I remember there was a quake 2 soccer mod. It involved a delicate combination of scoring goals and blowing people up, needless to say it was a good time!
Well the setups at inferno aren't always suitable for racing anyways since they're set up for hotlapping. They often have poor handling, and the tires are oft shot after 3 laps.
Is it that much of a bother to be asked? It's only two-button clicks to send a setup. And if you don't want to help a guy out then just ignore him. No biggie.
There's a few more succesful soft-drink companies too..
Coca-Cola - (which appears to be split into 2 companies) - $40 billion a year combined.
Pepsi - About $29 billion a year, which may or may not include the $9 billion from selling doritos (frito-lay).
More information is always useful when debugging. There's nothing petty about bug reports, I love squishing buys in my software, makes me feel all warm inside.