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Those look like (I'm just speaking out of mind here because I'm not a great techky person) Is that your graphics card could be running too hot/Graphics tearing, Make sure Vsync is on, You're graphics card is clean (No dust in case) Errr... Also try to make sure you arn't overclocking it and pushing it farther than it's comfort zone, Turn the LOD's to full negative. Just some ideas.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :They're all wank imo i tried pretty much every spyware shit out there and it did nothing, only system restore worked for me.

Infact, what happened was, it blocked all my anti viruses so they wouldn't open! How messed up is that? Pay money for anti-virus made by huge companys and they are beaten by some spotty kid hidden in his bedroom. It was thatvirus that tries to get you to pay for their antivirus telling you there viruses on your pc.

If you have a firewall, This is amazingly easy, This comes up from a hack of ads, Which is why Modzilla and NoScript or AdBlockPlus will help, If you have something that says <RandomName> (It should come up like "fjdfueksuz.exe Is trying to accept connections from the internet")

Go to C:\Documents And Settings\Your_user\AppData\ <Exenamehere>\

After that, You should see the EXE, If it hasn't run, Rename it (If you have it to where you must type out the extentions, DO NOT put .EXE in it, Seriously bad things will happen, Just rename it LOLOLOF-UVIRUS (Seriously, That would work) And restart, go to the same folder, remove it, As it's not on, Problem solved.
S2 licensed
Thank you all soo much
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :be that as it may, you can't just add cars into a game without a car manufacturer knowing, and allowing you to do such. imagine making a game, putting licensed (ie:copyrighted) content in it, and then getting sued by all the auto manufacturers. that's why the cars in LFS are fictional, with the exception of the MRT, RAC, FBM and BF1. (am i forgetting any?)

That's true and i know.. Car makers sometimes suck when you ask them for a licensed model in the game, But look at some of the other models.. But whats wrong with doing like a GTA number on them, Model the cars, Almost exactly the same, Then have some weird mark on it (A sideskirt, For instance) And then add the name some random one (We have alot of random names in LFS already ) And then add the maker to be flagship motor company instead of ford motor company..

Or Does the above not work? I thought it has in the past but.. I could be wrong..
S2 licensed
Quote from :Wooh... Ho! .. What?

See screeny

Just because a track has miles to it doesn't mean it's a used track, You can barely find a server playing westhill that isn't empty.
S2 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :
People there have some amazing models and through not perfect keep in mind they made them in a matter of days or at most a week or two having the knowledge that because people have to overwrite their main files most people would not even touch the cars they made no matter how good they are.So imagine given the opportunity to all these people to help the devs and have their work integrated to the main game with a honorable mention in the credits.They would work for weeks non stop to make the most mind blowing incredibly detailed model of the existing cars or tracks....

Yeah, Some of it is truely awesome but like some LFS members said, It would create thousands of tracks and thousands of models and some people just go "Enough is enough" At a certain point in time, But is that a bad thing? Not really.. LFS could grow to a insane amount if they let people mod it for them, Lots of games thrive on user made content, Take Rfactor for example, They just added a good anti cheat and said have at it.. And look where they are.. I understand from both sides of this, If you have so many cars it's hard to have a good organized race but the way I see it if you have a weekly competition you could see some amazingly detailed cars, just tell them make it LFS themed (You know, Cars that resemble cars but have a few features to let you know it's NOT the real deal) And then you "Community" Vote on how powerful it should be, GT, GT2, GTR F1, Road cars And then let them come up with reasonable power.. What would be more interesting is to just have skins you could put on your cars (Like, Replacing the body with something similar) Which could also bring up problems that quite frankly nobody really wants to deal with... But, You never know what could happen by the time S4 - S5 roll around.. And then you have the question.. how many years is that gonna take?

The day i see a full grid of Ferrari's Porches, BMW's, And the like, Is the day I'll need a brief change of undies.
S2 licensed
Quote from skywatcher122 : AU and don't forget the South City at the down location there is a roads that aren't finish although its blocked to go there I manage to drove on that location by using the Layout and put the start spawn.

