You might have lowered the downforce to much, If your spinning out at race pace then it's something you are doing wrong.. To much throttle to quickly.. or you are not correctly in the "Zone" Also remember that if you are chasing another car 9/10 You are driving more aggressively.
Another note, If the car is spinning out after the apex, From what i remember if you soften the suspension and put a little more PSI in the tires it would balance out, You also need to blip the throttle coming out as that corner is banked slightly.. But yes a replay would help nicely
I think weather was said before, Honestly, If i was racing at about 6:00 PM at Kyoto national in field of GT1's GT2's and GT3's, And it was foggy, Then all of a sudden about the thirteenth lap it started raining. And we all had to equip rain tires, I wouldn't care of the car models where 1,000,000 or 5 polygons, And your idea has been defeated justasimfan; I think you need to let it rest, It's a 60/20/20% vote 20% wants the details you want, User made car mods.. etc.. 20% are split vote. And 60% will be patient and wait, I'm with the 60% There. Get S2, And go on S2, I'm telling you, I just unlocked the FZ50 and I never once cared about the polygons, You are more worried about lag in my opinion..
I'm still wanting my cookie from page 100... Oh wait i was off topic..? Uhm.. Well there is not a off topic forum! Not as cool as General LFS Discussion... That just rolls off my tongue a lot cooler =P
But seriously people where is your patience.. It will come, But nobody said you might have white hairs before it gets here.. But nevertheless, I have high hopes.. (For a year.. or so.. like the rest of the community?)
Logitech products are like ATI graphics cards, They do what they say, They do it well, But on the length it lasts it's never long, I have bought 5, 5 Logitech headsets and it shorts in one ear every 6 / 12 months, It's bullshit.
I can't complain, I don't have it, But try memory foam.. That should make it less flappy.. or some rubber insoles.. Put them under it? Or ballast.
First.. What? I don't promote honor killings or flying planes into buildings or killing troops, Never said i did, Any jackass with C4 and a cause can blow shit to bits and say he was doing it for the Muslim religion. I could detonate a small school of innocent kids, I did it because god was telling me I needed to cleanse the earth of filth.. Get my point?
And second.. No.. I don't want anyone tortured, But burning someones religion is just about as bad as starting a war with them, If he would have lit that book, We would have been in war with them, Therefore he shouldn't have burned it, If they burned our bibles and we tried to be all nice and just want to build a decent (This isn't a drug house, Or abortion ring) This is a place of prayer, You don't see any thugs hanging around them, And they would be praying for most likely everyone that was lost.
It's not about how many bibles were burned in the world trade center, I'd probably be around 5 If you counted, And you took my point wrong, He wants to burn a book of their religion, SURE, It's paper in a neatly made book, But to most people it means more than that, And i'm not biased to Muslims, Like i said, I'm a atheist, I don't give a shit what happens, It's just wrong for our country (Which is suppose to be looked at as friendly? I guess? :shrug to turn down people when they didn't do shit, It's not like they chanted the building down with their sayings. I'm open-ended, I can see things from two sides, And I was never talking about terrorist sympathizers, If you have your reasons, And they seem "Within reasons" Then by all means do it, Like TAA said, The bad things win, But you can give them the bird all you want.
Qur'an Saying Koran is like calling the bible Beiber
And next, If the America doesn't pull their head out of their ass and stops acting like other religions are second nature and everyone else except goodie old America they are gonna get shown either by force or they will piss off a group of people enough to start taking more of our buildings down, Aren't we already fighting a war because we wanted more than what we had? The times I wish I had a shotgun, That bastard deserves to get tortured for burning someones beliefs.
