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S2 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Hey Paws, you dont need to have the car prefix *hint* inside the name itself.

i.e. if you look at the DRI_XRG_BL1 in the lfs/data/sets folder it would looks like "XRG_DRI_XRG_BL1.set" or the same without ".set". You need to have the Prefix in front when dealing with sets outside of LFS...

And if choose the XRG, you would see a set called "DRI_XRG_BL1". No need to have the XRG bit in the name coz when you select the XRG, you only see XRG sets. I'm getting repetitive.

PS: Thanks for changing your font!

After I read that, My face went from To -> And after checking the folder.. Seeing what I have done, My face was ->:doh:

And two many people complained so, Arial will work..
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :don't drive so fast.

Then try and keep up with some of the faster drivers in LFS on Kyoto national, Then tell me not to drive fast.

No matter how slow or fast I drive, It doesn't matter to that car, It's like turning a block of rubber on wet ice, It just keeps going and going, Like the grip on the wheels dissapears.
S2 licensed
It's not biased at all, You just must take into consideration (You can take it into consideration less on S2, But still you take it in consideration) That everyone behind you has little to no braincells (I'm thinking ... 12? *Hint Hint*) And will instantly call you a NOOB like it's you're fault they failed to notice the brake pedal has a purpose and isn't to be coated in neon, They lost a game in Counter-Strike, Or the fact that YOU BURNT THEIR PANCAKES!

So.. On topic, Once you get some more laps, Maybe around 500, You'll have seen the ways of people, And you will generally know what to expect, If you see someone diving for T1 like there is just no tomorrow, And is drafting you right off the Start/Finish, Then expect he doesn't give a damn if you're the paint scheme on the walls or not, Give those people room, Maybe move out of your line abit or let some people pass, It's better safe than sorry and if he creates a cloud of wreckage you can drive through like you own the place.
S2 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :Emm were exactly this thread moved from lfs being in "limbo" development to a font war ?

When people got their panties in a bunch..

Reducing understeer in the FXO would be great, I can't turn for shit with it.
S2 licensed

Doesn't that make it easier? Just rename your sets to that, Use a colour code so it's easier if you have long names, Problem solved, Favorites +1 | Setup folder -1

S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :It's okay to make fun of someone's English when they come from one of the following countries (in no particular order):

- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Australia

Others don't deserve it. Stop being a dick.

I never abused his english, It's very good, I didn't say anything about his english?? I just wanted to know if he tested it and if so how did he test it, I've never made fun of anyone and don't plan to start now. If you're talking about the text I happened to highlight, I never ment it as "OLOLOLO LOOK AT THIS CHAPS ENGLISH LOL!" I'll un-highlight it then, As I ment no harm.
S2 licensed
Can we seriously stop the font conversation? It's off topic and will most likely get deleted, And it's not helping anything other than putting chips of wood on a dying fire.
S2 licensed
Quote from Napalm Candy :

On topic. Today I was test this layout (the Rockingham layout on the photo) and it is great for drift. In rFactor are a lot of layouts, will be all in LFS?

[Cheezewithwine] Does that mean you tested it?!? Where do you get this test kids and super VIP people can play?! I want to play! Where is my testing!!! [/Cheezewithwine]
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
If you don't want to download LFS strobe, You could always use a keyboard Marco set, That would work quite nicely, However you'd have to tap out a beat in your head, My Logitech keyboard profile is strobbing at 0.079 - 0.090 seconds. And it's pretty damn amazing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Nice skiper.

How are those pics edited? go to raw screenshots thread.

There is minor edits, Like the shine on the cars, (Look at yellow car right headlight to see)

I'm learning

Also.. VladM .. Very nice.. Loved the 2 tone
S2 licensed
Quote from Jordan2007 :Just Lol'd, Truck + Uf1 = Epic Result

That's not just roadkill, That's a big metal bullseye, That's 150 points, XFG is 125, XRG is 100, And lets say the BF1 is about 500 - 200 points for the spasticness of the crash.

I still would like my UFpancakes, So I'm waiting for this. XD

Where is AAA again?
S2 licensed
Is it me, Or does

Have a hell lot of bumper damage? XD
S2 licensed
With liquid courage nobody can be sad, Lesson to be learned.

Love the layout and theme of that forum
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It's readable, but it's just UGLY! Especially when the rest of the forum (for me) is Helvetica... having comic sans just looks so disgustingly out of place!

Don't mean to be a bitch, But nobody ever asked for your opinion about my fonts I use in the first place..

