I recommend you all to watch a top tier Formula Vee race, they are still going but spares are probably quite expensive and not within the original spirit of the sport.
I try to obtain a download of the SCCA Runoffs (like a US nationa olympics of amateur motorsports) formula Vee races as they are usually very entertaining with leader on the last lap cursing his (or her) bad strategy as he know he will be slip streamed on the back straight and might lose the podium.
Not a chance that they would add several grams of weight for style in top tier motorsports. Factory fitted on the the 06 Impreza it is most likely to only affect style, as well as aftermarket variants.
If I recall correctly they minimizes turbulence (at least puts a limit of the turbulence radius) it then helps the air go (as previous posters suggested) straight across the wing as intended. (code word: laminar flow)
If you compare the WRC to the racing or hillclimb wings you notice that the WRC wing is lower than the roof line, and the hillclimb cars having wing up above the roof line in less disturbed air.
Aerodynamics is a often unintuitive dark art where the black wizzards wants to keep their advantage by keeping the knowledge secret. There is very little accessible information for amateur motorsports teams and for racing fans. There is also a reason it is not accessible, there are no universal rules, as the rules can be spoiled by minor mistakes that destroys any chance of benefit for the aero.
I'm just over here far away but I still think I need to pick up prepping as a hobby in case they give the lauch codes to the one with the rethorics that was so popular in europe in 1920.
BBC had the best show before Sky took over and made an ever better show.
BBC has in just afew years lost my top 3 shows F1, MotoGP and TopGear (I guess BBC is hijacked by green leftists who thinks motor shows are bad for the environment and also not aligned with the Bechdel test enough)
A genuinely non horrible movie, probably the best since Return of the Jedi (even though I liked Anakin's journey to the dark side)
The Sith enforcer of this movie was not great, a lame Sith with a Vader complex aligns fine with ep2&ep3 but I sincerely hope they can get some real badass for the next movie. A comback as a cyborg Ren would still be too lame and also way too much Vader complex.
And I do not want it to be Rey, mostly since I sure do not want to see another turning to the dark side saga, but She is badass enough. Captain Phasma maybe?
They should have skipped 3d when they could not commit to the needed framerate, or maybe it was just the cinema I was in that was badly tuned. I had a horrible headache the last 30 minutes.
Finally, did Luke really put the helmet back on Vader before leaving the death star, thinking about the Anakin skull artefakt. (yes it looks cool but...)
When doing registration inspection, an imported car should be 100% OEM. However, there is something called "flyttgods" for cars owned for a long time then brought when the owner moves to Sweden, that inspection is way less strict, it must not have any dangerous faults. So as long as it looks neat and tidy it should be not problem.
Amateur shitty car races are of two basic flavours.
* You got "Folkrace" which is rallycross in a car which must be offered for sale for 6500skr after the race (excluding chair and belts) and the organizer may not charge more than 300skr as start fee. You will need a trailer, a car heavy enough to pull the triler, a sledge hammer and a very large crowbar for car repair between race heats. These are run with racing license from the swedish FIA connected organization.
* Then you got "Fempapp" whick is endurance racing with cars bought for under 5000skr, after the race the car is usually crushed by the organizer. Track can be gravel or tarmac. Arbitrary penalty points (often called "bullshiptpoints") are arbirtarily given by the organizer to cars with mods that does not look like they fit in the 5k rule. There are many organizers with varying price limit for the car and race rules. These are usually run without racing license or with SMA (which is a insurance broker offering insurance to racers and track marshals).
Disclamier: All of the above are "about right" not "absolutely correct".
If it is the same Ford quality I am used to, buy the Mazda, I guess you get back the 2k when you sell it.
Optionally check prices for used cars to calculate depreciation.
I do not know how to solve it. Maybe enforcing minimum sector times, then they can go slow at the accident and then compensate without losing any distance to the car behind.
Yes, that is what happens to tyres on track!
I can easily abuse a new set of tyres to be totally unusable if I want to, I try absolutely the opposite of course.
Suggestion 1, buy some cheap dented used rims, fit some good tyres (preferably R (semi slicks) but semi R (semi-semi-slicks) or track oriented might be ok. Fit them before track driving. Drive on track, abuse your tyres, fit unused tyres to car return car and nobody will know better.
The cheap dented rims will not depreciate in value, you can sell them for profit if you repaint them.
Frankly: If you can not afford the tyre wear, do not drive on track. Driving on track is expensive (I consumed eur 80 of fuel and a bit more in tyres)
Yes it was inevitable, either for safety or cost reasons. I remember when the teambosses got together and vetoed against reverse starting order, it felt like the sport had grew up from spectacle to professional competition that day.
Studies show that headsets does not limit the distraction at all. The important thing is to prioritize so that the conversation is never prio 1. Driving with one hand might make gear shifts clumsy, but it does not make you lose attention of the road any more than talking with a headset. Talking to someone in the car is different as you can signal to the other party to stfu when the traffic situation needs it.
Texting on the other hand is hard to do without looking elsewere than the road ahead.
I did for 2 months and have been able to order a beer and ask for directions, in a style of german that was _almost_ totally incomprehensible to the german. You get very far with few words (but understanding what they say is impossible)
During the 2 months I did an epic test with one die/der/das where I got less than I would if I have answered the same on every query. and one fill out the sentences where points started at 100 and 1 was removed for every error, most got 80, I got 0 at about 30% in.....
Also the german sentences are strange, one page of words with some logic at the end that negates all that I just read.... Bastards!
You do not need no site for this, just buy some white Compomotive rims and be done with it. I recommend mo but that is only if you are not cool enough for the th.
Yeah, because moving the seats forward in a Miata is the thing you want to do, now you can fit 4 small children in the car, but who will be driving it.