Totally agree.. Though, IMHO, I still think it feels a lot stiffer than the G**.... I had one. But that aside... everything else is great. Really like how you guys put the soft-touch plastic on the shifter... gives that unit a much higher quality look and feel.
AFAIK, its shipped via DHL... but it could be totally different in your case given your location. If you email Fanatec with your order number, they may be able to provide you with a tracking number for your wheel.
The wheel is made in china... but hmm.. Fanatec definitely doesn't have a webshop for China/HK... so it must be thru some 3rd-party...
I received my new wheel yesterday and im putting it thru the paces and seeing how retail wheel is in comparasion to the beta wheel..
My First impressions: The brake pedal is WAY too stiff! It feels like the brake pedal in a car with malfunctioning power brakes. You can try this out by getting into a modern car with the ignition off.. .pump the brakes a few times until the pedal becomes stiff and that is what its like.. maybe not quite that stiff.. but its close... It makes it almost impossible to brake smoothly. I've since replaced the compression spring with one that is much softer and it is much better now. The wheel centering issues are definitely gone and I must say I'm quite pleased about that. The extra steel plate added to the pedals gives that entire unit a much firmer feeling and you can really mash the pedals and the unit will not budge (providing you use the anti slip mats). Also nice to not hear that fan whizzing away quite as much now... slowing it down to half-speed was a good idea. Not sure if you guys made any changes to the shifter mount... but it seems like it is much more secure... at least in my wheel. It doesn't nearly flex or flop around as much as the beta wheel's mount did. So far, so good. I'm pleased only time can tell now as to how the durability measures up in comparasion.. i will keep you all updated on my opinions.
Actually, it did cost me just to receive this wheel due to a paperwork error made by their shipping dept or something at the time.
if you actually read my original post... i clearly said that i did not expect the wheel to be trouble free. However, the problems that were originally experienced have increased ten-fold in the matter of a few months.
I actually do have a clue as to what i signed up for, sorry to tell you. But I am sure not going to piss my money away on something that has some obvious durability issues... not to mention when the problems get worse with time. Even Thomas himself said that the problems shouldn't have gotten worse.
Again, i never said that I expect something for free.. so you may want to try re-reading what i posted above. I simply said that I believe if Fanatec wants show that they stand behind their product and indeed issues have been fixed in the 'retail' version of this wheel... then they should have no issues with allowing someone to make sure of that... especially someone who was a community tester.... who are people who have taken the time to review their wheel in great detail and help them with marketing by publishing those reviews on many different web sites. I only think that is fair...
Send a wheel... if it holds up.. i'd buy it.. no questions asked. If i was not satisfied with it, i'd be sure to send it back and pay any shipping costs incurred... so i fail to see where you think i'm trying to get a freebie.
In all honesty i would rather have a 911-wheel.... the shifter is great and even the beta pedals i found were a lot better than the G25's... at least in feel... maybe not in looks.... but that's besides the point. The slightly larger wheel diameter is a plus to me as well. I am not just some guy who bought a beta wheel off ebay who is coming here to complaing about it. I, along with many others, have tested the wheel out for Fanatec, written reviews, and given them countless amounts of publicity... I only think that it is fair that they would do everything they can to keep someone happy who has only helped them with their product's success in the long run.
I would gladly take a new retail wheel from Fanatec, even if i had to pay for it as other testers have had to. However, they are going to have to prove to me that the issues that are apparent in the beta wheel are no longer in the retail wheel. In order to do that, they would have send me a retail wheel and allow me to use it for at least 30 days.... If it performed up to my satisfaction and did not have the issues apparent in the beta wheel, then I would have no problem paying the price originally agreed for community testers.
That may be asking a lot, but that is going to be what it takes to prove to me that this wheel is worth paying money for.
And you should catch me soon before i bite the bullet and go and get another G25... I was just about to do that today before someone pointed out that Thomas had replied...
Well... I would have purchased a retail wheel, but after the problems I experienced with the 'beta' wheel.... i decided not to. I'm not about to put money down the drain for this to just happen again...
If Fanatec sends me a replacement, top notch... shows that they take a genuine interest in what the community thinks of their products and that they stand behind their quality.
