You gotta be confused, cause is just software similar to that car manufacturers use to make automated driving, safety features, etc. That is not, it's ai is dog water.
Should show where you're getting you parts from, bash bars, brake object, coilover, etc , show you actually building them and not just completed pictures.
You've already been caught several times stealing parts, I don't know how you are not mod banned yet.
Sorry, this is unacceptable. Maybe to you who has been playing it for only 2 years does not yet know the aggervation that this has causes a magnitude of lfs player base to decrease.
Explain where I said i'm so knowledgable on the issue? No where do i express that I know how to correct/ fix it. I am simply expressing my opinions.
Also would instead of lfs providing hosting we go back to allowing people to host them selves wouldn't that then put the effort of ddoss protection in the hands of the server host vs lfs host?
So what do you think is acceptable action to be taken, considering this only puts a bad image on Liveforspeed as they can't maintain their servers. Games have been terminated for less, either come up with a solution or terminate that's the only two plausible answers regarding this.
The steam arguement has come and gone and we've heard reasonings for why that won't happen.
You can't continue this as it is, it's hindering multiple events people wait for.
To gain traction for more money incoming is not possible due the ddoss, especially when it comes to Esports.
Seems all you wanna do is just say "oh well" and take a L, sorry that's not acceptable in the books.
Fix it or close it is your options.
Lfs is a product and if a product can't be maintained then it should be sold to somewhere else that can, if you don't want to do that then I suggest find something to make some income.
no i'm not wanting to know who or why it is, i want to know how it keeps happening, why isn't scawen able to prevent this after 10+years of dealing with it.
Welp, looks like are in another constant state of deadlock due to the ddoss, go to play the weekend - nope, go to play after hours when no ones on - nope.
10+ years of ddossing and it's still a massive pain in the butt. Why has this been allowed to go on for so long. I would genuiunely like to know, this is absolutely unacceptable regardless of what the reasonings are.
This subject is no different than the millions of reallife car mods simply being under a non ip name. Any disicussion foward stating licensing issues is just chopping a steel pole.
we should have the track editor simple as that