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S3 licensed
They should do, just extract CSR to the root of your LFS folder, then download and extract DaveWS's soundpack file to the same location. Make the modification (OutGauge settings) to cfg.txt, save it, run CSR then run LFS, voila!
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I love pitspotter, but the default sounds are REALLY annoying me - i found the files, and the re-recorded them with my own voice - but even then they didn't "fit" that well, and seeing as i can't convince someone who's voice would fit perfectly (she said no ), i would really like some new samples, are there any?

I did some of my own as well using my own voice. Like you, I've found my voice doesn't fit the spotter speech well (dunno, probably just not emphasising words in the right place).

+1 to a pitspotter sound pack though!
S3 licensed
Last edited by Zero7, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Ok, i'm now uploading my 2nd version of my sound pack. It's uploading to filefront, so it could take 25 mins, or a day. Anyway a mirror would go down well once it's uploaded. Oh how I do like to tease.

Check your PM....
S3 licensed
Quote from DjeMz :oh and would any cheap ps2 style off ebay do the trick?

say like this ... 74943QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

or would the logitech be a better option ... 74943QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

I've been looking at the Logitech Dual Action Gamepad as these have two analog sticks and loads of buttons. Cheap as chips as well
S3 licensed
I generally play with a keyboard and mouse, but I've got a Logitech Formula FFB wheel, but this only comes out once in a while. Also thinking of getting a gamepad for rF as k/b is dire for that game.
S3 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Yes. Here

Cheers, dunno how I missed that one!
S3 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :I like the way this one is turning out very much. Here is a preview of my FXO.

Still some small tweaks to smooth out the sample, but its work in progress.

Very nice. Have you changed the tyre squeal? It sounds different.
S3 licensed
Scawen, I just had this problem on the start grid on SO Sprint 1 where pressing the accelerator didn't do much - it felt like the brake was on when accelerating.

I got this during a U28 patch I believe as well, but it seems to be preceeded with a loss of control to the car i.e. steering input goes irratic and brake or accelerate seems to get stuck in the on position. I've attached a replay and program screenshots to show you. I'm using mouse input.

I thought it might have been something to do with CSR running in the background, so I killed that app, but the problem reappeared (I still run PitSpotter in the background).

If you want more info let me know. In the meantime, I'll try some older patches to see if the problem reoccurs.

edit: just noticed i was connected to U20 servers - Redline Racing and [SKH]Fairplay #2
edit2: just tried U28 on a spdoRacing (U20) with no problems. I'm wondering if it's a bandwidth issue on my part? Would a wireless connection affect response rates as LFS is running on my wireless laptop?
Last edited by Zero7, . Reason : added couple more mpr's
S3 licensed
I've just bought rFactor now that they have allowed you to play in demo mode before you buy and I have to say initial impressions are pretty good.

I like the sounds, track graphics and day/night transitions so far. This is all based on about a weeks worth of play though, so I need to give it time.

The sounds are good to a degree. I won't go into all the differences between LFS and rF sounds as that's been done to death, but from a new player to rF I will say that they sound great at slow and top speeds. They tend to get repetitive around the mid range though. All the other ambient sounds are good too - break squeal, tarmac sounds, track noise, gear box whine etc.

I was training in the single seater trainer the other night and this felt remarkably similar to the FOX. Again, great sense of speed (the shaking aids this I suppose) and the engine sounded good.

Graphics are good and bad IMO. Track texture, lighting, grandstands etc are all convincing. The day/night transitions are well done which doesn't seem to affect the FPS when racing at night. The cars do look cartoony though and don't have that believable feel about them like the LFS ones.

What I really don't like, like so many reports I've read is the way you can't recover from a slide. Unlike LFS it is very difficult to control a slide (or drift) without it snapping round and spinning you off the track. This gets very annoying when you sense it's happening, but then suddenly you're off.

I haven't tried online yet, so can't say about about the netcode, but I can see mismatches occuring. I've downloaded the Nurburgring only so far and enjoying a 20Km track for the first time.

Overall, so far not bad. I'll keep trying rF as it's early days, so it will be interesting to see how LFS feels when I try that again.
S3 licensed
I've still noticed a couple of sound glitches every now and then on my laptop (hp TC4200, SoundMAX). I'd say once every one or two laps, nothing major just a few crackles.

Also, not sure if this related, but since U25 (and now U27) I sometimes get real bad steering lag, like the wheel stutters and the throttle and brake don't respond and I end up in the armco. I'm using mouse control BTW.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomkey :Here a problem with the patches, too. Since i updated 3 times since U19 (was this week on Tuesday), i MUST unlock LFS. I had to ask for a further key, 1 for the unlock, 1 for a PC-Upgrade (new CPU), to install a new running fullversion.

I'm the meaning, that i didn't have to unlock LFS by installing these patches.
I made a backup, yesterday, so i could use LFS full, but still with U19...................until next month, when i get 2 keys

What's going wrong here?

