FOR SALE OR TRADE is my Frex Cockpit, sadly I am moving for work and can't take the cockpit with me.
I will part it out since I know most of you have cockpits already.
Everything Works perfectly and I can demonstrate if needed.

I have included the price of what it cost new so that you can make me an offer that is intelligent, but I am going to be very fair on my pricing (anywhere to 40%-60% of original price, and if you bundle I may throw stuff in for free)
What I have is:
Frex SimConMotion (with Damper kit)
Frex SimConBase (includes Frex Dead pedal and Frex keyboard holder)
Autometer Analog Tachometer w/Shift Light
For all of the Above It would cost New $2900+ not including shipping from JAPAN!!!
Recaro Seat New $800 (also willing to offer it in the Frex SCM for free if its available)
Gstar 4 Point Harness (used to keep you as snug in the seat as possible to feel the motion more) New $80
i-Vibe (better than a buttkicker, you cant see it in the Pics because it is hidden in the seat cushions, new $180
Logitech G25 Wheel
TripleHeads2Go setup w/3 dell 19" monitors I will even throw in a a Table
Also for sale is my PC its not bad plays LFS very well and is the game I play most when I used the cockpit
I know What I paid for everything and am willing to take any good offers, but everything is up for negotiation and willing to bundle I Live in Central NJ
As for trade I am looking for mostly apple products, like a (NO G5) Mac Pro, Mac mini, Macbook Air/pro, iPad, AppleTV, iPhones, iPods, iMac and accessories
Also looking to trade for PS3/xbox System, LCD/LED TV, video games, monitors, Maybe even a Car/SUV
PM me and I will give you my Phone number and maybe we can work out a deal.