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Can't wait to see a LED version of Darth Vader..
S2 licensed
Disable your aero theme, Windows 7 has a very graphics intensive theme, It looks ugly, But for performance you need it classic.

Windows 7 and vista when they lag (This isn't a hang or lag like slow downs, This is Scvhost.exe temporarily freezing) Thankfully, Your computers which most do recover, Try this, If it does not work, I'll see if I can think out other options.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Who is going to support me and my chase veiw now? :weeping:

S2 licensed
Just being friendly :P And following the "Unofficial gratz"
S2 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :Hehheh....So i guess all your knowledge of other racing games outside lfs is based on youtube videos ,is it not ?

Nope, I've played Rfactor and it sucked. Horridly.

Quote from justasimfan :

I guess you and a lot of other people when talking about rfactor have not tried it with the real feel plugin and the latest AAA tracks and cars.All you have to do is go to rfactorcentral and choose the tracks and cars with the highest scores.

So you expect people talking about LFS's progress and a scirocco all play Rfactor? Some of us just don't care about what games are better dude, Can you not understand this? Stop spewing all over these forums about what the devs can do to speed up progress/make stuff look better. My point is instead of spending about 15 minutes posting you could spend that time doing other things. I'm not trying to come off as a ass, But have you said anything in this forum other than car physics and LFS upgrades - Except the LFS Demo users. It's getting annoying.
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :( see the lack of wall behind me, yes. i sleep in the living room.... f*ck yes! )

No offense.. But the second I read that I was thinking "Basement not big enough for your computer stuff?" But i'd die for a bedroom that big

But whats all that wired stuff behind you?
S2 licensed
Quote from 91mason91 :Teh **** is that???????????

Paws is not a cuss word, Please don't include even 1/2/3/4 of my name in any bashing statement, Thanks, But I did nothing. :hide:
S2 licensed
The sad truth is he probably did, However if i came up and won by like 500 to 29 i could be all like "YEAH!"

Gratz kiste
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Coding new tyre physics should apply to all cars that have tyres, correct me if I'm wrong.

I really wish they would recode the physics in my shoes, So painful! I mean rubber is rubber right? Devs? Help...
S2 licensed
So, You make a thread, In the general LFS discussion, About a member being banned? I don't know what shows your ass more, Showing off in the forum or and getting banned, Or showing off that this person got banned for everyone to see. (Like really, A whole thread?)
S2 licensed
I've watched quite a few videos of it, It just doesn't compare to LFS in many many ways (Dammage physics, No moving hands on wheel, Crash physics, Lag physics.. Game looks like crap in some instances)

However, Sometimes the laser scanned tracks do look good, It's quantity vs quality... I prefer quality.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Time to get my rave on!

First picture my reactions where; Ooh cool lip rings, Or ( )

Second picture my reactions where; Is that a girl..? And seriously cool lip rings, Or ( )

Third picture i was like; Darth vader, Please don't become a ricer import, Or (:tilt
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :which bit about the test is shameful to you doenst matter you

That's what I believe is called a opinion.

Quote from Shotglass :the world is in a sorry state with you bunch in it

whats shameful is that someone would not always do a test when going into a serious relationship that involves sex without condoms because he or she is ****ing immature and ashamed of taking the test

It's called trust and respect, If your partner wanted you to take a AIDS test, And you said you didn't have them, It's a level of trust you are asking them to break, Stupid = yes, Breach of trust =Yes
S2 licensed
Quote from Osco :Special people take the short bus.

We took the longest sexualist space shuttle here as possible, Sorry, But you sir failed. We litterally, Dicked around in space for awhile.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :But man.. I swear... the test where you put a damn down your dick hurts more than trying to penetrate a eel.

First a seal, Now a eel, You're asking to get spanked again, You're a very very kinky and strange potato. (Maybe YOU DRAFT LIKE A POTATO! )

And um.... Do I really want to know what a .. Penetrating ..... No.. Just nevermind.. I don't and never want to know.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :We broke up because of her infidelity, because of her infidelity I got tested. Where's the shame in that?

