Hello, First, You'd want to make sure your game controller is the Main One windows sees, First, Does LFS detect two controllers? if so, Skip until you are told to stop..
First, Go to control panel, Game controllers (For XP) And you should spot if hooked up correctly, Both your controllers, (For instance, My steering wheel is something like "LX/123/steering-x" Your mileage may vary, And click advanced button, Select your main preferred device (Steering wheel) And continue to LFS
-- If you skipped, Start here.
Now, Go to LFS, Game controllers, Recalibrate all axises, push your petals, Turn the wheel, Lock to lock, So it all comes up on the moving axes screen, Now push and pull your joystick (I have a Logitech attack 3 as well) Should be a axis for left right and up down, First, Find the one that goes left and right, And click "L" So that axis locks, And then, The axis that moves up and down, You want to find that and move it down, Now if your handbrake petal shows as "ON" Or fully depressed, Click "Invert (Number 1 - 10) And it will invert that axis for you, If you need more help, Please let me know, I'll be glad to make a video or picture tutorial.