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С днем рождения, Scawen!

Hope you're having a big cake with all the money LFS has probably brought you! =D
S2 licensed
Quote from rageshgr :.

Looks like someone is on the road for most helpful forum personality of the year. Keep it up
S2 licensed
Hey monzta, Can you stop posting pictures of cars I dream about in LFS? It makes me want them more.

Honestly, I don't think GTR should get to much attention, It's the Mini-GTR cars that need love ( XFR - UFR, Forget their class) Since most classes have a nice variation (XFG/FWD to XRG/RWD) (RB4/AWD FXO/FWD XRT/RWD) So you can basically drive what you want and it's cool, I'd love to see some of the BTCC Style cars come into the XFR - UFR class, At least some RWD or AWD, It'd be nice. Like, The BMW(E36) series (all RWD) Fords (Racing editions/Focus)

I'll keep dreaming though. Also, Are you using Vob mods, Or are you actually sculpting the cars? if so, Nice imagination, You should do some 3D model work.
S2 licensed
Nice bump silver! even learned something myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Their just a conspiracy theory and don't really exist, move along, nothing to see here .........

No idea, targeting range ?

Ask the Chinese and don't hold your breath waiting for a response is my suggestion.

You, Of all people saying it's a simple conspiracy theory? The russians aren't trying to kill you, The americans aren't secretly devising a war?

I gotta say Racer, I'm kinda disappointed.
S2 licensed
So let me get this straight, Extreme negative camber. Giant rims, Super low profile tires, = flush? Thats about as flush as a cheese grater.
S2 licensed
That looks awesome, I'm gonna try it when I'm bored tonight, Thanks!
S2 licensed
Quote from MattsterGT :Hey, I'm submitting some of my accumulative ideas for little perky improvements in game to add some realism.

-Coverable windows
-Mirror Angle
-MP3/WAV Player (rather than unconventional .ogg)

-Window painting.

Yeah window painting would be really cool for some of the CR / CoRe Skins, As those skins are always pretty neatly done, If i could add onto this, I'd say I'd like to visually *see* the window, Instead of it being invisible to you.

Quote from MattsterGT :-Mirror Angle (From 18WOS pttm)
I also had an idea from 18wos PTTM which was to be able to vary the angle of your wingmirrors maybe using a control hat on a joystick or wheel (but re-programmable obviously)

Wow, I found someone else who plays 18WoS, Thumbs up.
I'd really want to be able to see my car in my mirrors before I get the mirror adjustment angle, Sure, It'd be cool, But you can barely see the mirrors in GTR class anyway, (I don't think GTR cars allow power side mirrors, I think they would be adjusted by hand..) But in XRTs/ TBo it'd be really nice, Maybe something like Iracing, Where the rear view mirror/side mirror was actually another viewpoint, just angled to look back. I forget exactly what it was all about, But it was pretty CPU heavy when it started emitting exact copys, So don't expect the devs to add anything CPU intensive.

Quote from MattsterGT :-MP3/WAV cd player
I think I've hinted at this a few times in that LFS itself has no actual normal music player to speak off (apart from the slightly naff .ogg one) so I propose to scrap that and implement a .mp3/.wav player as it would be much more convenient for the younger generation who have grown up with .mp3 rather than .ogg which is pretty much unheard of. It would be quite cool if we could have (like in TDU1) 5 or so stations within which we could put different bands, styles or albums into with the ability to skip, and maybe one for online radio where we can write in the radio link copied from the site and it plays it for us?

Yeah I don't think I'd like this one to much, Especially due to the fact if you don't have the button on your wheel, you're going to take your attention off the road/car, Which is OK. I can type and drive decently, I just don't know about the other people/mouse drivers, It'd be kinda sucky since if they try to talk it automatically sets their wheel to the center, They should probably fix that. / A solution would be to run winamp, Most keyboards these days have media hotkeys which you can use to control stuff.
S2 licensed
Quote from rageshgr :Today in cargame, 2-3 of us tried restricted LX6, then we tried 50%/190/200 kg XFG/XRG for fun. Then all of them joined in and it was great. Then we raced with RB4+50%+200 kg. The RB4(1?)s produced 102 BHP. It was great! coz the UFB's stated bump drafting us. Attached is the RB4 replay. Of course the race had a couple of standard LX4s so thankfully race did not go on forever.

Did you get the one with the XRG 50% 200KG replay? if not, I can post it, That was hilarious.

