I posted this on the old forum yesterday but here it is on the new - so PLEASE HELP
OK guys, 1st. up I an NOT a techie nor do I undertand all this PC sfuff - but I do got a problem with frame fates and it's spoiling my fun. Here's my PC spec
P4 - 3 Gh with 1 gig of RAM
Card is Nivida GEFORCE FX5200
Frame rate goes down to about 13 /15 at the start or at any time when other racers are around me - best on lien is about 22 / 24
I run McAfee firewall and anti virus at all times, and seems to have a shed load of other things running in the background.
QUESTION - How do I get better frame rates (I can afford a new card at the moment if that is what it takes).
What "stuff in the background can I knock off?
If anyone wants to drop me an e mail please do so on the LFS World e mail system
I need help BIG time if I am to progress with fantastic game, and remember I am NOT up to speed with all the techie stuff - I will keep watching this space in the hope that someone can help and by the loks of the above posts there are many out there who can help - so thanks in advance