I've been playing with this for a few hours and have a couple of q's and/or suggestions if it is not yet implemented.
- is there any support for teams for handling points?
- is there a funcionatlity to track teams during an endurance race, to track their number of laps and positions despite disconnects and/or telepits assessing penalties for those situations?
- another great addition would be handling blue flags in these races since the order kept by LFS is not always the real order due to discons and telepits.
mmhhh ... when I issue the /end command manually to force track rotation I am forced to rejoin the race and select a new car if the previous one did not work ...
Como varia un setup cuando se le ponen restricciones al carro. Es decir, si tengo un setup con el que estoy rapido (o bueno tanto como mis limitadas capacidades me lo permitan) como lo modifico si tengo que restringir el carro con peso e intake? Como cambia la relacion de la caja, la suspension etc ...
no entiendo muy bien lo del FZR. Basicamente estan obligando a escoger cualquier carro menos el FZR ... Lastima, yo queria aprovechar la oportunidad para aprender a manejar esa bestia salavaje sin restricciones ... habra que volver al FXR entonces ...