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Crashing problem. Won't start [found solution]
S2 licensed
For some reason or other, my copy of LFS refuses to run anymore. I ran LFS Spotter, but it didn't work. I also ran momo, and just looked at it (curiosity); and since then (last night), every time I try to run it,
it tries to open, and within 1-3 seconds, I get the windows error msg (ie send msg to MS abour this error). I get no error code. I reinstalled it right over the top, since I could find no way to uninstall it, either in folder,
in Start/Programs, or in Add/Remove Programs. Then after reinstalling, I tried to run it again, but had exactly the same result. Crash.

Can someone tell me how to fix it please? The game was working fine yesterday, but after running MOMO, it just failed. All I did was run it (it brought up the momo dos shell, and I typed in Help to see the list of commands it offers. Then I exited it. From then on, LFS crashes without getting even remotely like starting. Can you help please???


S2 licensed
I'm having a problem with this LFS Lapper. It said to download Momo for windows xp... which I did.. which I installed. I ran it, then I did as instructed. Started my server; joined it. Then tried to start LFS lapper within momo. But nothing works. The bat file to build it has an error. Everytime I try to run LFS Lapper it gves an error.

How do you get this program working? I've setup the config, n its fine.

S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Nope, you don't need to restart the server these days. Once upon a time you

Sam, I PM'd you, asking to have my server added to the WB. Could you reply please?

S2 licensed
I suggested bikes before. But as someone pointed out; it would require an entire new set of physics. I think that ends the dreams of bikes.

S2 licensed
Quote from huio0 :I think there wasn't any suggestions about the feeling of speed. It's not the biggest issue but I think it could be done a bit better - a better feeling of your speed. When I'm doing 100mph it just doesn't seems so. Different cars act differently at high speeds (not just in corners)...I don't know exactly how to explain but in rFactor and GTR I got much better feeling of my speed (not to mension RBR) and it gives me some extra adrenalin...

Thing is, in modern cars... the sense of speed is reduced alot. Not like the old days when everything shook when you got to 100mph lol.... I think the sense of speed in LFS is quite accurate. Probably in those other games, the sense of speed was vamped up a bit to make it more exciting.

S2 licensed
I'd like simply to just show only the cars/tracks that I'm using. But; I'd like the ability to copy a setup from a different car/track. Bit like GP4 did it. Was ok. It all gets saved to a folder, n you have a drop down choosing car/track... so you can pick one from any car track n only display those... that allows you to copy from another too. Simple, effective.

S2 licensed
No thankyou... I'd hate that... be so damned annoying. I think you'd get nearly everyone turning it off, n never talking to anyone. lol

S2 licensed
The point is: that the laps should not restart, because you go to the garage. And if you'd ever raced in real life, you'd know that. What I do with my car has no bearing on the amount of laps I've done in real life, and shouldn't in LFS.

It is a bug. Why you go to the garage is irrelevant. Whether its for setup, or you r car was wrecked, by you or someone else. Are you soooo arrogant to assume that the only reason someone would go to the garage is because they are a hopeless noob, and trying to find a way to go faster?

You can change your setup, fix the car do what you like. Either way, it shouldn't change the laps done. Its a bug.

And as far as I'm concerend, thats the end of my discussion with a twerp like you.!

S2 licensed
Where the hell do you get off assuming I'm a noob. WHat an arrogant lil twerp you are...
Last edited by Venus, .
Pit/Race Lap bug
S2 licensed

Could you please fix the bug, where it resets the number of laps you've done, after you visit the pits and change your settings? Currently, if you pit to change setup, the lap counter resets back to 1, even if you don't nearly all of the race. When your the only one there, a 12 lap can turn into 50 if your adjusting ur setup each few laps. I just did a 12 lap race, and it actually took 19 laps to complete it because of two setup changes. This would never occur in real life. It should keep the laps you've allready done, regardless if you change something on your car. Also, in a multiplayer race; if you are leading, you also lose the lead for this; and you shouldn't; unless the 2nd place guy has gone past before you get back out.

Bit more accuracy to real racing please.

S2 licensed
Ahh I see what you mean. I run only one server, so obviously havn't noticed that problem.

There is however something that needs addressing immediately. Mac has already added it, but I'd love to see it made a priotity. That is the ability to select all cars, but force all players to use the same car, and vote to change. On that, I'd also like to see a time or based cycle of tracks/cars introduced.

S2 licensed
That is not so at all. The problem is, LFS is so good at removing deadzones, for joystick users (and I assume control pad), it makes it difficult to get a dead zone right in the centre when you want to go straight. The car wanders all the time, which you are constantly correcting (slowing you down). As I said, it could be corrected with camber, but that also slows you down. What we want is a dead zone we can control. ie we want to add one, not remove it.

S2 licensed
Good point
S2 licensed
lol maybe so. However, I think you are taking it way too seriously. Its not real life. Its a simulation, and of course you know that. In real life, I can feel how the car moves; does that mean that has to be implemented? Of course not. Its a Simulation, and yes, I agree with your point on gearing. However; since I have complete control over it now down to an nth degree; I am certainly not willing to give it up; just because you say we shouldn't have it cause it doesn't fit into what you perceive it should be about. Its a race sim. Personally; we don't have enough setup options.

