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S2 licensed
I've been playing with this for a few hours and have a couple of q's and/or suggestions if it is not yet implemented.

- is there any support for teams for handling points?
- is there a funcionatlity to track teams during an endurance race, to track their number of laps and positions despite disconnects and/or telepits assessing penalties for those situations?
- another great addition would be handling blue flags in these races since the order kept by LFS is not always the real order due to discons and telepits.

thanks, and again FANTASTIC job!
S2 licensed
VIDEAZO no hay mucho mas que decir!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed

If there are many wait-listed teams you may:

1. Open another server
2. Reserve some spots in the main race and have a shootout between the waitlisted teams to see who wins those spots ...
S2 licensed
what, where is the site then? what's the url?
S2 licensed
Can;t see the GTAL page on the LFSEstonia site ...
S2 licensed
mmhhh ... when I issue the /end command manually to force track rotation I am forced to rejoin the race and select a new car if the previous one did not work ...
S2 licensed
how about using /end. that forces people out to the lobby and forces them to pick a new car if the current one does not comply with the group allowed.
S2 licensed
Quote from josefm :Pepe claro que hubieras hecho un gran papel, lo mismo que Nico y Dan, claro que les aviso para la próxima, esta modalidad me gusta mucho porque la hace muy competitiva y sobre todo muy divertida.

Espero no se me esté yendo la mano... no quiero pasar de engreído y "mamón", pero este comentario me hace sentir "bien" y más de quien viene, se presento una "medio polémica" sobre la regla para disminución del lastre en LOTA y uno de los administradores a venido haciendo las aclaraciones necesarias y entre esas aclaraciones postea la que les transcribo, el color rojo lo coloqué yo, si les parece muy "mamón" de mi parte, excúsenme.

Un Abrazo

C.Schletter (Zolt USA)
LOTA Member - General


Posts: 2.512

Re: GTCC-WT09 Race 5 Discussion
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2009, 10:12:37 AM »

Essentially it was decided, based on previous series experience that if you were beyond a certain position usually the driver was off pace due to any number of things. What we do not want to happen is ballast to decrease because of wrecks, disconnects, leaving the race early, etc. Also its pretty even, top 8 increase ballast, bottom 7 either stay neutral or decrease ballast. The idea is not to be able to get back to zero ballast.

Also keep in mind that the ballast system (all varitions that have been used) have been based in real-world models that are being actively used in racing at various levels.

There is not going to be any case by case basis because that becomes subjective. Its black and wight (if you don't get the joke, oh well).

The whole point of the ballast system is to help even out the field over the long term and get more drivers of various skill levels (except the aliens!) competing towards the top spot. In general the ballast system has done exactly what it set out to do. (Although it seems J.Fernandez can't be slowed down! We'll see how 97kg helps!)

Basically the bottom line is that it should be easier to gain ballast, but harder to lose it.

P.S. Sandbagging of any sort won't be tolerated and will be dealt with by other means than the ballast system.

Don Jose se volvió ALIEN !!!

Muy bien señor ...
S2 licensed

Como varia un setup cuando se le ponen restricciones al carro. Es decir, si tengo un setup con el que estoy rapido (o bueno tanto como mis limitadas capacidades me lo permitan) como lo modifico si tengo que restringir el carro con peso e intake? Como cambia la relacion de la caja, la suspension etc ...

Alguno de los gurus me podria orientar?
S2 licensed
Esto esta como muerto ...

hay server o no?
va a haber carrera el sabado o no? a que hora es?
S2 licensed
Excellent, thanks for all the responses and guidance. I hope to have this great tool running on our server very soon.
S2 licensed
You are on fire man!!

I have not been able to go throuh a complete installation setting all my options when you've put out two new versions.

One question, if we want to upgrade do we have to redo all the config each time or can we just replace the .exe file?
S2 licensed
tal vez se me paso el post pero ...

ya hay server?
S2 licensed
Muy bien Jose ... definitivamente UN DURO!

Ricardo que tambien corre esta serie tambien se desconecto en las primeras vueltas que mala suerte.
S2 licensed
que buena estacion!!

Pregunta, no molesta la luz de la ventana detras del monitorCITO?

como estan montados los pedales?
S2 licensed
no entiendo muy bien lo del FZR. Basicamente estan obligando a escoger cualquier carro menos el FZR ... Lastima, yo queria aprovechar la oportunidad para aprender a manejar esa bestia salavaje sin restricciones ... habra que volver al FXR entonces ...
S2 licensed
Feliz Cumpleaños! RebelRider Exitos este nuevo año.
S2 licensed
entonces ... la primera fecha va con 20 kilos de lastre para el FZR?

S2 licensed

Otra sugerencia: porque no ponen el hilo, o abren un subforo como los otros champs (BF1, Rally Layouts, etc.)?

S2 licensed
Quote from Elsebauy :Username LFS: elsebauy
Nacionalidad: URUGUAY
Mail: [email protected]
Nick de carrera:MR> Elseba
Yuen una idea: Estaria bueno que pusieras cuando son las fechas asi los que trabajamos ya vamos arreglando tepa???

Elsebauy, revise su nick en carrera, DEBE empezar ser algo como URU Elseba ... es decir tiene que tener las letras de su pais al principio: URU.
S2 licensed

Creo que falta mas explicación acerca del calendario y los combos para cada fecha.

Que bueno que arranque esto ... va a estar bien bueno!!!

Va a haber transmisiones? Sugiero que activen el Remote en el servidor para seguir las acciones.

Suerte a todos!

Last edited by vicbel, .
S2 licensed
Feliz cumplea~nos se~nor de layouts!!! (AKA HL Nano)

Espero que la pase bien con su flia.

y Que? le regalaron el G25?
S2 licensed
nada todavia no puedo postear en CAPO. Si logro ahi estare en la siguiente fecha.
S2 licensed
HL Nano, que hay que traducir? yo con gusto traduzco ...