And wait, Scawen made a new post?! *Goes to read*

Thanks rockclan!!!!
S2 licensed
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 16
Country: United states of
Preferred Car/Track: I could drive a FXR Until the sun explodes, FXR, Every track. Open wheels are fun too.
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Still learning LFS, I haven't even tried all the track/car combinations to be exact, So I'd be looking for a new comer team, My racing style is pretty arcade like, I drive the car until the wheels fall off.. (Or in LFS terms if it moves it can compete! ) However on BL1 I can do 1:33:10 If I tried very hard.
How Active Are You? Quite active.
What Kind of Control do you use? Logic 3 Steering/Pedals Combined (Am looking to get a G25 soon.
Time Zone: -4 EST
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :... Then someone lags a bit. LFS turns into a bowling sim!

You ^

Quote from z-ro 8 :Imagine the carnage. I'd get drunk on a nightly basis just to watch that crap.

And you ^ Just made me die of laughter, 128 cars?, Now THAT'S carnage, And the sad thing is.. My computer could run that, But hell, Make one server, Let demo users and S2/s1 users join in there classes and we'll have 200 laps at the ring'

Guaranteed your drink will end up from the cup/glass/can onto your LCD/CRT/Widescreen, Magically!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Or you could just remove Comic Sans font from your system, so it would get substituted by Arial or Helvetica. :P

Wouldn't work friend, it would just be squares if you did that and you can NEVER gain a font without paying for it, You'd have to copy arial and paste it again renamed as Comic sans.. But that might be too hard for him =p

(Unless it actually auto substitutes it.. But still, Ignore list is easier for him I guess.)
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Simple:

Comic Sans is a crime against all good practices of a design, and pretty much makes you look like a goof.

I'm fine with looking like a goof, That doesn't bother me, At least it shows I'm different! =P
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :guys look at my writing!

I never said anything to you, Why exactly are you change my name and quote the same thing with lowercase letters? That's a waste of your time. Just because I use a different font you're making it bold? It's not like you guys are forced to use Verdana, I just use comic sans, It's simple, I don't force you to read my text, by all means if it's hard you then skip over it.

Ot: Damn, I think we should put hahmo in the firetrap with ferocious tigers for lying about page 100!
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :This has been discussed time and time again. When the devs have something to say, they will. Simple as that.

And why are you using different fonts and sizes and whatnot? Dont know why, but its really annoying me...

I use this font cause it resembles my hand writing, The fonts are there for people that use them, I'm one of those people.. You could always just zoom in on my text if it's harder, It's still normal size.
S2 licensed
The fall pictures are beautiful, if you have a 1156x864, That's a new desktop.. PM please? The one with the SPIN as the tag
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Actually, GTA4 has a lot of cars that are hybrids between 2 similar cars of the same era. Rarely are there strict carbon copies of a real car.

Which is mainly what we drive around in LFS.. I just wish the devs would be a little more intertwined with the forums.. I'm not saying be up the forums ass but just a little more posting, Maybe at least once a week, I know they are happily developing but.. it can't hurt.. And they could take more ideas from us which is never a bad thing, Unless they for some reason hunt down the forum and just don't say anything.. Which is really really dumb as the could give us updates, That would cure the hype and the "Dejection Atmosphere" But on topic..

I understand that, As the uhm, One car in GTA had a front end like a skyline or something and the back end that looked like a supra, Epic to drive. Can't for the life of me remember, But more on point of realism sucks! (Somewhat..)

To the next person that gives a damn, Most likely the 100th post is right after mine or one post after, SO enjoy!
S2 licensed
Skipper.. Those don't look.. right, The old school one just looks.. weird.

Some racing action from Cargame.s2

Me learning how NOT to drift..
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :[QUOTE=justasimfan;1477797]Ahhh the smell of common sense... Ofcourse the cars are supposed to resemble real cars.The xrs are starions with 3000gt interior,rb4 is toyota celica gt4,fxo is honda integra dc2 with calibra/vectra lights and fz is a porsche 911 with z4 real end......Ohh and fox is a fiat punto.Heheh...


genki are famous for this kinda carry on... anyone who has played their older games will notice that All their cars where knock-offs of real life.

either way, i see very little OT discussion so mods should lock it up till victor has another Epic procrastination post.

I do believe everyone is on topic? We are all talking.. Well, Most, Are talking about newer cars etc.. I believe that's related to the progess of the game? I don't see another thread to dump these ideas into.