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% End Results
LpvMap.Costs(Coord.x, Coord.y, Coord.z, Coord.g) = tmp.CostOptimum(1); % [-] lowest costs
LpvMap.CostsIce(Coord.x, Coord.y, Coord.z, Coord.g) = tmp.CostIce;
LpvMap.TqIce(Coord.x, Coord.y, Coord.z, Coord.g) = tmp.CostOptimum(2); % [Nm] optimum ice torque
LpvMap.TqIceOrg(Coord.x, Coord.y, Coord.z, Coord.g) = tmp.TqIce; % [Nm] original ice torque
LpvMap.RpmIce(Coord.x, Coord.y, Coord.z, Coord.g) = run.SpeedIce; % [1/min] ice speed
LpvMap.Gear(Coord.x, Coord.y, Coord.z, Coord.g) = run.Gear; % [1/min] ice speed

S3 licensed
So many thanks to Jason and Wife for the space, food and whole event
Also many thanks to Bruce and his tiny hamster for being my designated driver / car.

Karting was a lot closer than last year, but the karts were still very "british" and kept breaking down (I went through 3 different karts, with 5 stops during my last 30 mins stint). But all in all the fun fighting for the pass made up for it.

The rest was just as excellent as last year, looking forward to the next meeting

I'd love to post some of the pictures I did, but they look rather pathetic for which I blame my smartphone
S3 licensed
Open your eyes
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I do hope it's something I can have sex with...

Joke aside, I am really looking forward to this now! Will start the driving today My route is following:

As you are passing through france, remember that you are required to have a alohol test in your car. ... tests-mandatory-every-car
S3 licensed
Quote from kappa007 :is VICTOR comeing?


Also keep in mind that the Saturday also marks the 10th LFS anniversary.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Why Maldonado is a **** ... re=player_detailpage#t=9s

I think Maldonado is often using "even" instead of "also", so I wouldn't really blame him for his english skills.

Todays penalty was harsh and questionable, but I think the stewards are more strict with him due to his previous incidents, so he has to be more careful.

Anyway, not really an entertaining race, more something for the fans of chess
S3 licensed
hmm, gonna be a close one this weekend
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I am going to drink my guts out on it when travveling to UK through Europe next month

Making empty promises again?
S3 licensed
At least I had Ferrari for the engine, rest is/was "meh"
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Quoting someone I know, on RBR's front wing flexing:

Didn't give his source, sounds interesting and within the plausibility of the brain of Adrian Newey

I don't see how a nose change should work then, as you'd be opening the oil system. Or did I misread that?
S3 licensed
It's easy indeed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
ditched kob for msc, so far so good
S3 licensed
And if you need one more reason to come, the 18.08.2012 also marks the 10th birthday* for a little game calld "live for speed" ( ... mp;f=1&t=958&st=0)

*at least the closest date anyway
Last edited by three_jump, .
S3 licensed
Put me on the confirmed list please
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :You say the game was shit just because it had no goals? It had everything other than goals apart from a red card or a penalty decision.

The game was so exciting that I fell asleep aprox. 5 mins into the 2nd half.
S3 licensed
I don't get why they didn't pull out in 2007 then... *spygate cough*
Imho it's just a press release to put some (more) pressure on Bernie since Mercedes is the only team which has not signed the new concorde agreement yet.
S3 licensed
I haven't looked at the price difference, but I think the 5400 drivers should be cheaper.

Anyway, I guess it depends on what you want to do with the drive, if it's just for storing music / videos etc. than a slower drive is just fine. If you need performance you should get a faster one. Btw, don't most consumer notebooks come with a 5400 rpm drive? (At least mine did)
S3 licensed
It would have been too much if England had a decent goal keeper and won a penalty shooting at the same time
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Now there is the 33,2million question. Will maldonado win or will he wreck it?

So far so good
S3 licensed
Mine in crappy quality
S3 licensed
knows the rules of the game
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :For that I actually offered to pay those damaged caused by the idiot me, but Jason did not want my money so. This was in 2010, in the 2011 meeting I was doing my best to not do anything really retarded - but then people called me lame for not beeing shit-ass drunk.. man you people are hard to satisfy
I'll go full retard this year, without breaking anything

We called you lame because you were the first one to go to bed... @10pm