I don't know why you are going to Russian/soviet country's anyhow, Unless you plan to drink your holiday away, Go to Sydney, New Zealand. (Get the pun?)
In reality, There isn't to much to see really, I mean, If you take new york, Or london for example, And spread it out to spread a whole country's worth, It's kind of how Russian territories are. Then again, I grew up in Oktyabrsky. If you insist on going, It might be fun to go to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Or maybe Kyiv, Lviv. If you plan on packing electronics, Be sure to grab a converter. Electrical current runs on 220v/60Hz in Ukraine, American current is 110v/50Hz. Also make sure you grab a battery alarm clock, If you're staying that long, Ones with power cables will not function due to current.
Enjoy your stay? (Or stay longer, And they will eat you... I'm dead serious. Ukrainians are freaky. Lol)
I forgot to mention, The food is quite good. ^^ And if you plop a American/British flag on your car, You're bound to be the instant favorite.
I'm not trolling, I'm just trying to keep up with a rapidly inflating condom full of p----es. ;( All I want to do is keep tabs on the patch.. And suddenly trolls come by the quintillions to spam with... I don't even know what they spam with.
I never have that lag everyone is talking about "Moment of impact" CPU's can do vast array's. You're talking about ping, that makes that "Freeze" Not lag. I average 200 fps.
The solution wouldn't work, As it uses prediction, Which means you would most likely have to calculate where a car is going to go. That is going to include lag, Which means heavy teleporting.. I think.
Scawen, Amazing patch, but i have to know, Can I be "Sittin' in the back seat!" of my VWS with improved type physics? (On 22 inch rims, Of course, Because spinners alone were never enough in the first place.)
While styling on So2 freeroam?
Also.. A patch for LFS... I sure hope this isn't a april fools day ..
Probably not adding much to this information, But even with my Nvidia Geforce 8400GS/ AMD Anthlon X64 Duo core, And only 2 GB of ram.. I never went below 250ish on FPS with a full grid and the game maxxed, I had it overclocked, Sure, But it proves old technology doesn't suck so bad.
Rock clan.. Don't give away internal computer parts, Not only do you have limited countrys, You also just limited it even more due to the fact not everyone will have something/no way to get that in their computer.
Sell stuffed animals and I will participate in every single one.
Depends on how good your CPU is, (I think ram matters. )
So! Half size, 75.20 FPS Uncheck sound if you are really hurting.
Works for me.. Should work for most computers, I have my FPS set at 180.5
I rarely lag. But another thing with fraps is to defrag first, Before heavy recording, Make sure your hard drive temperatures are cool (Otherwise it bottlenecks and stutters) And you should be fine.
No computer expert here, But what all is your specs?
I would say that slowing the recording down doesn't do anything, I tried it once. If we are talking about people with Sony Vegas, It helps, But something like Windows movie maker it just fails.. Hard. It puts more strain on your hard drive, You're recording 3 - 2 times longer than you should, Which puts 3x load on your hard drive, Plus with how much space fraps takes on full size? Please.. Forget about it.
Once you want to watch women, Men, Children, All being bombed for no apparent reason, You can figure out a different solution or go be a doctor, Sure, It might be about oil, But sharing makes the world better Give a little bit and all that jazz, And sure, There might be small scale terror in different regions, But the US can't be spread so thin and be the miracle country everyone wants it to be, What is the crime if people in Saudi Arabia pay 1c or something like that and they let the gas run over, Pour over everywhere on the ground (This is coming from two of my close friends from that region) That's living in excess, We however, Having been fighting 1 (2?) war(s) for a damn long ass time and we just lead another one on, We just passed it to nato.
I'm not trying to act like I'm the shit when it comes to conversations about jets, Flying and wars and stuff, But I'd rather take more dead knowing I did something than if I did absolutely nothing and let the whole damn place get nuked like Korea almost went into (Yeah, We went there, Too.)
US does need to stop shelling out help and only care about themselves, Be neutral and shit, Isn't that what most country's do? I never see Russia do anything against stuff like that.
-Sidethought = Why does everyone blame US? Isn't there other PERFECTLY capable military's spread out around the globe that can take care of murder and death.. military rape.. abuse of power.. All that stuff?
Okay, First things first, People need to understand LFS is not a commercial game being made and published for your money, It is made by three people with lifes and they cannot constantly tend to their creation.
Seriously, Justasimfan, I'm not trolling you, But please quiet, LFS is not going to completely die anytime soon, Maybe sometime around 2015 it won't be talked about anymore, Why can't you go play some other game, There is countless racing games you can go and enjoy yourself with, I hope you're actually reading this because I rarely post anymore (Guess why, It's simple.) I'm quietly watching LFS and it's progress and waiting. Waiting for either the tire physics or the car, In the meantime, I've been enjoying my Railworks and my DiRT 2 (Omg, Another racing game, Have we lost the concept, JASF?)
It's been said before, If you want to make a game better than LFS, They can't stop you, Go ahead and buy models that almost no computer can run, So I can race screenshots, WOOT. I'm sure the moderators are tired of locking closing or removing irrational posts on every thread you make, I don't know if you are trolling and this is a second acount, Or what your whole deal is, But stop bugging people about DX8 or DX9.. We're on DX11 now, And so what? I still own a PS2 and alot of old games.
LFS is a special kind of racing game, IT probably won't completely die out, It might, It might grow as huge as EA and honestly I don't really care what happens to it as I enjoy it, Most of the community is self righting (TVE, Rockclan.... lol... And Logitek and his forum AIDS.) And tight knit communities will usually organize LAN parties or organized servers for a few nights and race it. I still have DTR. Skins in my folder of skins and setups waiting for LFS to move on, JASF, Stop obsessing over the game, They will e-mail you when something happens, That's why I've been loosely trolling because I saw the update of news.
Please man, Find something new to talk about, We don't want to hear about this what.. every.. other.. 3.. four.. months? I agree, LFS looks pretty bad compared to modern games, But I never heard that they were trying to beat Forsa or Grand Turismo either.