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Quote from audimasta :Hi there Zero 7.

I had a 2.8 celeron prosessor on my old computer and a Radeon 9250 graphics card, 700RAM....My framerate was in the same league as you, and i bought the 6600 GT. I had NO increase in framerate at all. So my experience is that LFS HATE Celerons.

Scroll down to the bottom of this thread where I tell about my problem, and read the posts that follows. Hope it helps.

Thanks for the link audimasta, however I don't really see how you fixed it (if you ever did). I see that your mobo AGP port is set 4X, where as mine is 8X. There is also some conflict between some people saying that the Celeron is the bottleneck and others saying that it could be slow RAM. Did you OC your Celeron like I have (in bios under Frequency Control)?

I also saw a comment that AGP isn't much use with cards that have more than 256MB RAM - is this true? I'll google it, but why then would manufacturers make a 512MB card like the 7600 I posted above? I'm still edging towards the 7600 and for the sake of £20 it's worth the extra power.

Quote from Jakg :well i used to run with a 6600GT (i had two, but i could never get SLi (running two together to get almost twice the power) quite happily, youll get good FPS, and you can add some aa and af, athough with vista comes DX10, so...

Got any going spare??
S3 licensed
good point, I'll keep that in mind.

This then raises the question, will the 6600GT card keep going for a year or two running LFS before an upgrade to a DX10 card? I suspect the answer is yes, but only the devs know if there will be a major graphics overhaul which would ideally need a better card.
S3 licensed
Quote from Franek_PL :It will be fairest for your computer GeForce 6600GT.

Yeah, this is what I'm toying with and I see what you're saying, but I feel that a 7000 series card will last longer than a 6000 one. As I tend to do component upgrades every few years instead of buying a new machine outright (my case is probably over 6 years old!), I figure that the gfx card will outlast the cpu.

I'll do a bit more digging around on the 7600 card that a few of you have mentioned.

Thanks for all the feedback - great stuff!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :i was merely pointing ou that as good as Athlons are in your case it wasnt the best idea - and if your getting a graphics card get the 7600GS

Thanks Jakg, and yeah I figured as much

I didn't think about the 7600 range as I thought they'd be out of my price range. So thanks geeman and pb32000 for suggesting that.
Last edited by Zero7, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :tbh, you need more than £100 to make that computer sing (I hate Celerons that much)

I agree, but budgets must as budgets do! I also wouldn't normally go for a Celeron, but this was a free CPU that at the time seemed crazy to pass on, I just had to buy the mobo.

Quote from geeman1 :Yes LFS is very CPU dependant, but your GPU is so slow that you should really get it upgraded first.

EDIT: Becky if the motherboard has Socket 775 it would be a pretty safe to guess it supports AGP 8x or it may even be a PCIe.

Yes, you're right geeman, the board does support 8x AGP (no PCIe slot though).

Quote from Jakg :well the 6200 is REALLY slow and their are much better combos available, plus to do your "super value" deal he needs a new mobo

I would recommend you get a 6600 (AGP of course), and stick with your cpu for the moment

I would need a new mobo and to be honest I don't see myself upgrading that and the CPU and the graphics card for £100. I'm also a little skeptical of buying hardware off ebay which is probably the only way to do that sort of upgrade.

I realise that the Celeron would be limiting the throughput slightly and that I *think* I could upgrade the processor (sitting on a mobo Abit SG-80) to a dual core in the future.

How about this - Novatech 6600GT for £89 or the 7600GS for £111?
S3 licensed
Yes, my thoughts exactly, but what with LFS being heavily CPU dependent I've got a feeling the Celeron is holding it back.
Upgrade Advice - CPU or GPU?
S3 licensed
It's time for a component upgrade on my trusty puter, but I'm looking for some advice from you guys. Now, I've got ideas of my own but here's the question...

Should I upgrade my CPU or Graphics Card? The budget is £100.

The spec of my machine is pretty poor :

Intel Socket 775 Celeron D 2.8Ghz (OC'd to 3.2Ghz)
Nvidia FX5200

Now, the machine is used for basic word pro/spreadsheet, plus a bit of video editing.

Games are LFS (of course!) mainly and other racing titles. I'd want to run LFS much better than I am at the moment (varies from 6fps to 30fps depending on grid size - no AA, 2xAF, 1024x768).

