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Takes a little getting used to, but eventually it will really become second nature to use and you will use it without thought.

You can look across corners, see the apexes easier and finding a gap in the traffic if you need to get back on the tarmac is much easier. I would feel handicapped to race without mine now.

I'm wondering if its worth the cost to upgrade from Ti4 to 5
S2 licensed
Speaking of utube video's, I found this recently -
S2 licensed
Quote from Ripley :Software is completely rewritten from scratch, and it really looks good. Tracking seems smoother even with TrackIR4.

Agreed it is smoother with the new sofware, I have used it for about six months now, and although moving my head so much (though it can be easily adjusted) is not natural in real life, I really don't notice it in use and actually does feel natural now.

Hate to drive without it.
S2 licensed
Well' I've had TI4 for about six months now, and my feelings are that a lot of you guys don't give it a fair chance.

When I first tried to use it I really struggled with it, in fact it actually made me feel nauseous and had to come away from my screen till I felt better again.

But its the same as just about everything,- to get the best out of this kit you have to persevere and get used to it.
It took a while, but now I would not consider driving without it. Sure turning your head to change your view felt a bit odd at first - but like trying use a hammer with your left hand feels odd at first, its amazing how quickly you get used to it and soon becomes second nature.

I spent quite a few weeks tweaking it to my tastes, I hated the standard setups as I found them too sensitive at dead centre, I'm now able to move my head a little without the screen view altering too much, its not until I move my head a little more than natural fidgit movements, that the screen view really starts to move and respond when I want it too.

I find it makes track re-entry much safer in most cases, - when I have had an off I find it easier to look for a gap in the traffic to re-enter the race, a much safer proposition for everybody.

Now I don't really notice that I am using TIR, everything is second nature to me now, I look around me without realizing the false way in which I do it, it has become part of my racing experience and would hate to have to do without it.

I personally think some of you guys are expecting too much too soon, and it just ain't like that.
You have to work a little for the rewards that this kit brings.
Last edited by Polyracer, .
S2 licensed
Sweet ,
can't help with the THG though, I have a 42" widescreen and Track IR hooked up to my GT, I'm really happy with it but maybe the THG is better.
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :Ordered the Nixim GT Racecraft, couldn't wait

Don't worry, you will be delighted with it, literally built like a tank and fits like a glove, Don't know what options you ordered, but they can all be adjusted for that perfect driving position anyway.
You won't have any second place excuses anymore lol.

Hope you ordered it with wheels on
Last edited by Polyracer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Turbo Dad :I have had the Nixim brake mod for a while now and like the feel too.
But ,the end of the rubber block is being cut in to by the inside of the red shroud.
Spoke to Nixim ,who also had the same problem ,but said it wouldn't get any worse ....and no replacement offered.

Well to be fair Nixim have discussed this over at RSC, (where you also posted this) and they have already explained their position on this.

It seems this is quite normal and to be expected, they even say that once you have the mod in place - leave it alone, as disturbing it will mean it has to "bed in" again. I've had my mod in for well over a year now and it still works fine by me, beats me why you want a replacement when it seems the same thing will happen to that.
I mean bloody hell, the thing cost you less than £7, I would say for the effects its dam good value, and I have not seen anyone else have any problems or complaints.
S2 licensed
End of the world my ass, I'm looking forward to tomorrow and will be listening to BBC radio 4 all day to listen to events as they unravel,

there may indeed be a tiny tiny risk that bad stuff may happen, but my trust is with the scientists - they have always found the right answers to pushing back the boundaries of knowledge, - which seems to go at roughly the same pace as religion moves the goal posts.

We've heard it all before from the religious nuts when they exploded the first nuclear bomb, - which then lead on to the development of nuclear power stations.
I hope they find the Higgs, (or the god particle as it is known) cos then religions (each and every one of them) are going to move them goal post well off the field of play.
S2 licensed
Of course there is a God - the voices in my wifes head told me so
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Quote from David33 :Such a question is meaningless, until you first identify WHAT would be the court case. WHO is the accused? WHAT is the accusation? WHAT is the argument and evidence, that would constitute proof that the accusation is accurate?

