Well, The US has been saying that for ten years and counting, I think it's safe to say we all hate the ****s in the middle east, Not the innocent people that happened to be born there.
Since.. I have no clue what happened, Can anyone tell me what happened? Did he go on the wrong side of the road or something?
I don't know about you guys.. But if you leave for work late enough to where a bicyclist, Pedestrian, etc, Is really going to harm you.. You probably should have left earlier.
I always leave about 2 hours early for my trip, Gives me time to mess about on my phone while I'm eating (Not while driving of course. I leave early enough to have breakfast)
I would agree with you Dav, But you must think, I could drive a sirocco all day long at Nordschleife, However, Is it ever going to feel "right" in someones living room/dining room/basement?
There's only so much a computer can do, Yes, It can simulate movement (Wheel and motion platform) But it will never recreate the feel of the leather gripping you abit more at certain speeds, I think thats where most sim racing games should trade off the realism bit, You can only do realism so much, Look at iRacing for example, It's just getting it's "realistic" tire model out in august, Will it ever be realistic? Maybe... But it won't be the same as actually driving said car.
It's called lazy-eye, Made up around the "Drift" people, You can do it with any eye-Open headlight, Just flick your lights on/off fast.
It causes drag, It looks stupid, It is technically stupid, But drifters do it frequently.
(it also busts your lights more often as well.)
Edit: Here's a picture, This is only the "one version" Of lazy eye, As in, you can have both lights half open, One open, Or one barely opened and one fully opened to keep it street legal.
Don't worry about it, There are just some genuine ****s that don't appreciate anyone until they have definite proof that YOU HAVE NOT CRACKED TROLOLOLO. (Yet there is like 9 working pirate bay torrents that nobody wants to shutdown, hint hint.)
Your art is fabulous, Even if you have cracked. I'd love to see more, Could you try some in color? I'd love to have this as a desktop.
Sadly, I just got Iracing.. So... I don't feel I'll be around too much longer to test/feel the effects of a new test patch, Unless it magically releases tire physics!
My wheel seems to be fine, Are you sure you guys didn't change something before the patch? I'm quite sure it would in no way effect your wheel. O.o
Windows 7 64Bit here, G27, A3, No problems.
I have noticed my wheel alittle "Unresponsive" When going into curbs, But I doubt it's from my wheel, And more the fact I turned degrees of rotation up to 720.
I think someone had said that you need to remove deadzones. You guys might have accidentally clicked it, or the patch changed it.
Hope scawen comes out with a fix for you guys.
P.S. Scawen can you please ban all z25/z28 hosts from master server?
I would say in my FZR Experience it's much more easier to ram a vehicle with RWD than FWD because even if you **** up the front of a crown vic (IT doesn't happen, trust me) you can still throw power down where in a FWD you wouldn't (As effectively.), Try it yourself, P.I.T Manovuer and ram AI with a FXO and a XRT, I guarantee you the XRT will still be driving after a few good bashes where the FXO would be having heavily hindered steering.
I've rode in alot of fleet crown vics. (Even drove one, around a parking lot, almost crashed. ^^) They are very heavy cars, It's like a building on four springs, I suppose power can be put on the ground better in RWD.
I say this was a racing incident, At the start, The blue car shunts the yellow one (Sorry, forgot the names, just reinsert em as you go), Because the yellow one had locked his brakes, Looks like alittle aggression came out of his mistake, but it was both their fault in my opinion.
Why are you guys going so hard on him? I mean, There are some obvious WTFs, But i don't understand why you guys are almost bashing him, He makes a good point about tracks, He's a demo user, yes, Could he have cracked it, Of course he could. Is he missing out on more now that he has cracked it (if he has) Sure. But I don't understand out of all people, Tristian, Is all over him.
People can enjoy alot of sims for different reasons. I enjoy LFS in a realistic way as I enjoy Shift for it's graphics and night races, I enjoyed R-factor for the massive amount of content, Step off the soap box alittle guys, We can all have nice calm disscussions about a simple time waster (LFS to me, Is a game, This time wasted, Fun one though!)
Justasimfan, When S3 rolls around, And suddenly, massive amounts of Dx29 processing power and super ray tracing comes out, Can I forcefully remove your front row teeth?