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S2 licensed
As a lot of you have mentioned Alot of the classes need something a little different in them to mix things up.

For The TBO Class Why have the powers above never beefed up my beloved XF GTI now I love this car.

But id love a 1.8i 16v version or even a 2.0 16v like alot of the 90's hot hatches
It could be NA or even turboed If we are really going to keep that class TBO
Small light car with short wheel base and a lot of power. Given 160-180bhp im sure it would be a very good match for its bigger higher powered TBO brothers.

Theres not really much work involved as we already Have the model, it would just need bigger and wider wheels and its power uprated.

This would mix the TBO class up a bit id have thought. At least get it in a test patch to give it a try

Fiesta RS turbo anyone
Last edited by Spils, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :I am not aware that there is a mod with my involvement out for GTR evo by the way

HistorX cars, speaking of mine, i.e. the GTC76 class, have an acceptable default setup, probably.. just get the adjustable steering rack upgrade and use ~25 .. 30 degrees in car setup with 900 on the G25. The usual rFactor things apply, get rid of speed sensitive steering, triple check all aids are off and axis sensitivities of 50% are linear.

After checking its seems im getting your mod mixed up with the GTL mod for GTR
S2 licensed
@ Niels

I play your mod for GTR-evo a hell of a lot, actually it was the reason why I brought the game, Not a great fan of rfactor and just wanted a nice car game that works with my g25 as a nice alternative to LFS.

Anyway having a bit of an issue with some of the more powerful cars from reading what you have said above I guess its down to an inaccurate steering setup.

In my profiler I use a 540 degree rotation and default in game setting for the car I dont have any setups for many of the Hisorical mod cars.

What settings do you recommend for a more realstic setting.
I find the old Escorts very hard to control at cadwell I guess its down to my steering being way to sensative.
S2 licensed
Id much prefer a sierra cosworth that featurted in the BTCC

This game is crying out for it imo.. One of the best bits of racing your ever see.

Scawen being British im shocked the RS500 wasn't put in LFS years ago.
Hes letting us all down not representing the BTCC
S2 licensed
Also how does one use these sounds ? simply dropping it in the sounds folder?
Or do i need to stick them else where and load them with shift+a
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :

Thanks ill try that it a little later, he says something about a skid pack also but i cant see a link just a sound pack and GTR-single seaster sound pack..

Am i missing something?
Sound packs good ones ??
S2 licensed
recommend some good sound packs for the road card mainly please. I think the standard LFS are a little lacking.

I dont want anything over the top just nice little tweaks that improve the sound really
S2 licensed
Quote from james12s :i second everything everyone else has said but i would also like to say that you also have the option of the uf-br server, running restricted ufrs, there great fun and with a good bunch on there can be a great lace to learn and earn points

Only problem here is all my settings are screwed. And im not a setup person, i just get one offline i like the feel of and use that...

Is there anywhere to get some good Uf-br sets ?
S2 licensed
Crta race 1, T1 is always the same mate your best bet is to be right at the front or at the back, if your at the front most the drivers will brake behind you and in front of you while leaving space..

The middle tear of drivers think the race all depends on T1 so they brake as late as possible and forget everyone infront as to brake earlier and earlier as the pack gets tighter..

Just let them come past on there charge to T1 giving you the edge as 9 times out of 10 you can get on the power early and just pick them off one by one.. with your undamaged car.

Race 2 and 3 This isnt really an issue the sooner you get there the better.
Also as you play on race 1 more and more your find players who your remember be fair with them have a good battle there remember you and next time give you the space..

Theres lots of players I no i have good battle with and are given space on race 1. Middle of the pack is a hell hole avoid it at all costs into T1.
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :Perhaps the the road cars should have a choice of a few gearboxes? Short ration, Medium ratio and Long ratio or something like that? ie. Each gearbox has predefined ratios that you cannot alter.


I think this should be the standard same for suspension setting.
You get 3 options Soft/Medium/Hard

I really do feel road cars, need there setting options restricted a lot.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Im in. I play LFS only on Sundays really now anyway..BTW any link to the video your unabout in the first post ?
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :This thread's a good read! Glad to see the CTRA admins are coming away fairly well unscathed, too

Since revising the structure of our rules and trying to clarify some points, some new issues with the rules have come to light that we'll need to address soon. I'll pick those off so you guys know, because they seem pertinent to the discussion..

"Bump and steal" - the process of deliberately smacking someone's back-end to push them wide or destabilise them into a corner. We've started to see this a lot more, recently, although it's always been illegal on CTRA servers.. so we'll be making a specific point of it in the rules. It's sometimes pretty difficult to determine if an individual instance of this is deliberate or not. However, it's piss-easy to spot it as a behavioural trend in a driver. When it's reported, we spend a long time looking at other examples of corner entry from the reported driver, and they're positively up the creek if they're caught. This kind of thing is a once-in-a-blue-moon incident, so if we can find it recurring within 3 or 4 other races, we consider them habitual bump and stealers. Bear in mind that bumping and stealing is an easy fix if it's done in error, anyway. You just give the position back. Occasional contact into a corner is perhaps even inevitable, and can't be 100% avoided - accidents happen - but the driver that disadvantages another driver, by accident or on purpose, is always in control of whether or not they return the position.