A court is not a forum for speculative questions, or for seeking explanations for complex events. Its function is to decide legal disputes.

I imagine that a starting point maybe to check on procedures, see if they were all followed correctly - if not why not, and who was reponsible.
Who gave the OK to remove evidence from a site for example.

All of this stock market activity just prior to the attacks, should bare some scrutiny - who had access to the buildings prior to the attacks why were explosive sniffer dogs removed at the same time as areas being shut off for maintenance etc.

These are questions off the top of my head - everyone seems to think the first enquiry was a whitewash, I agree, yet most Americans seem to be happy with the status quo.
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Quote from wheel4hummer :It depends upon the velocity of the bowling ball prior to impact with the Styrofoam. If I drop the bowling ball from 1cm above the Styrofoam, it will probably stop the bowling ball. But, if the bowling ball is traveling at it's terminal velocity then the result would be much different.

Yep - I agree thats why I said "initially" in my last post
S2 licensed
Quote from Dennisjr13 :They did not fail. They survived the impact. They stayed up for an hour before the steel became weak enough to start a chain reaction.

Yes this is true, and as you look at the towers fall, initially it seems that it happens in a way that I fully understand and expect - again given my experience.

But, there was something that I noticed years ago - which I thought strange at the time, but also at that time - I thought that what had happened - happened because the design and construction of the building made it happen that way.

I never once thought about any "conspiracy theory", to me to think that mankind can inflict this upon himself would be just so terrible to contemplate but you know, those chinese whispers....

So what am I talking about, - I'm talking about those 47 main support towers that ran through the centre of the construction from top to six storeys underground.

Now to me this is what I find strange about the collapse, as the floors fell, one on top of the other, in virtual freefall I might add - which cannot be right to my mind.

At the very least as the floors fell each floor contact would have had some damping effect on the fall rate of the collapse - at least initially but then you have the issue of the supporting towers themselves, -

I mentioned in a previous post about the cotton bobbin effect of the centre support columns, guiding the floors down one on top of the others, into a nice neat pile ready for collection and disposal at the bottom?.

What is strange to me is exactly why the central supports came down too?,

There was no lateral forces acting on them,... at the very least they should have stayed there for most of the collapse sequence to fall at a later stage, but no those central colums that were the best design and formation to stand there, whilst everything else collapses around them, what happens?..

They go down at the same rate and at the same instant that the buildings fall, and my training and subconscious just sees a big red light.
If it is true as we see that those supports came down at the same speed as the floors, then there was no real strength in them at the time they came down, which surely can only mean that they have been cut,
Then you look at the video footage of the collapse and you see windows popping 25 floors below the debri line in and airtight building with reinforced glass, along with photogrphic evidence I have seen of clean diagonal cuts at 45degrees in this steelwork.

Then there is the issue of the siezmic shocks that were registered the instant the towers each began to fall, the pools of molten steel, and so on.

I dunno, add that to me having a better grasp of how nice and cuddly GB is with his merry band of followers.
To be honest he actually comes across to me as an incompetent idiot all religious an all, but the whole settup has a really bad smell and I hope I live long enough for the truth to come out whatever it is.

I'm going to look up a few more of those links on a nice dry warm (in the UK) sunny afternoon.

Hey Fred pass me that.......
Last edited by Polyracer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :You didn't answer my question. What is the difference between structural steel and normal steel.

Since I am more than qualified to answer this - I will.

The answer is................ no differerence.

Yes there are many different types of steel, but as far as I'm aware structural steel is simply mild steel that forms a structure - in fact any steel that forms a structure.

The only difference between steel and iron is the minute amount of carbon that is added to it, in the order of .05% if I remember correctly, and high carbon steel contains only a tiny fraction of carbon more.
Structural steel is simply rolled into girders, and angles, and channels, as opposed to sheet steel, which is rolled into ...erm sheets lol.

