just exchange "plyrs=5" with whatever finishing position you had -1, so in this example it is ixion who was 6th, if your team would've been 10th it would be plyrs=9. It still reaches max execution on some teams, but most of them work.
Also you may want to tell Mr. Taskinen to shift down more carefully at ixion.
I do think it is only fair for supporters to get first pick, there will be a demo for everybody too just a little later. That aside netkar really is a steal, the hillclimb alone is worth the 15 euro you pay for digital download (7 euro for boxed version plus shipping)
Ye I just watched that, was furious when it happened but it was just an unlucky chain reaction nothing you could've done. Bummer on my end of course, had the perfect start until then.
Anyone feels like doing some hillclimbing? We're on the "lfs at nkp" server trying to get up trento bondone with the abarth evo (rwd fiat500 abarth with more power)
So far only people with nvidia graphics cards seem to report the problem, could be driver related but why would it freeze with AA enabled through LFS ingame options and not with AA enabled via nvidia driver options directly? It also wont freeze in windowed mode, it's just fullscreen that is affected.
I could understand a very short stutter related to harddisk access times, but my system plate is an SSD and if I start to force AA via nvidia driver instead of lfs it's completely gone, not even a flicker on the fps when I press printscreen. So it has to be something lfs does differently when AA is done via in game settings.
Tried this again on a clean lfs install. No matter the resolution and quality settings I always get some stutter when printscreen is pressed with enabled anti aliasing via the LFS in game settings, most noticeable in higher resolutions there it will stutter about 1 or 2 seconds, if I go back to 640x480 the stuttering is down to about 0.5s.
*stutter meaning the picture is freezing completely and the sound starts to loop
As soon as I turn off anti aliasing or force it via the nvidia control panel instead the stutter is gone, no other quality settings seem to make a noticeable difference. I would guess there is a problem with LFS' implementation of anti aliasing via the ingame menu? Could somebody test this on other affected machines so we can confirm this?
You should probably go to the german lfs forum and ask flo or one of the other admins. I would imagine they know the internals better since 4players is just another reseller of s2 licences, there is not much the devs, or any other member of this forum can do about this.
Edit: Just to ask the obvious question, but why not buy it directly from lfs.net? They use a reasonable amount of payment methods so there should be something for everyone.
That is true indeed, just tested and I get about 1s of stuttering when I press print screen in fullscreen mode, as soon as I switch to windowed mode there is no stutter at all. I wouldn't consider my hardware weak either gtx260 and 3570k, that should be plenty to get this stutter free.
Maybe this should go into the program bugs section?
Run xbmc on it, and if you've got dvb-c/s/t use vdr as tvserver for example. And voila you've got yourself a low footprint mediacenter with pvr ability, that could serve the whole household with tv/media.
I'm not particularly fast in the fwd cars and it's the day after new years eve at 6 in the morning but I just felt like doing some laps.
Never mind the first few laps, took me a while to get used to the car/set, last 3 laps should be a reasonable benchmark to aim for. The default set got no camber and is generally outdated, so I would rather not try and go online with it but if you're just learning the car and track and got no real experience in simracing it's probably good to get yourself a set you feel comfortable with and just learn the track/brakepoints/lines until you are up to around 1 second of a good time. After that it may be worth checking out sets specially made for the track since they usually got a proper gearing and suspension to get the most out of a lap.
Sites/Places to get sets got linked already so I wont do that again, rule of thumb should always be "slow in fast out", don't overdrive the car be smooth with the throttle/steering input and everything else will come with more experience.
edit: great it looks like you can't save replays from the training lessons anymore, I thought that was possible at some point. Re-recorded the whole thing in single player with hardtrack setup (should be the same as the one in the testdrive)
I quite liked the raw onboard feeds some of the lemans teams offered via the net, throw in a dedicated pitlane feed, live telemetry, some textbased updates and you've got a fan.
I don't know what exactly happened on the server in the background, but usually they change track a few minutes after the race ended, so it could very well have crashed once the track changed, can't be sure though. Never happened again so far, had lfs alt-tabbed from full screen plenty of times, could've been a problem on my end too I guess.
Wouldn't lfs still access the disk while searching for it locally? I know demo users can't use skin downloads and get around that limitation by just putting the skins in their skins folder manually. So it could still be something with disk access? Not 100% sure of course, you only getting it on skins not available on lfsworld rules out dds loading when a new car joins I guess.