On that point, if the disadvantaged driver crashes and totals, and then spectates, it's impossible to return the position within 2 corners (regulation) but we will diminish the penalty issued - or even dismiss it - if the advantaged driver gives him/herself a voluntary drive-thru in the same race. If we miss them doing that, they can point it out in their appeal.

GTR midracers overtaking GT2 competitors - Hands up, I admit I hadn't properly considered this in developing the new rules write-up, and it's definitely an issue because some of the tracks we run are really short tracks. I will be sticking this in the sporting code. To summarise, GTR midrace joiners WILL be allowed to overtake GT2 cars, but only on main straights. Both main and straight. They must aim for the empty side of the track, and the GT2 competitor mustn't defend. I've tested it myself and reviewed several example replays, and if a GTR gets within striking distance on entry into a corner or chicane, they should be free to pass at the earliest opportunity on the following straight. The GT2 competitor should pick a side of the track, and the GTR should use the other. By the time the next corner comes, on 70% of the shortest of tracks, they're already firmly into the corner before the GT2 hits the braking zone.


Why dont you guys just implement the road rule, If you hit someone up the arse its your fault, simple as that, there is no grey area then and everyone knowns where they stand.

Id love to argue with my insurance company after a rear end smash "well he broke 50 meters before the traffic lights the n00b !!!111111 Now my front end is a right off"

Then in the odd case where the person infront was at fault you guys can take a look. my 2cents
S2 licensed
Quote from Sirsmiley :Our website is 90% finished, and were now open to serious teams who wish to participate in championship.

Please apply on our forum, for further details.

what about people like myself who are not in teams but wouldn't mind getting involved?
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :

cheers so all i need to do is type /press F9 and next to it press one of my red buttons, LFS does the rest ?? and ill have that one red button linked to f9

sorry im at work so cant try it till im home tonight.
S2 licensed
I had a great time the weekend, but i have to admit the server is spoilt by complete idiots, there a minority, but that's all you need to spoil the place.

I love a bit of contact, thats the way i race, but i only use the amount of contact id expect back, i think its a great part of TBO class. But some people just have no sportsmanship whats so ever.

They refuse to use the break pedal and will just drive through you or worse use you as a braking point
Something must be done as yesturday was stunning full grid FXO's XRT's and RB4's mixing it up..
Maybe smiley you need to get it so its members only, enough of us no the server now so you have a fanbase.
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :No in that options tab with the alt/ctrl macros you can assign a wheel button to that and those could be your 4 red buttons. Then you just need to press the red buttons like you want.

Im lost i see the section but then how do i get the stock F9 control which brings up tire info to be assigned to being red button one instead of doing it in the profiler.. You say the alt/ctrl section ??

can you post a screen shot setup of how you say to do it im sure i can get what you mean froma simple screen shot
S2 licensed
Couple of things id say, after playing again last night. Remove the pitstop it destroys the racing, i want lap after lap of wheel to wheel racing. You have people pitting all over the place breaking up the pack..

Add an endurence day or 2 per week if we are going to have pitstops. Its a watse when the race only lasts 6 laps.

Can The split sector time that appears in the center of the screen in size 50 font be made smaller ??? can get very off putting but i do like it if only it was smaller.

all the info that streams in at the top left hand corner can anything be do client end to customize this, with a fair few racer on this can become very annoying.

Overall im loving this server.
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :Forget about Profiler, no need for that crap at all. Just go to options in LFS, go to Alt/Ctrl + f1 - f12 section and map at any of the buttons commands like "/press F10" etc. and than map wheel buttons to them, thats all.

Can be done via scripts too, but that way is easier imo.

Then i would have to press ctrl or alt + the key defeating teh object might aswell press the f key had i now.

In my logitech profiler the edit tab everything in there is greyed out
setting custom buttons g25
S2 licensed
Guys is it possible to map f9 f10 f11 f12 to the 4 buttons*red ones* on the H-shifter if so how ???
S2 licensed
Quote from lil chris :If I remember correctly the actuall "ghost car" is patented or copyrighted, therefore for it to implemented into this game the Devs will have to pay money for it. But as far as I know its still ok to have someone make an unofficial addon or mod for it?

Im not exactly sure of this but if my memory serves me this was mentioned in a ghost car older topic somewhere? can anyone help confirm or debunk this?

Think its midway who own the copyright. and yes thats correct anyone who uses as to pay the owner cash, so for the devs to use it they would have to fork out. i for one would pay for this addon if the devs did it.
S2 licensed
Ill try and make it on tonight for a few races
S2 licensed
Quote from noob4ever :google and learn AS3, JS, PHP..

something that might actually benefit.

thats what I do..

what in gods name as learning to code got to do with someone simply opening up there game hitting print screen and hosting the screen shot for me??
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :And... you can't do this why?

im at work wanted to mess around with a simple idea in photoshop while i have little to do
S2 licensed
Why as this been moved, doesn't it have anything to do with LFS general discussion. i wanted to get a general idea on what the players think about this..

Im sure a good majority have had enough of the strange setups possible in LFS?

edit sorry its in improvments now i can live with that it was first moved to setups board.