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S2 licensed
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Nosotros hicimos un trial de carrera de larga duracion en LFS Colombia. 3 hrs el pasado Miercoles.

Cuantos de uds han corrido mas de dos o tres horas? Por lo que pude experimentar es MUCHO tiempo ... tal vez stints de 2 horas entre miembros del equipo ea mejor, eso tambien lo dicta las paradas en pits. ]

Bueno esperamos los reportes !!

S2 licensed
Quote from pablito16 :Lo que yo quiero que entiendan es que el cuando dobla las ruedas hacia la derecha y me choca,no tubo porque hacer eso porque si el no doblaba y seguia derecho no se salia de pista,ademas si perdia unos segundos por frenar seguramente los recuperaria porque tenia unos tiempos muy buenos asi que no le cambiaba en nada
Yo en muchas carreras he frenado para no chocar en el de adelante asi que creo que todos deben hacer lo mismo

Según veo en el replay, y como dije antes Araujo voltea sus llantas a la derecha como reacción al golpe que pablo le da saliendo de la curva derrapando.
S2 licensed
Yo de sapo como Tokego ... no soy parte ni juez como dijo otro personaje por ahi ...

Me parece que es un incidente de carrera. No creo que aplique el tema de la linea de carrera en las curvas puesto que ya ambos habian superado la curva. Asi es como yo lo veo:

1. Araujo se pasa de largo y se equivoca en la curva por tratar de pasar. no le pega a nadie y pone su carro en linea para seguir.
2. Pablo que tomo la curva bien sale de la curva derrapando hacia la izquierda, sus llantas estan todas hacia la derecha pero el carro sigue haciendo drifting a la izquierda entonces toca a Araujo.
3. Araujo reacciona ante el golpe, como lo hariamos todos, girando hacia la derecha para evitar ser sacado de la pista.
4. Pablo hace el trompo. En esto me parece que LFS (el juego) exagera un poco el daño o reacción del carro de Pablo.

Esta muy interesante el debate. Yo creo que no debe haber penalización para ninguno. Pero ya veremos que dicen los que deciden.

Edit Para Araujo: I don't think you were at fault. It was a racing incident and in my view a glitch on LFS that overreacted on Pablo's car. Also, I don't think the rules being cited here apply since you were both past the turn when the incident happened.
Last edited by vicbel, .
S2 licensed
Quote from RICARDOCOL :

si la red nos ayuda trasmicion por TS de narracion =)

Excelente! gracias por el esfuerzo!
S2 licensed
Aunque no estoy corriendo en el champ me parece prudente poner mi par de moneditas a esta entretenida discusión.

Estoy de acuerdo con Baron Rojo y Tokego. El mensaje de los admins sobra. No me parece necesario recordarle a TODOS los pilotos que significa la bandera azul, eso distrae a otros pilotos innecesariamente. me parece que es un mensaje adecuado para ultra-novatos y en este champ no hay muchos de esos ...

Felicitaciones a todos por esa carrera, muy entretenida y lo mejor ... MUY LIMPIOS todos los pilotos. Excelente.
S2 licensed
Quote from tokego :hay esta este intento macabro de composición mientras hago bien un escenario

Bien Chino!

Pongalo en el foro!
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :ahi dice que es de septiembre del 2008, y por lo que demo tiene que registrarse a fuerza para usar el juego, dudo mucho que sea de principios de agosto

Yo entiendo las razones de la paranoia. Pero como desgasta!
All my problems solved.
S2 licensed
It's me again. I figured it out. All I had to do was RTFM!!

As a demo racer I had to use my nickname (including color) in the .cfg file. I did that plus running LFSRelax as admin and that solved it. I can now see my fuel laps, the shift blip works ... all is good.
S2 licensed
Aunque estoy de acuerdo con los esfuerzos por disminuir los tramposos en los champs, me parece que esta nueva regla no ayuda mucho a esta comunidad.

El primer problema es que la regla no fue establecida desde un principio como parte de las nuevas reglas extendidas (algunas muy buenas por cierto). Al no haberla anunciado se deja la puerta abierta a estas situaciones.

Segundo, en mi opinión esta regla atenta contra el espíritu del champ que, según entiendo, es atraer nuevos pilotos para alimentar y hacer crecer este mundillo que hemos armado.

Debe haber mejor maneras de controlar el problema de los pilotos torcidos.
PB.txt not found
S2 licensed
Ok, I figured out the problem with PB.txt not being found or created. I had to run LFSRelax as an admin (in Vista) for it to be able to create and access the file. However no data is being recorded. any thoughts?