America.... It sickens me.. (No offense to anyone who is in LOVE with the country)
Edit: I'm pretty sure if we died in a bombing for lets say, A Japanese building, And we tried to build a church, Where it went down, Japanese people would most likely be cool with it. War can start with a misunderstanding, I've got a few Muslim friends (I'm a atheist, Before anyone jumps me.) And I fully support it, It's very very racist for America to turn it away, If they used it to build bombs or some crazy shit, Sure, Deny them, But these are just some people (Who will use New York resources; Make them money) Who want to pray, Whats so bad about building a place there, Almost Everyone can look down at America, Well, The people that want it there / other Countrys
Best of luck my friend! I hope you can fix things in your life relatively easy.. Life sucks for everyone at some points. But I'm sure you will do fine. And if not.. You can probably draw what fine looks like and imagine it..
It's a RAINBOW Of Emotion Anyway.. I don't know, I thought once he was talking about demo cars and that demo needed more cars.. Then I was like.. Maybe he's talking about s2 when he doesn't have it..
I don't get the discussion, So I'm just going to leave it alone and never come back, Honestly, I'm feeling a in before the lock thread..
Bloodninja: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl 8 Penis of the Infinite.
It's great to know what AMB does in his free time, Kids, Say no to world of war craft, Strangely conveniently parked Volkswagen vans, Internet, Outside, Life.. And.. Commercial over.
I seriously believe with FIVE copies of S2.. That's what he does in his spare time. XD
Okay, First, Learn how to spell my name TehPaws3D How in hell did you get Tech?
Second, If it's so easy, To create these car models, Where is your proof? I"m getting slightly pissed off with you, It's not like you can slap a car Which remind you was RENDERED. Into a game, And put tires on it and say "Off yeh go!?" No, It doesn't work that way, You have to make sure it works WITH THE PHYSICSAnd then you have to make all the setup options, And make sure it handles to "Sim" reality.
Third, The cars in game do not run off DDS, They run off VOB. Having two files would be most likely carnage in the files / engine of LFS.
Forth, You are a DEMO, User, Meaning you don't know what 80% of the cars are and 93% of the tracks! If you want to support the devs and then maybe, Just maybe. They would put your super terrific high car models in the game. And my computer, Nvidia 8400 GS with 2.20 GHZ could manage 1,000,000 polygons moving at 50 MPH in a full field, You're talking about, Wait for it. 32,000,000 + Track Polygons! That's over 20 million! That's out of your mind! Plus the physics calculations!
That's not saying all computers can't do this, But i'm not one for spending 1000 - 2000$ just to play LFS, Hell no.
It's not like you can just drag and drop some rendered masterpiece into a game, You have to down size it a little as we are running with DX8. We might even upgrade to DX10 or DX9 on the patch, But that's a long shot, Those high detailed cars are probably cars that have taken days or hours to render, And you can't put that car in the game. It'd look so out of place it's not even funny, Plus you have to have it low quality too so the lower end computers have some what of a chance. You have to make sure it's not glitching, Alot of stuff.
It's not about the quality it's about the quantity, Sure, You have some guys that could make super high detailed cars for LFS, Which is awesome, But how do they know what power the engine is, How do they know how to "Make it fair" So you don't have one car used because it's got so many advantages. Then you have the problem if it's freetime creators then you could have hundreds or thousands of useless car models that one a selected few use. Then you have the hundreds of skins and setups that could accompany it, And we aren't talking about replacing a FZR with a Porsche, Cause we already have illegal VOB. mods. We're talking about a physical NEW car.
True, We could have 150 for all we care, But it causes to much clutter for three people to work on, You'll have glitches that are seldom ever fixed, Graphic glitches, All sorts, If you get much more cars and tracks, Then you basically are turning LFS a standby mode. Until they get more people working with them, Or more people Helping, Or raise the price, Make LFS 50$ for S2 and 25$ for S1, That could atleast put 5 people working on it.
Yes but that's all you know, They could have a few new cars waiting that aren't even named, Or have anything to preview, And even if it's just ONE car, I answered it above, It's most likely not going to be glitchy at all, Allowing them to nicely move on to other cars/tracks, And what do you expect three people to do.. They have lives too..
Yeah, But what's the problem with the ones we have, Sure, It's not alot, But it will improve.
I for one don't want newer models, It's going to cause me to have to download more.. And then you have the millions of possible models.. So i -1 this idea, They are going fine.