wow, i hate compputers.. Im trying to get this card working (geforce fx5500 256mb agp) and ive got the drivers and everything installed but its not working, and it says in the device manager 'the device cannot find any free input/output resources to use' Can anyne help me possibly quickly.
I have agp 2.0 and it says it works fine with it, I know its supposed to even on the nvidia site it said it should work. I dont know what i/o device its talking about. pleease help
well I see now that I have an agp slot.. its 4x though but I guess any card will still work with it. Going to get an agp card today not sure which one but Ill see whats under 60 bucks.
hmm its an athlon that runs alittle above 1ghz.. its about 5 years old lol. My fps are similar to yours.. I always use no mirrors, and every thing on its lowest settings. Although offline my fps are alot better.
Me and modoff would run it for sure, why dont you make another date because we didn't know about this one. Also it would be neat to run the two classes.. maybe rotax and shifter. I had my first race of the year was over christmas break.
Yeah the prices are going down on dfp which is great, in any store they're selling them for 119 now so if you dont want to get them online and save shipping, its a good deal.
Well I just saw this video and it's awesome. The music goes well with it also.. would have been 100 times better then any rage against the machine or rammstein.
It is possible, if you have a dfp go into the profiler and assign the directional pad for up down left right, and the four bottom buttons for f9-f12. So while driving you can hit the button then scroll down and change the brake bias, arb, or pit settings right front the wheel without having to take your hands off.