S2 licensed
Quote from vicbel :Gai-Luron Merci beaucoup for this geat add-on!! I love it. However I have not been able to set it up as I want. Here is what I want:

- Pit spotter
- Virtual Speedo (when needed)
- split and gap info
- Fuel info + low fuel warning
- Storage of PB's on the PB.txt file for tracking
- Gearshit Bip

I have the first three working but the rest I can't make them work. I still get the ./PB.txt error when I start LFSRelax ... can anyone help? PLEASE!

Below is my .cfg file:

# This is sample script for LFSRelax.
# Use non-formatting text editor such as notepad to modify script.
# If using unicode characters save script as unicode text document.

# Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored by program.

# General options

# Host IP.

Host =

# Insim UDP or TCP port.
# Before starting LFSRelax you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).

Port = 29999

# TCP mode.
# true if you want to use TCP
# false if tou want to use UDP
TCPmode = true

# Enable or Disable Outgauge
EnableOutGauge = true

# Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
Password = yourpass
# TEamSpeak
# Position of button and size
# Hbutton = Heigth
# Wbutton = Width
# TButton = Top position ( 0 to 200 )
# LButton = Left position ( 0 to 200 )
# SeeHimSelf = true or false . You can view your button when you speak when set at true

EnableTSView = false

Hbutton = 10
Wbutton = 30
Tbutton = 100
Lbutton = 2
SeeHimSelf = true

# Pit Spotting
# DxR = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the rigth in meter
# DxL = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the Left in meter
# DxF = Distance between Viewed car an a car Forward You in meter
# DxB = Distance between Viewed car an a car Behind You in meter
# This will make a rectangle around you to determine the area of pitspotting
# minSpeed: Minumum own speed required to do spotting (km/h)
# maxSpeeDiffFaster: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when a faster car passes (km/h)
# maxSpeedDiffSlower: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when passing a slower car (km/h)
# maxAngleDiff: Maximum angle difference between own car and spotted car
# stillThereInterval: Interval in milliseconds between "still there" voices

EnablePitSpotter = true

DxR = 25
DxL = 25
DyF = 5
DyB = 5

# For debugging, show collision coordonate
ViewCollision = false

# Auto Message
# Possible variables to use on all actions
# {ShortTime}
# {LongTime}
# {ShortDate}
# {LongDate}
# {ShortTrackName}
# {colon} = :
# {vbar} = |
# {at} = @

EnableAutoMessage = false

# Default car to show, when no car is specified.

#DefaultCar = UF1
DefaultCar = XFG
#DefaultCar = XRG
#DefaultCar = XRT
#DefaultCar = RB4
#DefaultCar = FXO
#DefaultCar = LX4
#DefaultCar = LX6
#DefaultCar = RAC
#DefaultCar = FZ5
#DefaultCar = MRT
#DefaultCar = XFR
#DefaultCar = UFR
#DefaultCar = FOX
#DefaultCar = FO8
#DefaultCar = FXR
#DefaultCar = XRR
#DefaultCar = FZR
#DefaultCar = BF1
#DefaultCar = FBM

# Actions that are executed on received messages. Use '|' for next pattern/action pair and to separate pattern from action.
# If more actions or patterns, separate them with ':'.
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who send the initial message ( No color )
AutoAction =
hoho|^3What's so funny,^4 {Nickname}?:isn't it!|
unnamed|no name no game:/kick unnamed|
!test|{Nickname} is testing...

# When you join a server
OnConnectServer = Hello / Hi / Ciao

# When a new player join a server
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who join
# {Username} - Username of driver who join
# {Car} - Default Car
OnNewPlayerConnect = Hello {Nickname}:/ws {ShortTrackName} {Car} pb {Username}

# When a race Start
OnRaceStart = Good Race!

# When a race End
# OnRaceEnd = Thank's for racing on {ShortTrackName}!

# When New PB
# {Username} - Username of driver who do PB
# {PBTime} - PB time of new PB
# OnNewPB = Great!! New PB {Username}, new time {PBTime}

# GameStat

EnableGameStat = true

Database = ./PB.txt

MyUsername = vicbel

isMph = false

coordLibelDiffBefore = 68,185,20,5
coordButtDiffBefore = 88,185,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBefore = 100,185,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBefore = 110,185,12,5

coordLibelDiffBehind = 68,195,20,5
coordButtDiffBehind = 88,195,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBehind = 100,195,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBehind = 110,195,12,5

coordLibelSplit = 0,60,15,7
coordButtDiffSplit = 15,60,15,7
coordButtSplit = 30,60,15,7

coordDistKm = 140,193,30,7

coordButtFuel = 25,175,20,6
coordButtLogoFuel = 93,22,20,20
# Display icon fule when remain resLap lap in fuel
resLaps = 2

# At which speed to start and stop measuring time. In km/h.
AccelerationStartSpeed = 1
AccelerationEndSpeed = 100

AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1
AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60

# Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message.
AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10

# Message to show to player.
# Possible variables to use:
# {AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
# {AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
# {AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
# {UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected

# If you don't want acceleration message put '#' before AccelerationPrivateMessage
#AccelerationPrivateMessage = ^3{AccelerationTime}^7 seconds to {AccelerationEndSpeed} {UnitSpeed} !
coordButtAcc = 60,42,80,20

# Virtual SpeedoMeter
EnableVirtualSpeedo = true
#coordVirtualSpeedo = 164,187,30,16
coordVirtualSpeedo = 77,130,30,16
# Other

EnableShiftBip = true

Thanks in advance for any help and guidance.