Well, I don't know, it seems after reading all the posts and stuff the developers lost steam or ideas for any other cars/tracks, Please don't flame me for that, But it's just my personal opinion, And south city has plenty of combinations already, I don't think they would work on that but I agree westhill is one of the least used tracks I've seen, In all the empty S2 servers I've been too, But from what I see they dumped all there development and tech into one track and one car.. I'm alittle disheartened at the fact that it has taken THAT long to get a licenced car in LFS with true to state handling.. It's abit pointless because you want to drive a sim, But you also want to play a game and having all that real handling is going to dampen that effect, There isn't enough options (I'm saying, You can't customize ride height, And watch it's effect) So whats the exact point of writing down to a T the physics of a car when really it won't get used.. Now if this had all the options for a real car, And the real effects (I'm not saying they can.. That's practically impossible) It would be worth it.. But in my history developing should be of ones mind (For instance, Blackwood isn't a track, It's their imagination, And look how many demo users continue to race it) And that's their fun, Going all out on 2 things seems a bit overpowered when you could make for instance, 6 - 9 tracks, 3 - 4 cars (Once again, JUST saying) And let them be a bit horridly made.. You know, Minor glitches etc.. And then go in and re-detail them all, That seems way better than the approaches they are going at now and i do believe I'm going to get hella flamed so... /me Puts on flamesuit
S2 licensed
Quote from NatasjaDK :I have some for XRG/XRT/XRR i only see at xrg cuz im demo but i think it works in xrr and xrt, want it?

Sure that would help a lot.. And I have gimp.. So if you could help me install the DDS editor since it's totally confusing..
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :
That said, let's think positive... This will allow us to have another "page 100" retar...related contest

:eek: I'm glad the mods went house cleaning. It was starting to get abit crazy.

Quote from Swiss-Spirit :Well, when(or better if?) the updated physics finally arrive, we don't have to bother about this thread anymore.

I still wonder how it's going to feel like. Modified, so the Scirocco doesn't feel like driving a Go-Kart, or will it affect the handling of other cars in LFS?

I do believe it will.. As the physic changes are with the tires, So they handle more realistically and if WR's are being deleted then you can probably believe it's not a minor change and could actually slow it down/give it more grip in the corner/make it faster. And also, That would TOTALLY SUCK FOR ME, Because I haven't even learned all the tracks and cars yet, I've drove about 5 tracks (Combinations included) And the RB4 and the FXO.. But that's totally my fault so In short.. It probably won't effect me any because I barely know how they handle anyway but the thing that does bother me is S3 coming out right after I bought S2.. Does that mean another 12$ update? If so.. That's gonna .. Be a bit weird just for one car and track, But you know how developers are
S2 licensed
It appears I have no image editing program that can open DDS. ... So.. Can anyone point me in the right direction for opening something seemingly simple?
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :

Ok I'm on a good day so you get the second prize, which is, a test of the Rallypack, VWS, Rockingham and all the stuff. PM Victor for more infos.

Hot dayum!
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :I have a massive supply of chocolate, yummy to melt it and pour over cornflakes!

Once again I ask you, Isn't that horrible and gross? Those things are sugared.. Or is this another thing were I will love it..

And on topic.. What's up with Friday and page 100? Does the patch come out when we reach page 100?
S2 licensed
Quote from speed1230 :Not an expert at this but I'm guessing editing the DDS. files will do?
However I think it will affect its road counterparts too

That's fine, if you could just point me to what the files are.. I'd be glad to edit them myself.
S2 licensed
To avoid using such hard words for my brain to comprehend at this hour from me staying up all night, i will use smilies to replace text.

Opening this thread to see about updates; :doh:resent::uglyhamme $4 Smiles.

Reading through conversations about tea; $2 Smiles

Finding nothing of use, Priceless.
Question about lights "3" Key
S2 licensed
Hello, I've been wondering, Since this is starting to bug me, Is there anyway to make the GTR car lights (XRR, XFR, FZR, FXR) Yellow tented? Like the ones in real life have a yellow tint as to not blind a driver?

