The online racing simulator
Haha. We shall have to try that at some point
:-( Anyone else getting mysql error's from ? Every one of spankmeyer's link's for his tourny info gives me a mysql error.

I can't even login from the game to start the stages :-( The entire website's database seems to be unreachable.
Yes. The database seems to be down. We'll have to wait until it is up again.

DB still down as it seems... I'm looking forward to the Japan rally, I'll be on of the DNFs for sure
Yeah dunno what happened. Hopefully they'll be back soon, as I just got hang of the tournament plugin.

Oh yeah, check my LFS RBR sig website too, noticed that 5 mins is plenty for making websites!
The challenge is still down, so I decided to give the MG 1600 a go. Go for the KSP setups or whatever you like and drive it. It's fun because it absolutely does what you want. All you have to do is listen to the pacenotes, get your line right and point the car in the right direction. Even the infamous french stage Bisanne is easy with that car.

If the new challenges prove to be a(nother) disaster I will suggest to use the MG. Then we will propably see a lot more finishers and the fights will be a lot closer.

Quote :If the new challenges prove to be a(nother) disaster I will suggest to use the MG. Then we will propably see a lot more finishers and the fights will be a lot closer.

Or why not a S1600 class challenge? S1600 addon cars should be pretty comparable to the default MG. There are only 4 (if I didn't forget some car) S1600 cars released and those who don't want to install any of them can just use the MG then and just shut up even if it turns out to be slower compared to the addon cars. Your choice. Anyhow, these FWD S1600 addon cars should at least have more realistic physics, that MG has just always felt weird what comes to handling.
I downloaded some setups and put them in the setup folder and none show up, I got told to put them in every directory and they will show up lol.

Can you tell me the folder to put them in Vain, I done the group n/S1600 rally and you touch the MG brakes and it spins.
Did you extract the physics.rbz file so it creates a physics folder in the rbr directory?
"Good news... your order has been shipped and is now on its way to you! Here are the details:"


I should be joining you guys in a few days hopefully!
Human + LFS = no social life
Human + LFS + RBR = ?
The database is still down? Why... there's no reason to live! Where's my kayak?!

Well fortunatly both of the current challenges are open till next monday, so maybe the Czechs get their server tilted back up.
Quote from Bawbag :I downloaded some setups and put them in the setup folder and none show up, I got told to put them in every directory and they will show up lol.

Can you tell me the folder to put them in Vain, I done the group n/S1600 rally and you touch the MG brakes and it spins.

The setups are called something like "0slot0_Pwnagesetup". If it is an MG setup you'll have to rename it to 2slot0_Pwnagesetup to work. the 0 after slot is exchangable with 1 or 2, it's the number that controls in which of the three setup-slots the setup appears (thus it'd be stupid to have two different setups with both 2slot0_, as they would appear in the same slot). The first number controls on which car the setup will be listed. 2 is the MG if I remember correctly. If it isn't, then create a setup ingame for the car and it'll apprear in the SavedGames-folder with the correct prefix.

And now go and never again complain about the LFS abbrevations in setups!

Ah, thanks Vain.
Great, looks like our lil' rally challenge is put on a break:

Sorry, our provider disabled DB. We can nothing to do (only change provider ;-) ). Wally
God damned, what a timing of that provider. Just as we finally start RBR'ing in mini tournaments, such a thing happens.
Time to break out RBROnline and compete... online... against each other in real time
or use RBRnet, though it's only for pick-up races.
#395 - Don
Quote from JamesF1 :Time to break out RBROnline and compete... online... against each other in real time

do they still organize some free races?
I liked the format of RBR Tournament a lot. Any way to reproduce that?
Perhaps using the offline tournament-feature +screenshot or shakedowns?

Time to get Photoshop ready.

AHEM *cough*
@Don: Err, rather, I mean RBRNet
The realtime server/client plugins require a little bit more organization to get more than two people in a rally.

I don't mind though if someone wants to set up one for testing as long as we can somewhat agree on the schedule. I can keep updating my LFS RBR Otter Challenge site about the upcoming rallies and stuff.

I wonder how this offline-tournament-thingy of LFS tournament works.


Richard Burns Rally
(1110 posts, started )