Just take my avatar for example. Done by T. Weak himself. Notice very well done production of the image, with the nice background on the letters.. Very professional indeed. That's something that can only be achieved with a level of patience so high, that one would have to sit in a starbucks for hours, consuming moche latte grande frappuccino with salt and pepper, after moche latte grande frappuccino with salt and pepper until level of hipness is reached.
You ARE indie, do not hide your true feelings tweak. its really telling me that you really are indie, no doubt about that.... but..... but youre afraid to really let your true self just flow with it. you need to just get ride of the silly avatars, and just put up a nice indie picture that would bring out the true yuppyness.
dude harjun man i had a sempron it overclocked so well, i got it to like 2.5ghz on stock cooling in my laptop and im able to play all the latest games on high now its awesome. I would recommend increasing the multiplyer 50mhz each time because the speeds go up very little. You will know your system is stable if you can play solitare for 2 minutes as this is a very cpu intensive program. Good luck :up:
It's not you... most people who go on these forums are very single minded and brainwashed into thinking lfs will only be successful like it is because of this fear of adding new content.
who cares, everyone is freaking out about it and it's just an option that will be used only for some leagues. The same thing happened in rfactor when they implemented this... everyone was like shit, it's the end of the world... but guess what, the apocalypse hasn't happened so I'm sure everyone is safe. It's not even hard to get used to cockpit view and even if you were forced to use it, I guarantee you would still be running the same laptimes with practice.
I was really surprised after trying the diff preload. It really helps the cars behave more like they should on and off the throttle... and I think alot of people are just overlooking it because they don't know what it does.
Hamilton is amazing, I saw his driving for the first time during one of the ELF indoor karting events in france that always had many of the F1 drivers competing which up and coming drivers. Think it was in '99. Anyways it was ****ing amazing seeing him come from mid pack to win. He's won each openwheel series he's been in, can't understand why you guys think he doesn't deserve to get the ride..