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S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :I'm sorry, but your math is kinda off here. If a car needs 1 US gal per 2 hrs while idling, it will empty 60 litre tank in about 32 hours.

Eeeeyy.. Don't shoot the ... Me.. Uneducated game.. not developer person!

I was talking in LFS dear. No way in hell my car is idling for 5 days unless my car is using reserves off Washington, And that's just fishy. ( As if our government wasn't.. )
S2 licensed
If the computer has internet, Just register it, If not, Then LFS can't really transfer a account ( Just type your stuff in behind their backs? )
Last edited by Bob Smith, . Reason : not *that*
S2 licensed
Just correct me if I'm wrong here, But starting a car and letting it run wastes about a gallon every 2 hours (MY car) That's 0.016666666666666666666666666666667% Every minute.

If the game follows rounded math ( I'm pretty sure it does ) You would never loose fuel.

0.1\600min = 1.6666666666666666666666666666667e-4

Yeah, You would loose about... what.. 1 gallon every 5 days or something out of a guess?

But it's a racing simulator, I didn't know someone cared about full after 18 minutes of standing still, ARE YOU ONE TO WANT TO DELAY, SCIROCCO, FOR THIS?

Just had to.
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :

@tehpawz, i may have to change my sig again, that part about german women sskirt from mars made me crease up, such a way with words lol

It just comes out of me, Work combined with boyfriend can make a particularly wacky combo.

Thank you, I'm a litaturist and a old spice woman. ( I just made a word up, But that's OK! I'm badass. )

You fools. It's Happens does shit. Happens has already had shit happen, There is no way for shit to happen to something that's already had shit happened, And if it happens, It must happen, There for it is happens does shit.

(Think about it)
S2 licensed
Yeah, I actually had that happen, The doctors screwed up and Since I have 20 - 5 vision, And I have LP ( Light perception " Blindness " ) Problems in my left eye, Basically like looking through smoked glass constantly. (Dunno the actual numbers )

They read the tests wrong ( Dunno how in hell ) And gave me glasses for 0-20 or something extremely high, Let me tell you, That was the closest thing to zoom you could ever achieve, I saw the curvature of Venus.. THOUGH THE SUN!

But yeah, Now I use contacts which were wonky for the longest time ( Couldn't see shit, Could look up the skirt of a German woman from mars, It sucked ass. ) But now I can!

Don't say you're sorry or anything, Shit happens.

Edit: Look at the post number!!!
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
So far Franky.S is winning, 5 - 15 more. Depending on how many people enter quickly. o.o
S2 licensed
Yes, Youtube only please, Or atleast some online video site ( You can download viruses in videos. )
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :girls make that face cause its kinda like a pucker up face..and they..idk why they do that

It shoos away the aids.

But it's the face you make when you kiss someone, I don't know why either, Maybe their lips are like that because they have blown every man on earth + all the animals.

I had a friend like that, When I was younger I always wondered why her breath was always stinky.. Now that I'm older myself.. I know.

I will put a pawprint for petition the anti-duckface.
S2 licensed
Woot! First win.

And, For my photo: Conspiracies roll..
S2 licensed
I was always going to make a series of videos for LFS on youtube, Might as well do it now.
S2 licensed
Hey guys. Really sorry for bumping a old thread.. But I need some help. This wheel works flawlessly for the XRR, But I was wondering if there was any way to make the wheel work for all of the GTR's, And maybe the FZ50 as well... If anyone can help.. I'd appreciate it!

Nuu flaming! D=
S2 licensed
No no no.. I know how long it takes to make quite professional videos.. You only need 2 weeks max, I mean, There isn't much editing/cropping/cutting/effecting you can do to 2 minutes of video.. A month is a bit too... What should I say... It's not the fact that it's to much, But it's just way to much time needed to make professional looking videos.

However, It's not my rules, But I'm just suggesting, Abit to generous.

Great idea, Might give me motivation.
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :i give up on people..they suck.

Oh come on logitech, You have a 11,955 person fan base, What's not to love ( Not the AIDS. )

P.S We will torture you to the end of time.

P.P.S That's a nice thread
S2 licensed
A great idea would be a general, Destruction derby, Just on autocross, Make a barricaded off section ( One you couldn't just go hop off being a pansy to avoid being hit ) Allow all cars, (Not F1.. that's for wimps and pussies. *Females can drive these * JK! )

Make the start point somewhere inside, Make a insim spec anyone on their roof longer than 1 minute ( If possible ) And anyone who does NOT move in one minute (Stationary DQ) Gets spec'd, No mid race joining, No Shift S or shift P.

This would be a great server as there are NONE like it.

Cad and all are destructive servers, But that's for racing the track still, There is no actual "Derby" Events.

Just my 2 cents. I'm sure you'd have some packed severs.
S2 licensed
And the insim lucky jumper award goes to number 0- Wait, What's that? A kangaroo you say? No shit?? Well then! Oh deer! The lucky jumper award goes to the kangaroo - NEXT to the 00
S2 licensed

Hurray, My first sig quote.
S2 licensed
I've worn contacts that make you seem more in outer-space than that bollocks time travel BS.
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :the key is also to take one word at a time and think about it real hard

If you did that, The thread would have never started... Har har har
S2 licensed
All you oldies need to race more.. Alot of the forum go-ers don't race until something happens, That's not sportsman/sportswoman like!

I think I started doing LFS at 2008, Vob. modded the game, Then at 2009 got more serious, Got into online stuff, Now in 2010 I have no Vob. mods ( But texture mods ) And am very happy to say I have S2
S2 licensed
Oh, So basically if you go fast enough around the world you can make the planet stand still because you create friction in gravity and energy!

Captain planet! I knew you would never lie to a young girl such as me!

(Can't believe I went to that old cartoon.. xD)
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :The (very oversimplified) basics are nothing too mind bending at all:

Time is in fact generally considered to be a 4th dimension of space... Basically the greater your velocity, the "slower" you move through time. In theory time would actually stop (for you) at or near the speed of light, only problem being that your mass would begin to approach the infinite thus an infinite supply of energy would be required.

Point being that said theorem would render Dustin's charming philosophy obsolete, and thus, quite lame

Excuse me, What the **** did you just say in laymans terms? I just understood about 2/6's of that.

Energy? Hello? Bill gates.. Is that you? :O
S2 licensed
This went from a fun argument to something completely over my head.
S2 licensed
Damn, Top gear and a Soviet Russia joke. We're on a roll today.

And dan, You are forgiven
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Having guy time is kinda gay really... Why would you wanna spend time with a bunch of dudes, when you could spend time rolling around naked with a woman.

My sediments exactly. Which is why Franky.S and BAMBO are saying women are only good at making sandwiches and doing laundry blah blah, They obviously just aren't getting enough. If at all! Yikes!

Pro-tip Franky.S - You're not gonna get any in your moms basement.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Because the Internet is for porn.

Most likely.

Quote from Franky.S :so that be you yea? and living without women would be impossible, noone to make sandwiches or do our laundry.

Kiss off you stereotypical wa****, Would be so much easier to live without men, No loud football on TV.. no beer.. No laziness, No need to hang out with other men in this "Guy time"

I really want to kick you in the balls.