S3 licensed
Awesome, you guys surely have talent!
S3 licensed
Quote from BigDave2967 :ITEK VS XXX

I got held up by a backmarker, so I called him a twat, but I don't think he knew it was directed at him. Carried on racing... well the replay will tell its story .

I think this may have been me - and didn't see you until the last minute when I swerved onto the grass. Apologies if it screwed your lap.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :My car and bike need a damn good wash, I'll give you £10 for that for starters


Yeah, but it'll cost him 30 quid to get to your house!! LOL
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Another thought - can you part exchange some old Playstation games in your local games shop? You might get cash, but more likely you'd get vouchers. I would be quite happy to exchange it for vouchers, as long as it's a common shop, like Game or PC World.

Kirmy, can I make another suggestion to what Tristan has done - try earning some money another way. I remember myself when I was 15 or 16 just knocking on peoples doors (no - not running away ) and seeing if they wanted their car cleaning. Why not team up with a brother/sister/friend and increase your income by getting through twice as many cars? I bet if you did that for a few days you'd get £24 in no time.
S3 licensed
Paint.NET a free paint package.

This also requires Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :You got two types of gloves in the game.. GlovesA and GlovesB..
Change the racing suite in the Player menu, till you see the gloves..

This worked for me...
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :he did techno.. and now i remember, it was unidentified records

..dont you remember.. back in RSC he had all those songs

I remember - and still listen to then every now and then. He did 4 CD's worth of songs (and I put together a few basic CD covers)! If you want the songs check out the RSC thread.
S3 licensed
Sim racing Dad of 1. I have a daughter of 5 who has also tried LFS sitting on my knee steering whilst I brake (mainly!) and accelerate. She wasn't half bad actually steering the MRT around South City!!
S3 licensed
I had a big grin watching that! Brought back memories of when I used to watch it on TV. Great stuff
S3 licensed
Very, very nice movie! Love the use of the new camera roll, it really adds a different feel to the movie. Excellent stuff!!

LawVS - I saw your Blackwood Track Guide movie on your teams' website - again really informative. Have you added this to the Educational Movie's thread?
S3 licensed
I've uploaded one or two hotlaps ages ago, but to be honest, it's not a feature that I personnally use that regularly anyway. The only time I'd take a look at the hotlap stats is to see what the wr for the track is.
S3 licensed
Interesting that quite a few dislike the RAC, but to me this sounds like one of the meatiest out of all the cars. The XFR and UFR are nice as well, so I go for RAC, XFR, UFR
S3 licensed
I have three for the FZ:

If you're interested....
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :If that fails, the Backfire mod is using DirectX to play the sounds, specifically it is using version7, in order to do this it must make a DX instance and it could be your graphics or sound card driver doesnt like DX7 games. LFS is DX8.

Thanks Becky for trying to help...

I've tried the mod on another machine of mine and it's working flawlessly so it must be something to do with the sound drivers on my comp (HP laptop with ADI SoundMAX builtin soundcard). This is the first time I've had sound problems on the laptop, so I think you're right with regard to DX version and drivers. Nevermind, I'll still be able to enjoy the mod on my other machine.

While you're looking for sound samples (don't know if you've got enough), have you tried the GPLSO mod for GPL? I'd imagine you'd need permission to use the backfire samples in there, but it's just a thought.
S3 licensed
I'm still having problems with the backfire.exe running on my machine. It still insists on briefly appearing and then quitting - am I missing something here or have I fallen to noob status!!

I've added the exe to Windows Firewall and allowed it as an Exception - anything else anyone can suggest? I'm not running LFS or any other Insim apps. Really wanna try this baby out...
S3 licensed
Quote from _TdNoZ_ :cant hear a sound

Same here. I've extracted the zip to the root of my LFS folder and modified the cfg.txt file, however when I run backfire.exe the window appears and then disappears straight away (as if it's been closed by the OS). Checked Task Manager and no backfire.exe running in the background.

Running LFS U16. Any other info you want?
S3 licensed
I drove past a good forum attendant instead of doing what I was supposed to.

S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks but... do you know a way to reproduce the bug? I think it is rare (and not new) and if I don't know how to make it happen, I can't fix it. We need a way to make it happen every time, then I'll be able to fix it.

Yes, I was thinking this after posting and tried to reproduce it again without success. I'll keep trying and will post back if I find a way to reliably get the same result.