No silly, I slid down them, However I think that was seriously glitched ( It lagged like hell when it was bouncing ) I just typed what I visually saw, Loosing diamond for that is worth it!
I'm not trying to be a ass here, But his point was why are you a demo racer if you want new content, Now you may have played at a friends/family's/pet frog's house or even cracked the game. --I don't really care, But the demo discrimination really really sucks.
To the guy that posted; It's a complete waste of time ( And other people that responded to it ) 's Time, Now you might be saying " Wow lfs is 5 years out and omg the graphics are SO OUTDATED " Whatever boat you are trying to row here you need to stop that. The only place you are going to find news about LFS is the rarely helpful tire physic thread and or on
I joined S2 about 3 - 5 months ( I don't even remember ) And being honest it's quite boring, Sometimes it's great. But that doesn't mean you prance around the forum and start threads about S3 this S3 that, Ranting/Flaming doesn't do anything but hurt Scawen morale, The man made this simulator as a test ( As I am pretty sure ) Thus it develops on his time, And his 2 friends / Partners, I don't understand what people get out of going around this forum constantly talking about S3... Moreso.. What in the world is this thread doing in technical assistance? This has nothing to do with anything electronic but the payment system, Even then it's not in the right place.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting a flame under your ass, It's general everyone that pulls this stuff. Just wait patiently like the rest of us.
I built a minecart straight to hell, I built a huge jump over a lava pit but I f-ed up and few into the cliff, The cart was bouncing around like rubber and I fell into my mining hole. How I busted through wood and glass is still making me scratch my head, But it was the most perfect fall into unexpected lava you could ever do.
-- Upon study, I busted through the skylight, killed a chicken, Blasted through 20 pieces of ladder and then hit the lava, WHAT A RIDE! >
That's just like saying your a S2 cracker, A vob modder, And stole money from Scawens pocket all at once, You might be wondering.. WTF does Scawen have to do in any of this, And I say, Type "Physics".
Anyway, This is what I looked like on the kandy night, I do believe i've changed alot, I couldn't take scaring anybody, Maybe I've grown nicer, But it's much better to give than receive. Had 9 things full of candy.
Never build deep underground, I flooded my front door in lava and i literally had to watch myself die from my own creation, I lost my newly crafted diamond pick axe, And since the whole place is flooded, Lost all my redstone and gold and I have to start over as I had everything underground, farm, animals, etc.
The only thing I was saying after that was DAMNIT.
Hello cnwr, Have Be sure to take a look in your options and make sure your wheel turn degree is set to 900 and also be sure to check your Wheel turn Compensation
Reinstall LFS? I think that's alittle overkill, Couldn't you just restart your computer? It also sounds like you need to update display drivers - Switch monitors.
I'm not trying to derail this, I'm sure you will get a length answer by someone but, I don't think you need to completely reinstall LFS.
That game has the worst physics engine, Halfly the worst gameplay, and in general the graphics are worst than LFS's cars when they are out of your render limit ( When the cars online turn into lego blocks. ) And the worst online gameplay, It got a 2/10 even for it's time.
I just got into this minecraft stuff, Addictive! You'd think something so... dumb.. would in turn be so genius, However, A quick look of how may people are pirating probably is 2/4s of his fanbase.
I count 5298 seeders together as we speak from just one site, Plus other sites and it almost goes to 10,000.
Why did you even try and attempt to type that, I was totally confused for like 5 minutes, damn you for making my brain work so late at night.
And how this gets approved for TV? Well, Maybe they all got drunk at a pub and where like "Yo, Lets do this" I mean, If you had a company and all you could do was make money, I'd most likely make stupid shit to. ( Hell no, but I'm just saying what their point of view is)