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S2 licensed
Actually Jaws its not just you. I am the same... my pb aston club is 101.09, and I can't get near it either since X. However some seem to be faster. I think the problem is preload/power/coast settings have added to some drivers styles, and taken away from others.

As for spankmeyer, I'd say u'd have to be ignorant to claim just because it works for your style, it should work for others.

S2 licensed
ahh lol never thought of that lol...
S2 licensed
Yes that makes sense....
S2 licensed
Well, in the SS cars, starts can be tricky, they can get out of shape very quickly. So, I wait for the light to change... all the time I'm making damn sure my wheel is neutral, n focus only on keeping it absolutely straight.

As for quick starts... well I have my own lil trick there, that I'm not about to tell u lol... I used to dead against this is patch x, but I've come to like it alot. Particularly that you can't predict when it will go green.

If you've got a brain in your head, on first corner, you'll be anticipating trouble, so brake to avoid so u can pick your way thru the mess, unless you are one of those idiots who think u can take an 85kph hairpin at 180kph.

S2 licensed
Seat belts? lol... sigh.. what next... I think the texture based seat belts are all thats needed. Jeez its not like the guy moves at all. <sigh - shakes head>

S2 licensed
I'd say they'd be much more rigorous in protecting their logo/name rather than design. Obviously is someone went n made a copy of any current Mercedes etc, and did it cheaper, they'd have a lawsuit on their hands. I think if the devs 'wanted to' they could conjour a contra deal with manufacturers to use their designs in return for the advertising and loyalty they would get from users. I would not be opposed to say a Merc banner being hung in a track wall or something, not if it added to the designers freedoms of expression. Then of course there are the more practical advertising companies could do on track. Web sites relating to motoring/racing. Contra deals are the most widely used type of deal done.


S2 licensed
I"m not sure that would work. Everyone has different driving styles, and by mixing them, you will probably end up with a set that doesn't work for anyone because its a mix of all styles. I'm sure it will work, but I highly doubt it will be fast.

S2 licensed
Don't really think its the preload itself. Cause preload only comes into effect in the short time between braking, turning in, and getting on the throttle. Its activing during that turn in phase. It's probably got something to do with preload effecting power/coast settings. So I think I'm going to have to tweak those some. Someone said somewhere, that if you just set preload to 0, it will be back the way it was, but I'm not too sure about that. Otherwise devs would've set it to 0 so it had a neutral effect. Besides, increasing/decreasing it, effects oversteer/understeer during that turn in phase.

S2 licensed
but it will differ from that by the time you buy it because the currency exchange rate is constantly changing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Other people are mentioning this but I've yet to notice it myself. There are no other changes in patch X, to my knowledge.

It may just be aston club/fox problem. Ppl using both I've spoken to, have said they can't get near their pb's. Others say it feels better. lol Damned if I know, all I know is I can't take the chicane the same lol

Quote :By ride height, are you refering to ground clearance?

I mean the same Ride Height as mentioned in setup in LFS.

Quote :I'm not sure what you mean regarding frequencies, I can't see anything relating natural frequency to ride frequency. I know dampers reduce the actual frequency (from natural) but can't find anythig to calculate that, after a quick scan through the document.

Oh? I was referring to his formula to calculate frequency. I assumed this is different to natural frequency because natural frequency was a factor on the right side of the equation. (f frequency was being solved by it). However, I may have misinterpretted the math.

S2 licensed
Besides, who said anything about LFS being around forever? I highly doubt it will. Things change, people change.. computers always change... eventually, they will move to other things. That is as inevitable as the sun rising tomorrow.

S2 licensed
personally, as a racer, I would prefer the option at least to have the old reset. I like realism, and if I trash my car, then I should have to try to make my way to the pits, or be towed. I think servers should have the ability to disable teleport to pits during a race. There are ample tweaks you can do without going into the garage. The other alternative, is you have to physically drive into the garage for it to activate, rather than teleport to it.

Aston Club -FOX Patch X
S2 licensed
Has anyone else noticed the chicane on AS2 now seems alot more slippery? Particularly the grass on the exit apex. Ever since patch x, I can't get near my PB's, and its not just me. Even with the same setup, the car just seems to slide out alot.

S2 licensed
Something else I'd love to see...