Something like in ALMS (Example; )

If anyone could help me make a modification to those cars, Or make it for me, I would love it, It doesn't have to be very high def.. Just making them look yellow would be great!
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
You don't want S1 anyway, you can't go wrong paying 12 more dollars man It's worth it. , But like logitech said, Developers will most-likely figure out whats up, Unless you're using a rare card or something.
S2 licensed
Quote from der butz :or netstat plus tracert... scriptkid

Uhm, AFAIK Tracert does nothing of getting a IP, It just shows you all the proxies it connects too and netstat..? =P :bananadea
S2 licensed
Quote from Degats :I did find that once the hybrids got to 70-80 or so the grip was a lot lower, but I couldn't get the normals that hot, even after a lot of excessive power understeer.

Question; Why is it in demo servers everyone drifts with a Knobbly / Hybrid on the back, And either knobbly / Normal in the front, if they provide Less
Grip, I know you don't need to have wonder-glue grip but If It provides less grip, How do the drifters control speed well anymore? Doesn't a hotter tire lock up faster? (I guess I answered my own question In they lock up when they drift, But a longer more detailed answer would be nice.
S2 licensed
Newest picture (Tried to follow what everyone said ) The only bad thing Is that the camrea flashes didn't come out like I expected..

(The other car was RedlineQuinn, If anyone wants to know.)
S2 licensed
Quote from breadfan :

I however one tried this with Half Life 2 and although the game ran smoothly, it didn't react to mouse and kb inputs.

In LFS, running in higher/high priority eliminates system lag (game doesn't stutter, which happened to me even during replays before).

IIRC, I think you put it so high in priority it ignored your external USB slots? Wow, I didn't know it just started ignoring things like that.

What is system lag may i ask? is that not like FPS drop but like a 1 - 5 second hang in your computer?
S2 licensed
Thank you, It's a bit hard to tell the markers apart sometimes (I haven't even tried every track yet) And I'm sure these will help in advance, Downloaded.
S2 licensed
Quote from kailiyu :-snip of post-bot-

No laps, Linking to some most likely virus ridden site, Bad grammar, No spaces, Switching topics, Gentlemen I believe we have a spambot.
S2 licensed
Quote :- Don't use .PNG, i almost die while loading

Will do next time.
Quote :- Don't use thick frame around pic, its useless and almost never nice

Okay, It looked good at the time however..
Quote :- Blur is like fire, if you know how to use it then do it (frame)

Are you saying it was good blur or bad blur?
Quote :- That sun is fail sorry but it looks like small explosion, you are using bad light render (i thing this is render from PSP, yeah? try using PhotoShop if not already)

I know, I even cringed when I uploaded It looking at the sun, It was very disapointing, But It was my first time using GIMP, So please forgive the noobish effects..
Quote :- When are you going to make screen-shot set LFS graphic to maximum even if your computer can't take it, you just need only one frame so get it in max details.

That was max my friend, With LOD set to negative (Makes it look like it has more pixels in it or something)
Quote :- There is a car, but i noticed it a few seconds after looking at pic. I don't know if its shoot of track or car... in second case the car should be in "image's focus", first thing that you will notice on picture.

The car was meant to be out of focus like that, I lined that up for about 5 minutes, It's meant to be zoomed at the city background but the car is suppose to be In It as well.
Quote :- Lights on car are also badly rendered, try another effect generator

I'll try
Quote :- Use more contrast, lest brightness - you are doing opposite

Strange, But okay
S2 licensed
PLEASE Give me constructive criticism, I don't care how negative it is.. I just want to improve at editing

First picture I ever edited btw.. o.o
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
Uhm, Mainly you're going to just shunt LFS to the top of the processes.. here.. I'll make a "Instance" Thing

Open task manager

  • Important process 1
  • Important process 2
  • (Random junk like skype etc)
  • Important process 3
  • LFS.exe
  • (Other stuff)
So really, You are just Shoving LFS above every process, It's sort of like telling you priority's, Basically if i told you to get to work, But emailing someone was first priority, Thats sort of what your computer would do, Just LFS first, Rest later

However on getting more FPS it might do the opposite and drop your FPS because if it's higher than "Svchost.exe" Then it could cause lag, because Svc is the processes running your desktop and the stuff that makes a computer a computer.. So if you aren't having lag, Then it's not a problem.