Of course the you can specify the charecteristics and properties of a steel for certain purposes, but generally speaking there is nothing special about "structural steel", it is simply good ol mild steel which you will find in ships, bridges, and buildings.
Quote from IStang70Fastback : must say that while there are a lot of clueless people on this thread, and that sometimes it is extremely frustrating when they refuse to accept something that is simply a scientific fact, this thread is very amusing and fun to argue on.

To an extent yes, but it is still a debate and thats why we are here, isnt it?
Yep there is quite a bit of crap to see through, but I do enjoy the genereal thrust and there is always something to learn - there is always someone else's point of view.

What you see on TV or the papers is always vetted and filtered, what you read and are directed to here is not, so whilst you might some stuff irritating repettitive boring and annoying, (and misspelt )
At least its not censored, and its a good way of finding things out that your goverment (and others) would rather you did not.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :You know, I tried to read all of this thread.

I've bin pretty quite for a while as I have a busy life and its all I could do to keep up with the thread post rate,

But having said that, I am spending some time following up the links which really are far more informative than most of the conflicting posts here, - including my own.

I still have the same unanswered questions though - and I can also see where the possiblities of nuclear devices are coming from (mentioned by Racer X NZ), which would certainly explain the pools of molten steel (so where is the radiation from the blasts).

I'm still on the conspiracy side of things by a large margin atm.

From what I can see though like other conspiracy theory's - this is never going to go away, is it the internet that is simply encouraging conspiracy theory's, or is it the movement of information that perhaps would be otherwise suppressed thats keeping it alive?

Personally considering the obvious shinnanagins of the first enquiry - I think another should be held - when Bush is finally out of the office he should never have been in - in the first place.
Last edited by Polyracer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :a mere mech engineering bachelor like you wouldnt understand but to anyone with more knowledge its obvious that anything other than nukes wont have the slightest effect on structural steel

Its to do with surface area, with wire wool you have more surface area to react with oxygen, therefore more heat.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :
According to my theory a large quantity of thermite ( or derivitive ) as well as small nuclear charges were used to bring down the three buildings and that would account for it.

Hmmmm!!! OK so you have a theory,

Now you have to give us some reasons if not proof for this theory, I doubt it myself for many reasons, but I'm not going to dismiss out of hand - you or anyone else until I have heard/read your arguments.

I'm happy with the thermite bit as I have seen enough to suggest this is entirely possible - but for me still not conclusively proven.

I will accept that there was molten pools of liquid steel underground as there are some explanations for this, I know myself that if the mass of molten metal is sufficient, then in itself it will retain heat for many days even in open conditions (this is within my own experience) and being underground it will be insulated from rapid heat loss.
This will be further possible because of the heat generated in the collapse, so any molten metal would be in a very warm if not hot environment anyway.

From this the only bit that really puzzles me is why any molten metal (whether from explosives or otherwise) would be able to pool together in sufficient mass to retain its heat in a molten state for weeks after - yet I have also read that this indeed was the case.

So, your explanation for your theory please
Last edited by Polyracer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :Ok, so - all these people saying that there were bombs placed underground and at ground level at the base of the tower... what exactly would have been the point? To blow up the building and cause it to collapse? It doesn't make ANY sense. The buildings collapsed from the top down - so what effect did these explosives at the bottom have? Nothing. Even blasts as large as they claim occurred are nowhere near big enough to largely threaten the structural integrity of the building. I'm talking about the blasts that supposedly happened before the building collapsed, not as it collapsed.

If they did do this, then they had to make sure it was done properly, and that meant making sure of a total collapse, and taking out the foundations would ensure this.

Exactly why this was done you would have to ask an explosives expert - I'm not, but it seems from the many accounts that something very strange was going on.

Not only was the company that disposed of the debri was called "Controlled Demolition" the disposal of possible evidence was very controlled too.

