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S2 licensed
Do you have a router that handles your internet? If so; you'll need to setup port forwarding within the modem. This site will help:

Simply pick your router from the list, then pick the game from the next list, then just follow the instructions. I'd say more than likely, thats your problem. Unless of course your not connected to the net. lol

If you have a modem connection, rather than a router; then check your windows firewall is off (security manager within control panel in XP).

Hope that helps

S2 licensed
Something else should be added.

If you could add to the list, a command for talk that allows us to bind commands or text to a key, it'd be great. Something like:

/bind a "whatever text you want" and /bind b /mustpit 1 or /bind c /run xxx

It would be a simple thing to add, and would allow us to map out our entire keyboard, rather than the limited binds there are now. Be simple, just add a simple command for the commands.txt file (and of course LFS lol) then its as simple to bind as it is to change laps etc. and easier to implement, rather than having to make a screen to handle it.

S2 licensed
Quote from l1k3z0mg :I think you mean theaves...
(if i spelt it right)

No lol he was right. And your spelling was wrong. The correct word was theft... your version was theives. lol... pedantic yeh lol...

S2 licensed
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :You are complicating again .

1. You don't need any port forwarding. All insim stuff works with local connection on same machine as server.
2. InSim port is NOT the same thing as game port ! It must be different. Leave game port as it is, just use different insim one (i recommend /insim 29999 so you don't have to change cfg)
3. LFS said that it cannot bind the port, because you wanted to use the same one for insim which was already used for game !
4. The error you got (connected closed ...) simply means LFSLapper could not connect to port you specified, which means either you didn't start LFS server yet, or LFS Server's insim port on LFS was not open for listening.
5. Yes those files are for coders only.. readme.txt is for users.

Installing and running LFSLapper is very easy actually, usually people just need to change password in cfg file, and then they just run StartNetDefault (or sth like that).

Hi; Thanks for help

1. Okies... ta... I just setup the port forwarding when I setup the game one when I got it.

2 &3. My game port and insim port are diffnt. Game port is: 63392, and Insim port is :29339. I tried using 29999 but it didn't make any difference. (Yes I changed it in both server config, and lfslapper config. I still get the same InSim Init bind failed msg. I'm using Dedigui to run the server.

4. Both the server; and LFS were loaded; and operating nicely. I tried it with server operating, then running LFSlapper; then LFS. I tried it with server and lfs running b4 running lfslapper. None of them seem to change anything. Given the Insim port setup is correct (which it is); what can be causing this problem? It should work.

5. Ah thought so... cool

The other point is: Why do you think its not finding the DriftPB.txt and PB.txt? They are there, in the database folder as specified in the cfg. Do you think this line has any effect?

Database = LFSLapper\Database\PB.txt etc (same for driftpb) should it be:

Database = c:\games\live for speed s2\lfslapper\database\pb.txt ??? (I didn't think so; because it seemed more to be defining what is in the DB, rather than where it is (which is defined later in script).

Yes I gathered it was rather simple; which is why I don't understand why I'm having these problems. The only real problem I had setting up, was finding out which of the build methods to use.

Thanks Monk

Last edited by Venus, .
S2 licensed
Its true blue flag is too early... however; it should be obeyed. Even if you are coming out of pits or for any reason. If you are behind, you know your going to be lapped without blue flags if you are paying attention to the map. Let the leaders thru. Personally; I think if you refuse to obey blue flags, you should be banned. Those people only cause accidents... n worse; take out the leader (which is unforgiveable).

I'd love to see black flags, though the yellow does seem to work quite well in game. In Yellows; if you pass under yellow; you should also get black flag.

If your cars totalled; you should Shft-S to pits rather than try to drive there; regardless if its your fault or not.

S2 licensed
I'd assumed; the insim.txt was more a reference for programmers (such as those writing LFSLapper etc). And the insim packets etc, would be controlled and initialised, by LFSLappers config etc. Is this correct?

S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :That's normal, don't worry it'll create those files when needed That exisitng connection error is strange though, you're not trying to run two isnim apps? Insim properly setup?

The only insim program I'm running (well trying to) is lfs lapper. As for setting up, I'd assumed, the only setup you needed; was to define a port for it; set it up in the routers port forwarding. Then start it in game. But the problem with that; is whenever I try to start it in game (/insim 29339) or (/insim=29339 not sure which is correct), it says failed to load bind or something like that. However; that doesn't happen if I enter it directly into the decicated server window. I'll post a screenie of what happens when I run the winstartdefault.bat (changed with my cfg name). I've read through the insim.txt, but its not really clear what I'm supposed to do with it. Is this the basis of a cfg file which needs to be exec'd in server? I tried inputting some of the init stuff in, but it comes back unknown command. I've also asked on this forum, for someone to explain it, but that didn't get any feedback either. lol

Right after this; it stops running.