So? anyone else can give me a hint on how to resolve this?
S2 licensed
Quote from oldnavy :Hello every one!
I'm administrator of WinS2 demo cup.I would like to invite all demo racers to Win S2 demo cup witch main prize is Legal S2 licenze! If you are intrested more information in our site : and in our thred on LFSForum:

Also i need to say that our cup is open for all world demo players
Waiting for you

The time of the races is abit tricky for me. (2 pm) but thanks for the invite. I wished I could escape from my job for a while and race with all of you.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cabby :Did you make sure that 'PB' was capitalized? Not sure if it truely matters but mine is capitalized to look exactly like in the config file.

That did not work either. PB.txt
S2 licensed
Quote from Cabby :I have yet to see the fuel info or the shift bip working and think they might currently be broken. As for your PB.txt file issue make sure that you have this file in the same directory that you have the LFSRelax.exe file. If there is no PB.txt file there just create a blank one with notepad and it should start working once the file exists.

I tried creating the blank file ... in the same directory ... and it did not work.

S2 licensed
Gai-Luron Merci beaucoup for this geat add-on!! I love it. However I have not been able to set it up as I want. Here is what I want:

- Pit spotter
- Virtual Speedo (when needed)
- split and gap info
- Fuel info + low fuel warning
- Storage of PB's on the PB.txt file for tracking
- Gearshit Bip

I have the first three working but the rest I can't make them work. I still get the ./PB.txt error when I start LFSRelax ... can anyone help? PLEASE!

Below is my .cfg file:

# This is sample script for LFSRelax.
# Use non-formatting text editor such as notepad to modify script.
# If using unicode characters save script as unicode text document.

# Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored by program.

# General options

# Host IP.

Host =

# Insim UDP or TCP port.
# Before starting LFSRelax you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).

Port = 29999

# TCP mode.
# true if you want to use TCP
# false if tou want to use UDP
TCPmode = true

# Enable or Disable Outgauge
EnableOutGauge = true

# Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
Password = yourpass
# TEamSpeak
# Position of button and size
# Hbutton = Heigth
# Wbutton = Width
# TButton = Top position ( 0 to 200 )
# LButton = Left position ( 0 to 200 )
# SeeHimSelf = true or false . You can view your button when you speak when set at true

EnableTSView = false

Hbutton = 10
Wbutton = 30
Tbutton = 100
Lbutton = 2
SeeHimSelf = true

# Pit Spotting
# DxR = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the rigth in meter
# DxL = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the Left in meter
# DxF = Distance between Viewed car an a car Forward You in meter
# DxB = Distance between Viewed car an a car Behind You in meter
# This will make a rectangle around you to determine the area of pitspotting
# minSpeed: Minumum own speed required to do spotting (km/h)
# maxSpeeDiffFaster: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when a faster car passes (km/h)
# maxSpeedDiffSlower: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when passing a slower car (km/h)
# maxAngleDiff: Maximum angle difference between own car and spotted car
# stillThereInterval: Interval in milliseconds between "still there" voices

EnablePitSpotter = true

DxR = 25
DxL = 25
DyF = 5
DyB = 5

# For debugging, show collision coordonate
ViewCollision = false

# Auto Message
# Possible variables to use on all actions
# {ShortTime}
# {LongTime}
# {ShortDate}
# {LongDate}
# {ShortTrackName}
# {colon} = :
# {vbar} = |
# {at} = @

EnableAutoMessage = false

# Default car to show, when no car is specified.

#DefaultCar = UF1
DefaultCar = XFG
#DefaultCar = XRG
#DefaultCar = XRT
#DefaultCar = RB4
#DefaultCar = FXO
#DefaultCar = LX4
#DefaultCar = LX6
#DefaultCar = RAC
#DefaultCar = FZ5
#DefaultCar = MRT
#DefaultCar = XFR
#DefaultCar = UFR
#DefaultCar = FOX
#DefaultCar = FO8
#DefaultCar = FXR
#DefaultCar = XRR
#DefaultCar = FZR
#DefaultCar = BF1
#DefaultCar = FBM

# Actions that are executed on received messages. Use '|' for next pattern/action pair and to separate pattern from action.
# If more actions or patterns, separate them with ':'.
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who send the initial message ( No color )
AutoAction =
hoho|^3What's so funny,^4 {Nickname}?:isn't it!|
unnamed|no name no game:/kick unnamed|
!test|{Nickname} is testing...