As far as I can see, nothing was investigated properly, everyone at the top seemed very shifty, manipulative, and evasive. the whole thing just has a bad smell about it.
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Quote from SamH :I do see evidence of damage along the side of the building, and there's definitely a lot more damage to the interior rings of the building than you'll see evidenced on the conspiracy pages. There's definitely debris on the lawn, despite the conspiracy theorists claims, and I saw that photo a long time ago so I'm damn sure THEY have too. Yet still they're claiming there was no debris. This is clearly a lie. Why would anyone trust the word of some conspiracy theorist who's absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, lying?

I don't buy that the wings just folded and went into the same hole as the cabin, - even if that was remotely the case you still have to explain the engines, at six tons each they are the heaviest and most solid part of the plane, they would punch holes in the wall far easier than the cabin - but even the windows were still in place in the areas where the engines would have impacted the building, so thats out for me, I need a better explanation.
as I understand it there was no passengers bodies found in the wreckage as they were supposed to have vapourised along with the plane, but yet they managed to indentify something like 170 of the 176 bodies of the workers in the building at the time, how come at least some of these were not vapourised also?

The wreckage of the plane that was found outside the building were not from a plane of the type that was supposed to have hit the building.

If this is all conspiracy, would it not be so easy to debunk it by showing the footage, surely they have nothing to hide and everything to gain?
Last edited by Polyracer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Please explain to me how the charges that allegedly were set would have survived the initial fire since you refuse to look at the physics. Also you keep saying that the steel melted even though every person who disagrees with you has told you that the steel never melted, it just softened. You just believe what you want to believe because you think the US government would kill 5000+ people for no reason.

It is true steel loses most of its strength even before it start to glow, -also as its temperature rises it will expand by many inches over the length of most of those beams, so yes I can see the top of the towers just buckling and once they are in motion - they are never going to stop till they hit the ground.

Nobody believes that the US goverment would kill 5000 people for no reason - Crooks never do anything for no reason, they want to make money because money is power and they don't care who gets in their way to get it, even each other.

The only thing that will stop them is if they think that they might not get away with it, full stop - don't ever believe that some people are not that evil, or you will have learnt nothing from history.
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Quote from DeadWolfBones :So far they've confined it to Loose Change, I think.

Yep that was me, and as I said if we ignore entirely everything else in the film, it still remains to be explained the impact of flight 77 into the Pentagon - as in the official account is total bullshit.

Look - we are talking about a massive government defense building here, there must be an official camera watching every square inch of the building 24/7.
So far all we have seen five still shots of the supposed impact of flight 77, which actually show nothing at all except for the size of the explosion.
So if the US government had nothing to hide where is all this footage from all of these cameras?, where is the independent camera confiscated footage?.
All they have to do is to show, something (anything) of the plane actually impacting the Pentagon - as with the twins, and a lot of the conspiracy will go away.

You look at the footage on Loose change about this one point and a blind chimp can see that it is impossible for the official line to be true.
Whatever it was that hit the building it was not a twin engined passenger plane.
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Quote from xaotik :Ah - but it's easier for people who have no evidence, no scientific background and a lot of time on their hands to debate mysteries with mysterious claims based on further mysteries and citing mysterious sources of mystery. The irony is that the very same people will fall in line for the cliche and freak out generically against religion for it doing just the same.

Join the church of the WTC7 now and be saved.

Ahh but there is a difference.

I used to believe in god, but I don't now simply because there is no evidence of god - or even the remotest suspicion of there being a god, its all down to faith not evidence.

I used to believe that the towers were brought down by terrorists, but now I believe that at least the official line is a pack of lies, and that is down to evidence not faith.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :WTC 7 may be a small issue in and of itself, especially compared to WTC 1&2, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania, but it's still an unanswered question. As such it's one of many unanswered questions regarding 9/11 and is also symptomatic of the massive culture of inexplicable governmental secrecy and enormous pressure to find a scapegoat & go to war that immediately sprang up in response to it. Once you think about the "2+2=5" of WTC 7 you start noticing many other questions haven't been addressed sufficiently and before you know it, you're not sure who to believe - but you know you can't believe what's being pushed at you, whether you want to or not.

WTC 5 I believe was the building that held vast amounts of information related to finance and tax and who knows what else?