I want packers, asymetric suspension setup; the ability to control brake bias in car plus a heap of other things.

Truth is, in car; you can change camber, tyre pressure, wings etc; but in real life of course you could never do that. Do I want it taken out just because of that? No way. The more options the better it is.

S2 licensed
Not sure if this has been mentioned.

Be cool if you could program a script for host call out a safety car, and assign penalties to anyone improperly passing it who shouldn't. I'd like to map that to a key too. Same with penalties though you can do that already.

Not sure of some of the other things that could be done with it. Toggling lights to stay on would be nice, same with hand brake.

Alot is possible with LFS Lapper, but unfortunately I've not gotten that to work yet

S2 licensed
Actually; on the lights issue. I'd like to see that turned into a toggle on off, rather than a momentary button. I'd like to be able to turn them on when I'm pressuring someone. Same with handbrake. I'd like to be able to toggle that on and off, when I want to stop the car in one particular spot, and not have to hold brake on to keep it there.

S2 licensed
As much as I'd like to see some of that; I doubt it will happen. At least no more than a couple of kilometers; simply because the in time to make a long section of track, you could make two or more normal tracks. We all know how time constrained the developers are.

S2 licensed
Definitely need to be added. It would be so useful to be able to define a dead zone. Currently when I go down a straight; the car constantly wanders left and right. Yes I can add -ve camber, but I don't want to slow it down.

However Blue Bomber; as I'm also a joystick user. I have managed to find a setup that allows fairly fine control of wheel.

I have analogoue smoothing set to full. Steering lock is a must to adjust, or its just too hard to control. In the FOX I set it to 10 deg (there's no needfor more than that), the most I set it to, in the 16 deg in the XFG. As for controller movement (in setup for each car), I set that when I make the setup. For some cars like the MRT, its set to 90, cause it makes it easier to control with its short wheelbase. The FOX I set to 180. I did have it at 270 for awhile but its too much. For anyone with a JS, I wouldn't go over 180.

S2 licensed
One thing I'd like to see; is the ability to define a Deadzone on my controller. Joystick users would love this, and I'm one of them.

S2 licensed
definitely not something I want or care about. Who needs all those distractions. It just means someone talking to someone who should be focusing on racing, ends up hitting me. No thanks, its bad enough as it is.

S2 licensed
Come on, get real. Nurburgring? Thats like 14km around.

You really expect Scawen who whoever makes these great tracks to slave over it for 14km??? I think there are much higher prioty tracks. Not to mention he could do 3-4 tracks in the time it took to do Nurburgring. Great track though it is, but not very practical.

S2 licensed
Definitely want to see fully programmable keys. I hate having to use two keys to do a macro when I have so many bloody single press keys available. +1 on the default to put it back. lol

S2 licensed
Well this has turned into a full blown argument since last I popped in. lol

Firstly. I would hate for anyone to be suggesting that options be limited within LFS. I love all the setup options, and how fine they can be adjusted. It seems the problem you are having Cue-ball, is more a struggle with your own setup. Not a shot. I suggest then you read the basic/advanced section of the manual. Print it out like I did. It's all very simple to understand, and is really very interesting, not to mention practical. It not only explains what each option does, but how to use it.

As for the argument that street cars should be actually as factory delivered, and then just assume your too poor to modify it in any way; then I think thats really very lame, and missing the point of the Sim entirely. As mentioned already. It is assumed you've already modded it out. In real life, kids spend thousands of dollars modding their cars with god knows what junk.

As for creating an equalisation, well thats so simple to implement. It just needs an option for server to create a standard setup. I guess there are leagues out there that might like that, or people who can't setup a car. I think it'd be pretty boring myself. Truth is; its a racing sim. You are racing humans, and humans like to compete, and use any advantage they can (within the bounds of the sim), and setup is just one of those.

Sounds to me what you really want; is Need for Speed.

Last edited by Venus, .
S2 licensed
I'd like something to be added please.

The ability for the host to define a standard setup that all have to use. It would be a nice equaliser. It would also simply solve alot of those arguments going on in the

S2 licensed
One of the things I've noticed about this, is sometimes that info (the orange) isn't correct.I'd like it to be always accurate, whatever the colour. Mostly it is. What I'd like to see is:

Top 5-10 coloured differently to all the rest, so you can see when they are coming up n don't interfere with their race. Or I'd like it to have more meaninful colours. ie

Violet - Me ( I'm no threat to myself - usually lol)
Green - is someone I can challenge.
Red - is someone behind and slower.
Yellow - is someone behind competing with me.
Blue - is someone about to lap you - leaders. (ie blue flag)
Aliens - well they can be black.

That is alot more meaningful, and you instantly know whose who, and what your threats are. I don't know about you, but with the occasional times I've noticed the map giving erroneous info, I have tended not to trust it too much.

Talking about the map. I'd like to have an option to stop it rotating. Its distracting also mean in ur mind you've got to twist the map around to locate ppl which is also distracting. Let me choose how I want it oriented. Static or rotating.

Last edited by Venus, .