I doubt you'll get enough participation to run the NA one, I think you should just have the races a little bit later (if possible) So everyone can run at the same time.
Yeah, I hate driving the BF1 on blackwood, drove there the first day for a bit and that was it. I see all these full servers with blackwood BF1, but I can't see how it could be any fun. The track just doesn't fit that car, the turns are too tight or something, I dunno.
Considering that before the patch the fo8 wr for sprint 1 rev was a few tenths off the normal layout, I think a mid 42 would be pretty good. (and achievable)
The BF1 is alot of fun to lap in, because of teh uber speed and insane grip. It's possible to have good races with it, just with the right people, and not too many that can't drive it. I've been having the most fun with the fo8 and fox, I love em now !!1!1!11
Well I have t4 installed and I just noticed this strange thing, when I'm in the tv view I just see the drivers helmet, I've only noticed this in the uf1 aswell.
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I'd like to be able to sort the car type, track, amount of players etc.. by clicking on them and it would rearrange the list from smallest to largest and vise versa.
haven't tried the LRF cars with the new physics yet, definately will soon though. I love as north, we've been having some great races there in the merc server. I can imagine as north + LRF must be uber fun :P
RM, do you think that all the people who are fast now, won't be fast after the patch, just because the nose will be on the ground? lol, I think the same was said for s1.. like all the slower people would be fast now because they would need to drive smooth because of the tire wear, But look what happened, same aliens are fast. Of course I agree that the hotlaps should be deleted, since the setups will need to be changed quite a bit I'm guessing, and its nice to start off at the same point again.