# When you join a server
OnConnectServer = Hello / Hi / Ciao

# When a new player join a server
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who join
# {Username} - Username of driver who join
# {Car} - Default Car
OnNewPlayerConnect = Hello {Nickname}:/ws {ShortTrackName} {Car} pb {Username}

# When a race Start
OnRaceStart = Good Race!

# When a race End
# OnRaceEnd = Thank's for racing on {ShortTrackName}!

# When New PB
# {Username} - Username of driver who do PB
# {PBTime} - PB time of new PB
# OnNewPB = Great!! New PB {Username}, new time {PBTime}

# GameStat

EnableGameStat = true

Database = ./PB.txt

MyUsername = vicbel

isMph = false

coordLibelDiffBefore = 68,185,20,5
coordButtDiffBefore = 88,185,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBefore = 100,185,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBefore = 110,185,12,5

coordLibelDiffBehind = 68,195,20,5
coordButtDiffBehind = 88,195,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBehind = 100,195,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBehind = 110,195,12,5

coordLibelSplit = 0,60,15,7
coordButtDiffSplit = 15,60,15,7
coordButtSplit = 30,60,15,7

coordDistKm = 140,193,30,7

coordButtFuel = 25,175,20,6
coordButtLogoFuel = 93,22,20,20
# Display icon fule when remain resLap lap in fuel
resLaps = 2

# At which speed to start and stop measuring time. In km/h.
AccelerationStartSpeed = 1
AccelerationEndSpeed = 100

AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1
AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60

# Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message.
AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10

# Message to show to player.
# Possible variables to use:
# {AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
# {AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
# {AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
# {UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected

# If you don't want acceleration message put '#' before AccelerationPrivateMessage
#AccelerationPrivateMessage = ^3{AccelerationTime}^7 seconds to {AccelerationEndSpeed} {UnitSpeed} !
coordButtAcc = 60,42,80,20

# Virtual SpeedoMeter
EnableVirtualSpeedo = true
#coordVirtualSpeedo = 164,187,30,16
coordVirtualSpeedo = 77,130,30,16
# Other

EnableShiftBip = true

Thanks in advance for any help and guidance.
S2 licensed
Quote from RICARDOCOL :asi es Tokego a jartar chocolatina

jajajaja ojo que eso engorda

delen duro que va a estar bueno bueno ese champ y mas por los premios

Los premios son de LOCOS!!! buenisimos.

ahi estaremos firmes mientras las chinas me den chance. y mi mama me compre las chocolatinas en colombia ... sera que se me va a engordar la viejita?
S2 licensed

TOKEGO es Colombia en la copa Libertad... Champ de LFSCR quiero decir!!

Bien pelao!

Ahora vamos a ver como es la movida con el SOL.
S2 licensed
Quote from ricatron :Muchas gracias a todos ... este fue un gran campeonato. Aunque no clasifiquE para todas la vAlidas, en las que estuve fue muy divertido

El nivel de los punteros fue impresionante ... espero algUn dIa estar mAs cerca de la punta. Por ahora, me retiro por unos dIas de las pistas pues mi hijo estA prOximo a nacer ... pero pronto nos veremos nuevamente.

Un abrazo a todos :headbang:

no me tire la toalla Ricatron!! ahi vemos como hacemos para que podamos correr tambien los que tenemos compromisos paternales! Sigamos en la lucha!
S2 licensed

Fue mi primer campeonato y aunque solo estuve en una o dos validas (por falta de nivel!) me parecio fenomenal. Espero con ganas el siguiente! a seguir entrenando duro!
S2 licensed
mmhhhh la verdad me gusta mas el que estamos usando ...
S2 licensed
Felicitaciones a todos, pude ver apartes de la magnifica transmision! Lastima que no pude correr.

Van a subir el replay?
S2 licensed
Para los que van a correr en la carrera de LFS Costa Rica ... Cambiaron la hora (7:30 pm hora de Colombia ... creo) revisen el foro de LFS Costa Rica.
S2 licensed
Gracias por el lapper Ricardo. Ojala se le pase la gripa rapido.

Hay que actualizar la tabla de posiciones (de los lappers).

Otra vez gracias.
S2 licensed
Quote from tokego : a mi venia molestándome la conexión antes de clasificar y según la transmisión oficial Andres sufrió una desconexión accidental, el video ya esta puesto en la pagina jeje hay que ver como se pone el narrador en algunas situaciones

Santísima Trinidad!!! JAJAJAJA