Do I carry shame because I once had a girlfriend cheat on me? Some people lie and cheat, and you only find out the full extent of it by taking away the one thing all relationships should have in abundance: Trust.

Blaming it on me won't change human nature.

Becky i don't think he was aiming it at you, I think he was just saying it for the general, Atleast, IF he was saying it at you.. How mean!
S2 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :Thanx man for bringing some reason on this ultra long thread...Its really frustrating when most of the people here instead of suggesting things to be improved in lfs and ways of make those suggestions feasible in realistic ways they are mostly here to "defend lfs" from anybody daring to speak anything that on their mind destroys the idolized podium they have put lfs on...
A physics update no matter if it is even better then netkar's physics is not enough to bring new life in lfs or to even hold the current population.
Games like rfactor have come a long way since they were released with some greatly improved ff with real feel and some amazing tracks and cars to drive.The upcoming rfactor 2 details are nothing less than stunning if they become reality.And even the latest version of gtr evo/race on is great fun.Not as perfect on physics as lfs but there are so much more thing happening on those games.From incredible cockpits,great weather effects and really good ai for offline races.And a ton of great tracks and cars to download (basically some of the better ones for rfactor were converted for gtr evo/race on).About gtr 3 ?I can only imagine.And even the....don't laugh..infamous gt5...I know everybody will think meh....arcade s@%....Heheheh...
But seriously now i had a chance to play a couple of months back the time trial demo and it was much better than prologue as far as the main driving physics and feel go.And from the looks of it the final game coming in november will actually have some decent physics when all the aids are turned off and,some sweet weather effects and finally ai and damage implemented...
I even tried the current build of iracing at a friend and while i still believe its a money sucking scumm ,the truth is that it has evolved a lot the last 2 years.
And now back on lfs ...Where is lfs going ? Only 3 people can do only so much i know...But with some help a lot more could have been archived...There are so many things that lfs is lucking like ancient render system,dated graphics,absence of weather effects,not enough content....etc...

For the last time, You are complaining so much, Yet the awnser is SO simple, really, It's crazy!

LFS is one in it's own, It's not competing for a grammy award, The development is slow, There isn't enough content, But seriously dude of you can make 63 posts about how LFS needs to get upgrades and you constantly talk about I racing and R factor then the simple soloution;

Go bend over for Iracings stupid gameplay or Rfactors trillions of mods.

Nuff said.
S2 licensed
Quote from skywatcher122 :

Read it perhaps?

As TehPaws said

Demo is only Demo Mode (no Layouts or Editor will be loaded)
S2 mode on Demo Tracks and Cars only S2 Mode will see it not the Demo (Different Protocol)

You reverse cracker/hacker you! You bought the game! Yet you cracked the demo version! HOW DARE YOU!

Just had a random moment.. nothing to see.. move along.
S2 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :I haven't tried configuring it, but wouldn't EQ Worry's AONIO work for this? You should be able to turn off any other displays/features that you dont need...

Thank you, I didn't really need it, But I haven't bumped anyone since this, Plus checking mirrors this is a lifesaver for a newbie like me, Thank you for the link Now everyone that says it's my fault can eat exhaust fumes... Thankfully it wasn't to hard to understand.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Its not getting tested thats shameful, its the fact that you were sleeping with a slut that you even might THINK might have an STD of some type, THAT is shameful.

Double Word.
S2 licensed
Looks great, We all start somewhere, Two thumbs up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :what does that mean in english

It's a kids joke, Saying women come from Venus, Meaning you should respect us because we are extraordinary and are cool cause we all live on a purple world
S2 licensed
Be nice, She comes from Venus, You never talk that way to these special people. :P
S2 licensed
Thanks very much bunder9999. I'll have to remember that.