In big MP races, the results obscure too much of the screen. Really, all I need to know is, the gap to the leader, the gap to the guy in front, and the guy beind. All the others are superfluous. At the end they should all be displayed. That way, I can see my apex's without it being obscurred by the damn results. Can you please set it so I have either the option to view only what I want, or, change it so I view only leader gap, front/behind time games.

S2 licensed

One thing I'd like to see, is Spring Frequency calculated. Currently it has Natural frequency, so it has all the data there to calculate frequence given in the formulas mentioned in that spring technical analysis pdf.

Another thing I'd like to see is Ride height adjustment too, and analysis. I'm sure you'll get to that eventually.

Another thing I'd like to see, is in clutch preload, an explanation of it, and if possible, an analysis of its effect on oversteer/understeer in the program.

Bob, you'd know detailed info on patch x. Is there anything in there that makes any changes to the physics aside from preload? I've found patch x handling to be quite different in the fox on aston club, and a few others have too. My previous set I'd do low 101's (WR is 100.2), but now with patch x, I can't get anywhere near my PB (101.09). Has something changed aside from preload?

Before, I had no problems taking the chicane with a low downforce set of 3/5 (front/rear). Now, it tends to slide out and skip alot. I loaded it into VDA but it says its fine (but obviously its not been fixed for X).

S2 licensed
Very nice, but I'd like low beam on too, so it spreads out in front picking up curbs... the beam is great... but need low beam too..

S2 licensed
Quote from gizzy890 : nothing better to do other than AVE'IN a go at SUM 1 try 'N 2 elp koshi venus is a very good racer that could offer you some good advice

Why thankyou Gizzy, though I wouldn't say very good. lol..

S2 licensed
Yes I have a very good grasp of the english language Moose; including proper use of punctuation, and all grammar. In fact, I'm sure its a great deal better than yours (not being critical); I spent many years doing very annoying, but useful elecution lessons. lol... hated it.

As to my message to Koshi; I was in a hurry, and had to type quickly, so I used short hand. I hope that satisfies your palatte.
S2 licensed
Pressure is a part of racing. However, if you do find yourself feeling anxious (and we all do, especially if on pole of a big race), the take a few deep breaths... slow in n out... you'll find you relax very quickly...

Nerves are a part of it, a problem comes when it becomes important to you not to make a mistake... we all make them, its how we learn. Best thing to do, is just shrug them off, work out what you did wrong (often it started on the previous bend if chicane), and get over it.

As everyone has allready said, its a game... treat it as such... its obvious, but its important when in events, or on a big grid. Just focus on hitting all your marks, and you'll be fine.

S2 licensed
I told you koshi... catch up to me, n i'll fix ur problems... I think u joined xcites server today not sure... other than that, pm me, n i'll send u my email, n u can tell me when ur going to be on... so i can help u... I can't do nything if u don't get onto me lol...

S2 licensed
I think Birders idea is brilliant idea... I'd implement that on my server if it was available.

The problem is most ppl don't see the offence, and most ppl vote based on the number of ppl that have voted.. not on behaviour... if a bunch of ppl vote... others will to just cause of group psychology.

I think kick/ban=yes/no should be separated, so host can allow kicking, but not banning... or as Birder mentioned, controlled banning. Too many ppl are banned just for mistakes, and thats wrong. Particularly if the track/car isn't used much such as AS2/fox.. there's usually only 2-3 servers that have that that have ppl in it. Most are empty... It does need to be fairer... The other option to counter group psychology in voting, is to allow a No vote, so some sanity can prevail.

No matter what you do, it will be abused, but even so, it should still be fair.

S2 licensed
Best and easiest way to do it, for your router is very simply, go here, select your router, select the program/game you want to have port forwarded too, n follow wot the site tells u. Go here.
S2 licensed
I had same problem but its fixable... plug ur cable back into ur wheel again, and or restart lfs/reboot. Also make sure FFB is set to Yes. You will have no FFB until the car starts moving. Last thing to check is with < & > to make sure ur force is not set to 0.

If that doesn't fix it, I don't know wot will.

S2 licensed
Thanks... its ok... it was the preload... the default new preload set on my setup was slightly out.. its fine now, in fact its even better.
