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S2 licensed
i saw this flower today.
S2 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :

it looks like he pressed the eject button but the seat failed to.
S2 licensed
Fastest lap by LH. Now who needs a driving lesson again?

It is obvious that a possible race win or at least 2nd place for LH ruined by the 7 times world idiot.
S2 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Yes.

View public profile > User Lists > Add to ignore list: ... rlist=ignore&u=206736

Thanks! that came useful.
S2 licensed
idiot schumacher is only blocking people again... what kind of a strategy is this?? what kind of a bastard would race like this?
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Zorer, the hell is your problem?

oh here comes the mr.know it all, the problem solver...
S2 licensed

Maybe there should be an age limit in this forum or atleast an iq test.[/QUOTE]

yeah this forum is full of very polite and clever and high iq people and they know everything and everything. they have perfect opinions, cool ideas and good writing skills.... spoiled european kids, useless youth from all over the world. you can't even wipe your own ass.
S2 licensed
forum censored the word but u understand what i mean.
S2 licensed
[QUOTE='GreyBull [CHA];1629544']Bastards like you and some others should be banned from any kind of internet boards.

**** you. got what you wanted?
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Haha, thanks for the laugh, come again.

i like you so much tuki... or toki? or whatever fck it is...
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Indeed. Koba had to start turning in too, he can't just stop because The Hamilton is next to him...

yeah. he just cant stop because there's a car braking into turn in front of him. so he runs into ham. destroys him and keeps on racing. everyone is happy. what did he do wrong?? it's all hamilton's fault to be on track....
S2 licensed
those bastards like kobayashi, massa and some other should be banned from any kind of car racing.
S2 licensed
not racing incident. kobayashi did it in purpose. he did nothing to avoid contact, he really could avoid but didnt......
S2 licensed
how can you guys drive with that much steering lag?
S2 licensed
Steering lag ruins the game. I liked it a lot but sadly it is a pain even to keep the cars on the straight line. Tha patch doesnt do any good nor tweaking the things... It is just a self-ruined game. I wont buy any game without trying the demo first.
S2 licensed
ok i agree lewis is an idiot, monaco is a great racing track, i am a dickhead.

now u can all go and live happy after all...

and next time u will oppose to someone, instead of looking at the flag next to his name, please just once try to understand what he might be trying to say.
S2 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Good god, please tell that to all the drivers who've been racing there since 1929!



Loved today's action! On and off track!

so u say that monte carlo is a nice racing track with smooth non-bumpy surface with enough lighting and enough width for overtaking and safe off-track areas and no walls near chicanes and things???? are you kidding or really think it is a proper racing track?? what is wrong with u all?????? it is not a racing track. would fia agree to make a race there if it was not on the calendar...
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :You're a funny guy. Blaming the track is ridiculous, rule is a rule on every single track. What do you want, different rules for different tracks?

is it your level of understanding not enough or my level of english sucks??? why is it so hard to understand?


got it u clever guy???
S2 licensed
Quote from AndreABG :if your front wheel hits the airbox of another car you clearly had not the right to the corner
the massa incident was exactly like to one before in this corner, the other driver got a dt, so lewis got to get one too

that's why i was blaming the track. That rule is ok for proper tracks but cannot apply for a 360 degree 5m radius corner.
S2 licensed
calling hamilton a moron is ok but defending him is not???? what the hell you morons talking about???
S2 licensed
Quote from AndreABG :today Hamilton was an absolut moron, both on and off the track, the interview he gave to german television was not much better than the linked one

he is not a moron he is just unlucky that all the morons on the track and off the track keeps turning into him.

if he were in that red or blue car he were not going to take any of those penalties i'm sure.
S2 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :that's why the track shouldn't be blamed. Monaco is Monaco and you work really hard to overtake someone, that's why the drivers love it.

if i were a driver i would even refuse to go and race there. it is like a 100m. sprint race in a living room.
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Lewis Hamilton, you ****ing idiot.

Quote from Furiously-Fast :Hamilton had a kill streak!

not hamilton's fault. blame the track. if you are fast and you cannot overtake, why would race??? must take risks to overtake.
S2 licensed
Quote from squelch :i want vettel's lottery numbers
