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S2 licensed
Honestly, I wouldn't be to concerned for the development for LFS, It *looks* pretty dead, Even though there is stuff we cannot see happening, I'd say just toss it onto another disk drive and play it when you are bored, I find it's fun to race every now and then, But I think it's mostly the community's fault, For instance, If i make *one* mistake, in cargame, Anywhere, really, I can instantly get called a noob. (Possible in a racing simulator?) Idiot, Or various combinations of "retard" and "blue flag" And in several different languages.

And secondly, LFS doesn't do Pay to play.. So their isn't really enough funding to update as much as they like, Like Iracing for example, They can crank it out all they want, Dev team is huge, money coming from everywhere.

I'm still left clueless as to why LFS chose a 3 man team ONLY... Like.. Wtf?
S2 licensed
Say no to the passing of dumb tutorials for racing multliplayer.

A computer will never act as a human..

Humans react better to other humans.

(The AI is silly with passing anyway)

And it will teach new people how NOT to race. AI is great and it could be lovely to guide you around the track but AI is linear, And will ALWAYS stick to the racing line, There are times you cannot race on the racing line (blue flags, People driving GTR class that will barge you out of the way *Ahem, Cargame*) Or a regular side by side battle, The best way to learn how to drive is by completely obliterating a faster car and getting grilled by a admin and the driver.. AND embarrassing yourself. Best way to learn how to drive in LFS is to crash and shake off, And chalk it up as a learning experience.

I agree that tutorials should be made on Track awareness, Getting corners right (Not clipping the grass may disqualify you.) Like a Staged race, Ever corner is a stage, If you clip the grass, Dirt, Etc, It would be better for learning a track, It wouldn't be a "STOP, you failed" It would kinda be like mastering corners on SHIFT. (I know, Horrible example).

Just my 2 cents. :P
S2 licensed
Not meaning to hi-jack your thread, But battlegman has to have the cleanest looking skins I have ever seen.

Honestly, I'm jelly and I want some. :P

(May i ask how you did the digital camo?)
S2 licensed
I have lost all respect to you as a human, Not only as a human, But as a man, Even I, desire to make shit explode and love very angry sounding cars.

The fact that you suggest that not only this game, But the world, Drive cars that sound like a air conditioning on heroine, Is beyond me, How could you... Why would you?!?

I'd be impressed if the Sirocco ever gets here, none the less, a full blown hybrid..
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :If we get the Vw, rockingham and the new physics, i gona make a video of me dacing in underwear and post it here

troll in 3... 2... 1....

I will buy you a VW or any other crappy handling FWD, A ticket to rockingham. (And fly that car out to you, WITH the custom KONIG rims!)

But please, I call dibs! XD
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :God damnit, G.O.D damnit, trolls... trolls ****ing everywhere!
I ofc. never trolls trololoollolol

Cmon TVE, Let it out, We all know somewhere you don't talk about you enjoy the thought!
S2 licensed

But since we're on the topic of general WTF ness.. TVE.. Please don't drink.. You may imagine a offroad pack, A oval pack, And a rallypack. The speed at which you run to the computer might cause internal hemoraging. XD

How is the weather near moscow this time a year? I'm going to visit family there soon.
S2 licensed
I don't know if I'm to late for the party of abuse of drifters/cruisers/racers

I propose a small overpass like item, That starts off like a ramp but smoother, Allowing the track to pass over another piece of the track (For instance AU1 layouts would heavily benefit from this)

Maybe with lengths/widths/crest height customization?

Edit: TVE, IRacing has a rallypack coming. In about 7 years :-)
Last edited by TehPaws3D, .
S2 licensed
Whenever the new tire physics get here? Give it about.. Mmm.. Maybe a week after that or such. The date on the tire physics is probably Christmas 2011 or mid year 2012.

For cars being faster than it? It's probably going to be right with the XFG and stuff so maybe... about 15 cars?
S2 licensed
Do they happen to sell discounts for a sledgehammer, and the whole underbody of a car?

(So what.. it was 40 MPH in a street that was labeled 5 mph.. I learned my lesson... and took that damn speedbump WITH ME!)

Nobody was hurt but my dignity..
S2 licensed
Quote from Er.Kevin :What can i do more i want my s2 back i have account dats if the admins want

Sorry, I saw this and i just had to log onto say, The number one rule just about in every single place on the internet (social networking to online gaming) is to never share your account data with anyone, Even if they appear to be administration.

I'm pretty sure victor and the gang already know your account data, and just haven't looked into it, People like Sam.H and other forum moderators won't be able to do anything with your password than shrug and edit your post.

Just my two cents, Off to go bite my nails for dead island again.
S2 licensed
I don't have nothing to add here, But I see flux pavilion on that list!!

(When did you go to trr o.O)
S2 licensed
Really Dav?

Also... Vista... 512 mb..... Someone missed the vista needs about 1gb by itself memo.

I think for kicks I'm gonna try and run solitaire with 128 mb of ram on vista.. if it starts..
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I don't really care if North Korea nukes South Korea or if China invades Taiwan or if everyone in the Middle East and Africa kills each other until there's no one left it's not our problem. Considering everyone hates America they would appreciate not receiving any foreign aid or IMF payments or NATO participation or even UN participation for that matter.

I'm pretty sure alot of people would care if America said "**** everyone I'm going home"

And just a heads up, I don't hate America. I'm pretty sure nobody does, It's the arrogant people inside it that seem to fudge everything up.
S2 licensed
Well, First, Run a virus scan on it, Secondly, Remove the setup, And third, Boot up in savemode, run a good (reliable) Virus scanner, And you should be set, If problems persist. You should probably just run ComboFix (if you're skilled)
S2 licensed
I think what N I K I is trying to say is, there is a certain point of "slip" that shouldn't be countersteered, And when you come out of a corner, There is a point where the car is ready for the next "Command" And after the weight transfers settle, You can get on the gas.

That's what i do. anyway.
S2 licensed
That picture would have been AWESOME if it was a hammerhead shark.

I would have totally been like

Stop, Hammah time.

Couldn't resist.
S2 licensed
Quote from runeman :If a woman wants to act like a man, she deserves to be treated as one.


And tried as one.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :C: Good news is, their probably living off your money anyway so what's the damage, forclose on a few more US homes and it's all paid for.

I did not know you could find a conspiracy in a car crash...

Bravo, Racer, Bravo..
A Million Dollar Accident.
S2 licensed ... dollar-fender-bender.html

I have been laughing all day. Blondes.

S2 licensed
Yeah, I was calculating the rated GHZ, the standard is about 4.28 GHZ
S2 licensed
Same results as him if it matters, I did it just to test, And LFS used 97% of my CPU and CTD'd on a cruise layout.

Intel I5 Quad core @ 7.00 GHZ
Nvidia GeForce 460 SE

Just so you know, I had smartclosed everything, So it was just LFS.

Running LFS with more processes (A full day's load is about 120) And another game running in the background... It runs great.
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :i noticed that this is a laptop, is the power management profile set to performance?

Sorry to hijack the thread ere, But how long do good laptop batteries last? I kind of want one, But i don't want it if i can only maybe get 4 hours max. :/

I'm pretty sure the seeking may be related to you having so little ram when the computer tries to do anything else, It's running LFS or the other apps from the hard drive.

Honestly, That computer would be vexed running Tetris. Please, Upgrade, For the children.
S2 licensed
That's the tristan i know, Fearless and calling people incompetent right out the gate.

S2 licensed
I demand tutorials.

Awesome video. I might JUST have to make a video with dubstep or electronic music now to beat you! *angry face grr*