Last edited by Venus, .
S2 licensed
OK I did that... downloaded and installed. It runs; but it keeps saying DriftPB.txt and PB.txt have not been created, then it stops. I have set it so the database command points exactly to the right folder. I even tried putting them in most of the obvious folders, but nothing seems to work. The readme said it would be created if missing; but its not doing that. Or else, if it is, its forgetting where it put it. lol.. tho I doubt that given everyones success with it.

I ran the netmakebuild too. Worked, though had some warnings.

Any ideas? Should anything be in the PB etc files other than the header? It also says, at the end of the run, before it closes.

"An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

S2 licensed
You should be able to create an Action to do all that for you... I'm not completely sure. But if you can, then its just a quick single click to play it, and its done.

S2 licensed
jeez; who cares... keep ur head in ur own car lol.. jeez wot a petty thing to pick lol... Personally I like racing with helmet suit etc... but if some ppl wanna look like they are driving a street car, well as far as I'm concerned, its their business. Do people tell you how to dress? How your car should be skinned?

I'd say simply; don't be so pedantic.
S2 licensed
Hehe hey Dami (waves back)

Here you go people; here's a girl who really knows how to make a kickass skin.

Pure talent.

S2 licensed
I think 1, might be a good idea, as long as it wasn't abused.. I like spectating on some servers; where I feel I really shouldn't race at till I'm better. I'm not slooooow but I'm not fast either lol... as for 2), I don't think thats a good idea. People have just done one race; and often step out to get a smoke; coffee etc, if it started as u say; then you'd end u with a bunch of cars on the grid; where the drivers stepped out for a second. I think the vote system is much fairer... it also allows those slower drivers, to finish.

S2 licensed
Personally; I hope the devs get filthy rotten rich.. rolling in money from LFS. They totally deserve it. I'm going to email a tv games show, n suggest they review it on their show. Its the best damn racing game I've seen in 25 years.

S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :
On the other hand, it really bugs me when someone uploads the skin, has a nice screenshot and then says private all over it.. If it's that damn private, then I wish they'd just put it up on LFS world and not bother the rest of us with it. That is almost as wasteful as a spam post IMHO.

Well thats just silly. 1. He has the right to show us his skin, talents. 2. People who make skins, get inspired (as long as they don't nick the design). And 3; its a pleasure to see them. I've never been annoyed by someone not releasing a skin. They made it, its their right. And I say go them.

S2 licensed
It says "No MS C# Compiler found" but as someone said, if i have service pack 2, I should have that net framework thing.

How do I find out if I have it?

S2 licensed
Quote from boosterfire :
However, if it was just a warm up lap for the look of it, it would make more sense. I suppose the speed could be auto-limited so there's no possibility of error during that lap, but what I fear is that people wouldn't know when to re accelerate at the end of the late, thus leading to unfair edges between the racers.

I don't know what car your used to driving. But weaving definitely works, I do it all the time. In the fox I can get the front tyres nice n green in about half lap (assuming I have the room), and the rears only take a few squirts of throttle in first gear...spin them up n they are yummy n green. Not full green mind you (entire tyre) but the surface. Enough to keep it on track.

I think its a good idea, though I'd like it a bit faster... 80 is ok.. do it on speed limiter. Trick is though; making sure with all that weaving, ppl don't get taken out.. easy to happen.

S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Thanks.. didn't know that... ok, installed fresh version. Got rid of Mono, and fixed the cfg file. However; it still crashes when I drag the cfg onto lfslapper.exe. This is wot I do:

Installed it.
Started server.
fixed cfg
uninstalled mono
dragged cfg onto lfslapper as mentioned in readme.

Result: Crash with that error.

If I try to just run it, it crashes without starting. If I try doing it from dos, or any other way, it crashes. Getting most frustrated; cause its a great piece of software if it does what it says it does (which it seems it does since everyones using it) lol.

S2 licensed

I've just downloaded and installed LFSLapper again, 3.5 and the 3.8 patch which I installed over the top of 3.5.

My config has been setup, and is pretty much default cept for few changes as shown in config. But it keeps crashing. I followed the howtobuild text, and it had a heap of warnings in Mono which I ran the winmonobuild batfile or whatever its called; but it compiled it said.

Then following readme on how to run it. I tried 4 methods. From mono, from dos, from windows dragging my cfg onto lfslapper.

Here is the error I got. Could someone help me please; in getting this to work? No one else seems to be having these problems, and I can't see why. I'm no noob when it comes to puters; been using them since they were invented lol..

Here's my cfg. I'm sure its fine, its pretty straight forward:

# General options

# Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.

Host =

# Insim UDP port.
# Before starting LFSLapper you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of

LFS (/insim 29999).