(Cargame at late night... =D)
S2 licensed
Quote from monzta :Think opposite of the FZ50 GTR that is butt-heavy and has massive understeer.

I want to know how people make setups with understeer, Every set I make has the rear end of cars on ICE and the front end on glue, I can make the RB4 do 4 wheel skids around T3 of Oval
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
You know, With the simple bump he did, I don't know whats worse, Him bumping a thread with a question asked on almost every page, Or the forum members trolling him for absolutely no reason.

Get on the track, Say something constructive or just be quiet..
S2 licensed
Sony 2.0, begin countdown sequence.

This sucks.
S2 licensed
Sad to see TRR go, Good wishes on the new team, Rockclan.

(you'll always be remembered TRR rocky.. ^_^)
S2 licensed
I'll give it maybe a day or two.. If nothing else, I suppose i will have to reinstall.

Edit/problemfix: I figured it out, I moved every car sound out of my LFS folder (Started it and let it error out) Then moved all the defaults in, Started it and loaded a replay. Then moved all my custom sounds back in. Fixed it. Thank you for trying. Eddy.
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
It's not exactly that.. Let me show you some pictures of it..

It's not just as easy as loading FXO sounds...

I also duplicated the result on the FXR with the XFR.
Cars using different car's sounds
S2 licensed
Hello people, I don't know if this is program related or car related, But I decided car related after some time.

My FXO currently sounds like a rocket ship, And here is why, When i was changing sounds, Since I had installed a sound pack (I was on cargame at the time) I was flipping through cars and installing sounds, It was fine until I flipped to the FXR, I clicked load on a sound that I liked, And accidentally hit tab, I decided it wasn't a big deal and hit save, Tab had actually put me on a FXO, And now my FXO can load any FXR sounds, And now it sounds like a space shuttle, Can anyone tell me how to get my FXO sounds back? (and not use my FXR sounds..)

I wouldn't recommend you try and replicate it.. it's very annoying.
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :I've been ill for 2 days. Not fun.

It's all that spam you have to put up with. Welcome to Administration xD
S2 licensed
I installed Lynce's FZ50/R modifications.

S2 licensed
Quote from TrackCarFan :Hello,

I am enjoying LFS quite a bit now but I have discovered a worrying problem. When I have done approx 5 laps around a medium length track the clutch goes...dead...out of nowwhere. The revs shoot up, but my car gains no speed. I can go back to the pits then exit straight away again, but if I am in a race I'll lose my position. I am using a sequential gearbox with the clutch on auto. Not really sure what to do on this one, maybe the clutch is cutting out after a certain amount of the fuel has been depleted?? Just so you know I do mostly GT racing and have got the GulfMclaren Livery, it's great

kind regards,


If you are using the UFR FZR, (Both GT class) You will need to lift when shifting (about 75% to 50% throttle) to shift into the next gear (Blipping on downshifts help too.)

Check in the garage, If it's anything but a Sequential Dogbox/Gearbox w/ ignition cut then you will need to lift when shifting (at least that's what I remember.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Masterboy19660815 :We´re happy to say 'Welcome' to our first American Member.



And i didn't know 6th had so many people, that;s cool. :P
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :did NSA took part in it's development?

What was the point of you mentioning it anyway?

Of course, Think of the Nyan cats you could render in DX12, Obviously, It'd cause world terror and catastrophe when Time square became Nyan square.
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :If by "let us pass" you mean "move the **** over" then no.

And that's exactly what he means, pringles, Much appreciated, Guy was causing riff raf all over Cargame today..
S2 licensed
Quote from gandlers :you just said you had a lightening strike!
i'd say 1.21 jiggawatts though you computer has corrupted some data.

I'd run checkdisk or scandisk (cant remember what its called these days) as soon as possible to ensure the windows install isnt full of corrupt files

CMD > /chkdsk

Thank you, I'll be here all week.

(oldie =P)

To be honest, If you had a surge protector, Do some registry scans, A chkdsk for fried sectors, And or, Open case and check powersupply/units connected.

It does sound like a hard drive issue though, Attempt a system restore and or pray you have SATA. (Not a techkie so sorry.)
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
I say don't try and make it longer, Please just perfect it, At least make it so two FXRS could duel side by side (Comfortably, Maybe 1 human torso length apart) As that will the perfect amount of space.

You've got perfection already, Don't over do it. (It is a really, really challenging track.)
S2 licensed
I don't like the the double backed hairpin, You can't race through that section very well, And the last one where the grass is like.. RIGHT there.. Could you make that wider?