For a hotlap set you can use the blackwood wr one i'm sure it would be fine. I used an older one to hotlap a while ago which I did with like 6 practice laps, haven't felt like hotlapping or even racing on line much recently. Just take out some camber all around and lower the pressure a bit if you have problems with tires gettin too hot.
I hate how there's so many IM things that people use, none of my friends that I know personally use msn but I have it because everyone in europe that plays lfs uses it and I need it to talk to some people on there sometimes..
This would make it alot easier to find what you want. I like how the server list on mates@track allows you to click any of the tabs (car,track,players in server..etc) and it lists it from highest to lowest or alphabetical. :up:
Where can you find an ms ff wheel? I need the pedals because my momo ones piss me off too much. This time the throttle was spiking so I taped it so it wouldn't move, and cleaned it. Then when the race started my brake pedal was spiking so I gave up.
The servere understeer is typical for people who first play the game. You probably steer the car full lock when you're going into a corner thinking its the best way to get around. It just takes some practice and you'll realize that you only need to steer slightly, the smoother you drive the faster you'll get. You can try turning your steering sensitivity down a bit also.