One thing I'd like to see, is Spring Frequency calculated. Currently it has Natural frequency, so it has all the data there to calculate frequence given in the formulas mentioned in that spring technical analysis pdf.
Another thing I'd like to see is Ride height adjustment too, and analysis. I'm sure you'll get to that eventually.
Another thing I'd like to see, is in clutch preload, an explanation of it, and if possible, an analysis of its effect on oversteer/understeer in the program.
Bob, you'd know detailed info on patch x. Is there anything in there that makes any changes to the physics aside from preload? I've found patch x handling to be quite different in the fox on aston club, and a few others have too. My previous set I'd do low 101's (WR is 100.2), but now with patch x, I can't get anywhere near my PB (101.09). Has something changed aside from preload?
Before, I had no problems taking the chicane with a low downforce set of 3/5 (front/rear). Now, it tends to slide out and skip alot. I loaded it into VDA but it says its fine (but obviously its not been fixed for X).