If Fanatec doesn't send me a replacement, thats fine too... This doesnt mean that they don't care about the people who are using their products... but it won't do anything to help my opinion on the wheel (which at this point is not very good).
So we shall see.... im not getting my hopes up.
Let's also not forget that I had to eat the cost of Duty and Taxes on this wheel before I could even test it because of a paperwork error.
Thanks for your reply Thomas. I must say I do enjoy using the wheel when it works... but as of late these problems have just been frustrating me so much that I don't even want to play. Kudos to Fanatec if you are indeed going to send me a replacement wheel. That is really top notch!!
pardon me if this has been mentioned... but i'm currently watching SS1 and there are a number of times I have witnessed drivers cutting T1.. right thru the sand. I think you guys should put tires there or something... as it is very easy to cut at full speed as I have witnessed happening several times in the last little while.
beta wheel.. but still... you would think it would last more than a couple of months with normal use... dont you think?
This thing had minor issues from day-one... but then it's like a chain reaction. First the wireless starts cutting in and out for no reason, it gets worse and worse as time goes on.... Then the force feedback started jerking the wheel lock-to-lock for no reason, essentially ripping it out of my hands and throwing my car into a wall or someone else, then the pedals started having wireless issues, cutting in and out... then finally one day I go to use them and they don't work.. yet the day before they were perfectly fine, yet still with their issues. Pedals would not work with/without batteries, plugged in, etc etc etc.
It's like this thing has a disease that's eating away at the electronics inside... lol.
I would still expect a Beta wheel to stand up to regular use... and certainly don't expect it to not have issues. But the fact that the problems kept multiplying.... i think it is fair to say what i have said. The wheel is cheaply made.. it may feel and look nice... but with results like this within just a couple of months of use... garbage IMO.
(which is where mine will be heading shortly, after i smash it with my sledgehammer )
very disappointed with this wheel... the pedals died for NO REASON after a month.... and it has constantly been having issues with the wireless. Cutting in and out for no reason. And no the USB dongle is NOT across the room... it is HALF a FOOT away.
Made in China... that explains it all. :thumbsdow
Back to Logitech products I go... nothing in the $150-$300 range can compete with or beat the G25, face it.
in some way... i think it may be related to the master server... I'm going out on a limb here but it's from what i have experienced....
I was on one server with a group of people while another group was on another server. We were all talking in Ventrilo...
All of a sudden the server I was on started to lag, everyone disappeared and the "LAG (x.xxsec)" appeared above all the cars other then my own. Then, the SAME thing happened on the other server simultaneously... these servers were in totally different continents (UK and Canada)... At the same time I lagged out from the server I was playing on, the other guys lagged out of the server they were playing on. When we returned to the servers... there were still a few people connected. Which leads me to believe that there are no connection issues with the server itself... but rather something that is causing the Master Server to hiccup for enough time to cause an issue...
I'm going to be over in Europe in August so I think I would be able to make this. I would need a little time to confirm though, but I am definitly interested!
so i watched a few of the videos on the website....
the standard of racing looks kind of bad... half the drivers don't even look like the have control over the cars... then again, its probably the cars that are crap... but who knows...
The race that just happened yesterday... about half the field DNF...
It will be entertaining to watch all the wrecks though... but really, the series is quite the farce.
in my opinion, as crazy as it may sound to you guys..... lol
I believe that our existence and the existence of life on this planet has something to do with the existence of life elsewhere in the universe... or in some 'higher plane'. I mean, look at it this way... the universe is estimated to be 15-20 billion years old, however our Sun is only about 4.5 billion years old. There are an enormous amount of other stars and galaxies out there that are much, much older then ours.. many of which have planets and the like just like us.... I don't see how it's possible that we are alone in the universe... especially considering how young our solar system is... Think of the movie Men in Black... the cat had a charm on its collar that had a 'galaxy' inside of it. Hey.. you never know... i know this is quite askew from religion so to speak, but still.
So this is how you guys run things on behalf of a league eh? You tell someone to post their issues in a public thread after refusing to deal with it via PM, then you just delete the posts and never address the PERFECTLY VALID ARGUMENT? Are we playing some sort of childish playground game here? Why must you constantly dig up crap from the past Sam? This has already been long dealt with, so WHY DO YOU START UP AGAIN? UNBELIEVABLE!