Port = 29339

# Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
# Usually this is the only value that needs to be modified for this default script to


Password = xxxxxxxx
Database = LFSLapper\database\PB.txt
Database = LFSLapper\database\DriftPB.txt

# Message that is shown to players when they connect to server. Use '|' for new line.

ConnectMsg =
^7Welcome to ^1Formula XR ^7Clean Racing !|
^2Type ^7!help in car. ^2Type !rules before play.

# Enable if you want to show control of players when leaving the garage.

ShowPlayerControl = false

# Enable if you want to show split PB of players on each split.

ShowSplitPB = true

# Action to do on race restarts.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.

#RaceStartAction = /msg ^1WARNING: Brake Early First Corner!!!
RaceStartAction = /rcm ^3Please, brake in time !|/rcm_all

# Default car to show, when no car is specified in !top or !drf command.

#DefaultTopCar = UF 1000
#DefaultTopCar = XF GTI
#DefaultTopCar = XR GT
DefaultTopCar = XR GT TURBO
#DefaultTopCar = RB4 GT
#DefaultTopCar = FXO TURBO
#DefaultTopCar = LX4
#DefaultTopCar = LX6
#DefaultTopCar = RA
#DefaultTopCar = FZ50
#DefaultTopCar = MRT5
#DefaultTopCar = XF GTR
#DefaultTopCar = UF GTR
DefaultTopCar = FORMULA XR
#DefaultTopCar = FORMULA V8
#DefaultTopCar = FXO GTR
#DefaultTopCar = XR GTR
#DefaultTopCar = FZ50 GTR
#DefaultTopCar = BMW SAUBER

# How much time will big text messages last (text that is started by rcm_all command).
# In milliseconds.

MessageTime = 5000

# Whether to use usernames instead of nicknames for authentication of users executing


UseUsernameForAuthentication = false

# Actions that are executed on received messages. Use '|' for next pattern/action pair and

to separate pattern from action.
# If more actions or patterns, separate them with ':'.
# Use @ sign at end of patterns, if you wish to specify users, that are allowed to execute

# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

AutoAction =
hoho|/msg ^3What's so funny, {Nickname}?|
no name no game|/kick unnamed|
!admin:!Venus - email private|/rcm {Nickname} ^3can do it!:/rcm_all|
!test|/rcm {Nickname} is testing...:/rcm_ply {Nickname}

# Actions that are executed on schedule. Use '|' for next schedule/action pair and to

separate schedule from action.
# If more schedules or actions, separate them with ':'.
# To escape ':' type '\:' if you want ':' in your message.
# ssmmhhddMMYYYY

#ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg Kicking time (every 30 seconds)!:/kick

ScheduledAction =
0 0 0 * * * |/rcm Midnight warning to all working men!:/rcm_all|
0 0 0 1 1 * |/rcm Happy New Year!:/rcm_all

# Private multiline messages to send to player. Use '|' for next pattern/message pair and

to separate pattern from message. Use ':' for new line.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver that sent message

AutoMsgPrivate =
****:shit|^3Calm down, {Nickname}!|
^3!top ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:
^3!drf ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:
^3!stats ^8[playername pattern]:
^3!dstats ^8[playername pattern]:

# Actions to execute when player teleports to pits by options or SHIFT+S.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

#EnterPitAction = /msg {Nickname}^8 teleported to pits !

# Actions to execute when player spectates or disconnects (leaves race).
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

#LeaveRaceAction = /msg {Nickname}^8 leaves race !

# Pitting penalties

# Actions to execute when player gets drive-through penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

#DriveThroughPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^8 reached drive-through penalty maximum.

# Maximum Drive-Through penalties to tolerate.

MaxDriveThroughPenalties = 1

# Actions to execute when player gets stop-go penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

#StopGoPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^8 reached stop-go penalty maximum.

# Maximum Stop-Go penalties to tolerate.

MaxStopGoPenalties = 1

# Actions to execute when player gets 30 seconds penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

Time30PenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^8 gets 30s penalty.

# Actions to execute when player gets 45 seconds penalty.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

Time45PenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^8 gets 45s penalty.

# FTP transfer

# Results files can also be transferred to FTP server.
# Define following parameters to use this feature.

#FtpServer = your ftp server
#FtpLogin = your login
#FtpPasswd = your password
#FtpRemotePath = your remote dir

# Flooding options

# Actions to execute, when player writes many lines within defined amount of time.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

FloodAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 is flooding

# Maximum number of consecutive lines allowed.

MaxFloodLines = 3

# Maximum time between two consecutive lines in milliseconds to count as flooding.

MaxFloodLinesTime = 5000

# Spinning detection options

# Minimum angle velocity to trigger action. Possible values: 0 - 720.

MinAngleVelocity = 250

# Action to execute when angle velocity is higher than MinAngleVelocity.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {AngleVelocity} - Angle velocity in degrees

#AngleVelocityAction = /spectate {Nickname}|/msg {Nickname} ^3 removed from track for

AngleVelocityAction = /msg ^1Danger! ^8{Nickname} ^2lost control!

