried, im with laptop with intel pentium n3710 1.60ghz ( max 2.56) 4cores. ( and 2gb gpu luckily i support dx12 so at least i can run lfs after update. )
will the update affect me alot with fps / performance. since this processor is kinda lack @scawen
You don't get full experience with S1. I would recommend jumping on S3. I remember there was a demo server with FBM with leaderboard. And at the end of the season the top guys on the leaderboard get s3.. ( not sure if its exactly like this)
Do you plan making the gearbox working on mods too? Also when I triede it in FZ it felt weird. Like when I do kickdown it goes 1-2-3-6 gears and doesnt go above 80 kmh. Also it doesn't shift when the pedal is under 50%
it stays on low gear and high rpm
1) - Yes with configurations. You can have up to 4 configurations ( You can change only visual parts of the car only sadly. No engine changes/wheel size etc.)
2) - No. Anyone can take the .veh from his LFS/MODS/VEHICLE/modsname folder and put it to the editor and do whatever he wants with it. ofc if you see some parts of your work is used somewhere else in the lfs community u can report it ( i think )
I love it! Works very nice! But can you please make when I turn off "Light Assist" the "comfort blinkers" to work too. ( Blinkrs to turn off automatically)? Or an option for them to be separately or the comfort blinkers to be always on. When I brake with mouse my headlights blink always because the brake is pressed at 100%.
The second link is downloading fine. Where can I send you a picture of whats going on with the WINMTR since there's some bulgarian ip (which is not mine) and i dont want to give it to the public just for security reasons.