Destroying this building may also have destroyed a lot of incriminating evidence at the same time.

Edit: not Saying that this is the case -I am speculating, But I am qualified in engineering and can easily see how the two towers could have collapsed as they did.

for those that don't understand - may I point out that the main supporting steel in the centre of the buildings would have actually guided the debri down in a straight line - just like a cotton bobbin with a rod running through the centre hole.

Also yes as the floors pancaked on top of each other as they came down is perfectly understandable.
But to me this could also have assisted with an intentional demolition, so I'm personally still back at a sceptical square one.
Last edited by Polyracer, .
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I don't want to get into another fight now but I think it is highly disrespectful to the families of the 5,000 people who died that day to keep bringing up their deaths with sensationalist, paranoid conspiracy theories.

Would it not also be disrespectful if they all died for a lie? and some of us were prepare to sweep it under the carpet for a bit of piece and quite.

I have seen an image of one of those main supporting columns which clearly shows that it was highly likey to have been cut by explosives, I have seen comparitive images which show how the charge was set and what the column looked like after demolision.

Both images showed a pretty clean cut in the column at a 45 degree angle,
maybe coincidence..... well maybe but they sure got rid of any possible evidence pretty god dam quickly.

Is that how they do things in the states?
S2 licensed
What really got me going on this because Cos I don't like GB anyway so I might just be looking for bad things anyway BUT.

If you simply start with the Pentagon, I have seen visual evidence on Loose Change which shows the immiediate damage to the building before it collapsed altogether at the point of impact.

It shows a hole in the building where the cabin of the plane "might" have impacted, but there was no damage to the building where the 7 ton engines would have impacted and no sign of any wreckage from the plane itself, along with no sign of the Pencilvania plane at the crash site.
Apparently there was at least five cameras overlooking the Pentagon site, all of which were confiscated after the crash.
All we have seen in footage terms from these cameras, is five frames which really show nothing at all.

Then we have two buildings brought down by plane impact, the only two buildings that have ever been brought down by plane impact, plus a third building that thought it would fall down for no reason at all really.
And miracles of miracles they claim to have found the pilots intact passport in the wreckage of the collapsed towers, when everything else was ground into powder.

I have read lots of other stuff that I find curious to say the least, and I'm not saying any or all is true, but three into two don't go, and if nothing else I would like to know exactly what it was that hit the Pentagon, cos it sure was not the twin engined plane they said it was.
and if they're lying about that then why? and then you got to ask what else are they lying about?

Somebody made a lot of money that day, and it looks like they got away with it.

Just like Kennedy's true killers
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :
and I don't think anyone my age could forget the 1991 Gulf War, after which - for some still unknown reason - Bush the 1st vacated Iraq, leaving Saddam to continue his oppression and even to ramp it up considerably, especially against rebels to whom Bush I had pledged support - support which he withdrew at the last moment, leaving them to the mercy of Saddam's security forces and the hell of Abu Ghraib.

I don't forget that, and also like many never understood it - specially when they had to do the whole thing again with Bush Junior (maybe its a family thing)
I remember Bushes failed promises of support to the Kurds and Marsh Arabs and then promtly left them to their fate when he withdrew.
I also distinctly remember thinking how stupid the Americans were to think that the had won the war when there was no one left to shoot at, it was plainly obvious that the Iraki army and gunmen had melted away knowing that they could not take on the US military face on - a guerilla war was so obviously the way to go.

And they entered Irak with just enough force to save the oilfields, but nowhere near enough to save the hospitals, the government buildings, libraries and museums, but of course they were looking for WMD wern't they? - (what a load of bollocks)

Nope the only thing that has amazed me about George Bush and his Cronies, is his moronic incompetence.

But hey, just like babyface Blair - they had god on their side how could they fail.

To be honest I don't think that Bush is a true god believer anyway, its just a face he puts on to make sure he get the vote and approval for his deads by the believing lapdogs in his own country.

My - this thread's got some legs has'nt it ?
Last edited by Polyracer, .