#MaxNbInStunt is max time (in 100 ms) allowed in stunt mode before MaxNbInStuntAction is

executed. If -1 No MaxNbInStuntAction are activated.
MaxNbInStunt = 20
MaxNbInStuntAction = /spectate {Nickname}

# Idling options

# Actions to execute, when speed of player is zero for defined amount of time.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver

OnIdleAction1 = /msg {Nickname}^3 is idle ! Spectate in 30 seconds
OnIdleAction2 =
/spectate {Nickname}|
/msg {Nickname}^3 spectated for non-activity!

# Idle timeout for OnIdleAction1 in seconds.

OnIdleTimeout1 = 120

# Idle timeout for OnIdleAction2 in seconds.

OnIdleTimeout2 = 150

# Drifting options

# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used

#DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
#DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!

# This is filepath of file containing collected data.
# Will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.
#DriftDatabase = ./DriftPB.txt

# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used

#DriftLapAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3drifted to ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts

# Private message to get on end of each drift.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Total drift score
# {LastDriftScore} - Last drift score

#PrivateMessageOnDriftScore = Score: ^7{DriftScore} ^3+{LastDriftScore}

# Action to execute on good drift score.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {LastDriftScore} - Last drift score

#GoodDriftScore = 4000
#GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts

# Minimum drift score required.

#MinimumDriftScore = 500

# Actions to do at end of lap if MinimumDriftScore is not achieved.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used

#DriftTooLowAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 disqualified|/spectate {Nickname}
#DriftTooLowAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 is one lousy drifter ({DriftScore} pts)

# Minimum speed in km/h to maintain. Driving below that speed will reset score.

#MinimumDriftSpeed = 50

#MinimumDriftAngle = 15
#MaximumDriftAngle = 100

# Hotlapping options

# This is filepath of file containing collected data.
# Will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.

Database = ./PB.txt

# Define max time of split to trigger action.

Split1 = 0.32.25
Split2 = 0.59.10
Split3 = 1.30.00

# Actions to do on splits.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {SplitTime} - Split time
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver

Split1Action = /msg Great 1st split ({SplitTime}) by {Nickname}^8 !
Split2Action = /msg Great 2nd split ({SplitTime}) by {Nickname}^8 !
Split3Action = /msg Great 3rd split ({SplitTime}) by {Nickname}^8 !

# Maximum allowed lap time to record it and execute action.

MaxLapTime = 2.00.00

# Action to do on new personal best lap.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {LapTime} - Lap time achieved
# {Car} - Car used

#PBAction = /msg New PB by {Nickname}^8 ({Car}): {LapTime}
PBAction = /rcm New PB by {Nickname}^8 ({Car}): {LapTime}|/rcm_all

# Acceleration options

# At which speed to start and stop measuring time. In km/h.

AccelerationStartSpeed = 1
AccelerationEndSpeed = 100

# Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show private message.

AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10

# Message to show to players.
# Possible variables to use:
# {AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
# {AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
# {AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed

AccelerationPrivateMessage = ^3{AccelerationTime}^8 seconds to {AccelerationEndSpeed} km/h


# Overriding options

# Instead of changing default options above, you can overide them.

MaxLapTime = 1.50.00

S2 licensed
definitely +1. Often thought that would be nice.

S2 licensed
Another small thing I'd like to see changed, is the rear view in Open Wheelers. I'd like it more centered. Currently; when you look back; you get a eye full of dorsal which is fine, its meant to be that way. But you only see the left rear; the right rear is blocked. I'd rather be able to either choose either via buttom choice; or centred. I understand why its like this; as in real life if u turned left; you would only see left rear or right. Dorsal would never be centred in RL. But dual choice would be nice. ie let me choose if i look rear left, or rear right.

S2 licensed
don't think its needed. Its all here.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :so ? its turned into the "tiny suggestions that arent worth opening a thread for" thread ... which is a good thing otherwise this section would be a mess

options => view => look function => steer

No; thats not what I mean. That just rotates the fixed view. Which isn't all that useful; as its fixed to whatever you set it to. What I'd like; is its linked to steering; so as I increase lock to left say; my view rotated left and equal num degress. (I just check that btw, those options. Its fixed).

S2 licensed
Quote from Macfox :

Enforced setups. Lock to default/standard/factory setup or lock out particular setup changes.

Yes, enforced setups. Enable everyone to run the same setup. So the only difference is driver ability. However; I'm willing to admit, not too many people would like it. I'm not too sure how much I'd use it on my server; but I'd love the option to if I wanted.

S2 licensed
Here's another kickass skin from my Italian designer friend.

What a talent she has.

[edit] btw the reverse Venus on side, is not on skin, its just cause she flipped the left image. lol