Are you using a laptop or hibernation on a desktop PC? I had this problem using a laptop that I'd put into Hibernation and after running LFS I found it locked. Restarting the laptop unlocks LFS. See this post.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Hi All,

I am having "lag" issues with this application. Its runs about 1-2 secs behind what I am actually doing in LFS ( Sound wise )

Had a look around with settings in LFS and cannot seem to cure it, where others are not having this issue?

Any ideas?


The solution is to up the priority on the CSR.EXE within Task Manager (right click it in the list of processes, Set Priority, AboveNormal).
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :LFS sometimes goes back to locked status on a laptop after an automatic hibernation.

The solution is : unlock LFS after a reboot.

Now if it ever appears locked again, reboot the computer then run LFS again - it will still be unlocked.

Ahhh, that explains it!!

I do tend to hibernate the laptop every now and then after running LFS. I know now to shutdown instead of hibernate.

EDIT: Just tried rebooting after restarting from a hibernated session and yes, LFS is unlocked!

Thanks for explaining...
Last edited by Zero7, .
XP Unlocking problem
S3 licensed
I think there maybe an unlocking problem on my XP installation. I'll give some background info first...

I'm using three installs of LFS U22:

Main desktop - XP SP2 (custom built)
Main laptop - XP SP2 (hp TC4200)
Spare laptop - Vista32 RC1 (hp NC8000).

I've just experienced a third locking on the XP laptop (TC4200) for no apparent reason. I start LFS and it's in Locked mode. This unlocking hasn't occurred on my main PC, partly because I haven't been using it much, nor has it occurred more than once on the Vista installation. However, I am using two sound mods - PitSpotter and CSR Sound Remixer on the two XP installs, let me explain...

Just before the 3rd lock occuring on the TC laptop (and before I'd started LFS) I extracted a CSR soundset (XRR) to the \LFS\User Files folder. LFS was then locked when started. Now, I wouldn't have thought that this would have caused a lock, but I'm worried that using third party mods, especially sound ones could be interfering with U22, seen as there are sound changes in U22. I don't know, this could be a red herring, but I think I may remove these two mods for awhile and see if it happens again. It would be interesting to see if anyone else has been getting more than usual locks with this kind of configuration.

Also, as a result of this, I've drawn up a Change Log for recording ALL changes that I've applied to my LFS folder. Feel free to use yourself if you like.
S3 licensed
Vista32 RC1 Build 5600 on hp NC8000 laptop / AC97 Audio

Setting the write ahead to 0.05 and changing frequency doesn't produce any noticable lag on my installation (even rapid frequency change).

Tried at 0.02 and rapidly changing the frequency (keep finger pressed on A/Z) does result in some clicking, but it's very infrequent.
S3 licensed
sounds great!! can't wait to get my mits on this one

just a suggestion, but couldn't all these sound packs be hosted on the LFS Database (check with the webmaster of course!)?
S3 licensed
Some feedback...

1) Do you get lag (delay when pressing throttle) or skipping (gaps in sound)

Skipping (or crackling).

2) Can it be solved by changing Options/Misc/Sound Blocks setting

Setting the Sound Blocks to 5 reduces it, but doesn't completely eliminate it. Again, most notable near barriers.

3) What operating system do you have, 98, XP, Vista32, Vista64

Windows XP SP2 + all hotfixes

4) What hardware : sound card + drivers if you can find that info

Compaq (hp) tc4200 laptop + SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio + driver version
Last edited by Zero7, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :It's not expected, but possible (in Windows XP) due to the slight change in the unlocking which fixes Vista 64-bit. I've given you a spare unlock - please let me know if unlocking still works correctly.

Thanks Scawen. Yes, I managed to unlock.
S3 licensed
I've just applied U22 (to U20) and it's locked LFS back to demo mode, is this normal?
S3 licensed
Quote from EveningStar :
edit: in the snd folder are raws which are named: SkidRoadHeavyMajor.raw,SkidRoadHeayMinor.raw,...
i think these are the sounds which should be edited.

Yes, these can be changed and I believe there have been modified versions of these posted in the Misc Addons, although they only replaced the existing ones with different skid sounds.
S3 licensed
All the best Victor in whatever extra you want to do....
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Does anyone have any rFactor Multiplayer replay, so i can see is it the same case as on my computer..? offcourse in .AVI format or something like that, not rFactor format... just a short one, so i can see the car movement..

Search on YouTube for rfactor - I just did and it came up with 647 hits...

Make your mind up after viewing those...

I still haven't found a decent rF video comparable to those done in LFS e.g. Just Racing, DoN's slowmo's, Aspirations etc etc
S3 licensed
Bawbag, have you tried deleting all the files that are in the zip from your LFS folder and starting again?

Is there a mismatch between this version and the other ESM_003 version in the movies thread?

The steps that Stuff listed work fine for me. You really should try and get it working, cause the FZR sounds saaawwweeeeettt!!
S3 licensed
Nice, now all we need is DoN to make the same vid in LFS!