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S2 licensed
I have the feeling Scawen has lost his motivation some time ago. Maybe the new tyre physics went over his head.

To whine about lack of progress, expresses your feelings but will not result in any new motivation.

So how about a

GO GO GO Scawen, you can do it !
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :And again, what your posting isn't proof. It's only a personal philosophical denial.

So, because you say it, it must be right ?

I have no idea if anyone is 'right'. If you can produce firm scientific evidence that proves reincarnation incorrect, please produce this.

I am no scientist and you are right … I can't prove my statement to an extent, where you would accept it as a truth.

We have freedom of mind and as I am sure of reincarnation as you meant it is not possible, you can of course believe in reincarnation and I have to accept that.
But it is wrong to question science to explain reincarnation. First you have to prove that there is reincarnation, so it is an accepted fact.

Further if you let out any higher being and look at facts of how a brain works it is fairly logical that reincarnation is not possible.
This was the idea behind my question "What proof do you need".

Quote from Racer X NZ :
Then I get to say, ' I told you so '

Is this the satisfaction you need ?

I understand this thread as an discussion, maybe get some new ideas or different views on things. I will not blame you for your believes.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :
Do you know about this story?
My question is was it really reincarnation? Or was it an elaborate hoax by a dying man to insure a certain blood line to run things? Or part of a conspiracy by concerned monks that didn't want the people to fall apart and go nuts without a spiritual leader?

It's the story from movie … and american movie if course . Lot's of stereo types, cliches and an unquestionable truth.
But that's not point. Buddists believe in reincarnation and there is nothing wrong with this.

Wrong is the question why science does not/cannot explain reincarnation. If you look at the facts, reincarnation, as it is meant above, is not possible.
So it is up to you to believe in it (like in a higher being) but don't try to explain it with science (other than astrology ).
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :So you claim. But you have no proof.

What proof do you need ?

Ever heard of amnesia through brain injury or even change in personality ?

A simple example … ppl with alzheimer change over time … not only their ability to remember but also their personality and you can see how alzheimer physically damages their brain. (Well Alzheimer himself found those damages in the brain)

Edit. another pretty sad example

Believe me, your personal self is bound to your body. If your body dies your personal self dies too.

But a question … if someone dies with severe dementia … will his reincarnation remember all the things he had forgotten before his death ?
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :
Can science explain the possibility of reincarnation?. There is significant evidence to support the concept, far more than disproves it.

Put it simply there is no reincarnation as you seem to understand it.

Your memories are bound to your brain as they physically change your brain.
This its not like a software on hardware model, where you can transfer the software to another hardware.
Your hardware(brain) is constantly changing through your experiences.

You can't have your memories or your personality without your brain.
So if there is reincarnation as you seem to understand it you would need to transfer it least your physical brain to another body.

Imho reincarnation is just another method to ease the pain of vanishing into the void after death.
S2 licensed
Well I partly agree with you, as I was using XP for almost 8 years on my Desktop.
But what makes your experience with XP an example for the rest of LFS customers ?

I am not a fan of MS but MS "tries" to build an OS that can be used by unexperienced users in any way.
While you seem to be aware of do's and don'ts, the majority of windows users is not.
The UAC among a few other post XP innovations (as well as security updates) are there to protect the unexperienced user.

Like the oft mentioned "best windows" statements your opinion regarding Win7 is pure trolling, it's not about what you prefer, it's about what the people playing LFS are using.
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
I understand... directx9 is sufficient for current LFS graphics.
But while switching to a 10 year old directx version, are you aware when microsoft stops delivering security updates for xp many ppl will switch to newer windows versions and many game developers will stop supporting directx9 for there new games (simply because there are to few customers).
In the end the developers at amd and nvidia will stop optimizing driver for directx9 and you will run into same problems as with directx8.
Of course this is not today and not tomorrow, but not to far in future too.

You made your statement according to directx but maybe with the next patch you could collect data about the supported directx version in client pc's. So you get a better picture of your actual customers.
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Unless AMD is willing to provide open source ...

I think we got a different assumption what mantle is … both of us of course speculating.

I am imaging mantle in the first place as a way for game developers to circumvent limitations set by directx. They talked about the limit of drawing calls which is only due to directx and could be much higher if talking directly to the driver.
In second there might be support for vendor specific extensions.
But don't you think amd is not aware of the fact, that mantle can only be a success if at least nvidia supports it too ?

AMD said only GCN based cards will support mantle. That could be for two reasons.
First the API mantle exposes only works on GCN cards.
Or second AMD will not waste resources to develop new drivers for older cards to support mantle.

Mantle itself imho can't open source as it is an api. It depends on the vendor how to implement it. So they could put their drivers open source, which I doubt they will.

Forget about mesa/opengl in this context as opengl is targeted for a different market and has/will have similar limitations as directx.

Funny fact … talking about mantle in a forum of a game thats just about supporting 10 years old directx 9c. But I know lfs is not meant to be a screenshot generator .
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Mantle is a rather weird idea...

Eh no, it is not related to Windows. Its related to the driver. Of course by now the windows driver will be only supporting it. But I think it could be implemented into the linux driver as well.
Why should old games perform worse than they do now …DirectX is still around as high-level api ?

Gaming consoles supported low level hardware apis in the past to get the most out of their hardware. So if mantle becomes a success (on consoles too) porting from console to pc will be more easy.

The problem you describe has opengl now … every main manufacturer has made their own extension to it and the poor graphics developer has to check for these extensions to get to now what is supported and what not … so you have to implement the same thing often in different ways for different extensions.

I see mantle as great step forward to get away from directx and microsoft.
Of course as a company you will need more advanced developers for that. It is not as easy as directx.

To be a success nvidia and intel have to be going to support it and this might become the biggest problem. If they don't do it will vanish. So lets hope BF4 with mantle support blasts them away.
S2 licensed
Quote from Snooops :i dont like to drive cars which arent real. i would like to drive cars i can see on the street, it supports the illusion to do stuff i cant in real life :P

You clearly wasted your money.

I wonder what made you buy LFS in the first, if you wanted real cars, real tracks and custom mods.
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Forgive my ignorance in advance, but why exactly did they drop refueling during the race?

They banned refueling during race for safety reasons.
S2 licensed
Had the same issue serveral times now.
S2 licensed
Ok, nevermind.
S2 licensed
There is a nice little peace of software that allows you to analyse your logfiles by user defined pattern and use the gathered information for taking appropriate.

I use it since a long time to exclude certain ips from accessing servers,
after a few attacks, not only for ssh but also ftp, http, pop3 etc.

So there is no need for me to exclude whole subnets anymore.
I think it is the better solution to prevent brute force attacks.
S2 licensed
I didn't write that there is no work to do and don't think that will be ever a native linux version.

Switching to opengl and/or sdl would require at lot of work no doubt and it seems cross plattform has never been a goal of LFS.

But it is just not right that there is no lib for non MS OS's that combines serveral aspects of game programming as dawesdust_12 statet.
S2 licensed
At first I also wanted to have new content in LFS as soon as possible, especially Rockingham as it would add a second oval to LFS.

But over time my mind changed and I think it is the new tire model that lfs really needs.

No content whatsoever would bring the racing community back to LFS (see "racing" here ... not moaning, not cruising, not drifting) for a reasonable amount of time.

But a superior tire model could give LFS the advantage to attract racers and put it back in place of number one online sim.

I really hope all the time Scawen takes in development of the tire model isn't wasted and results in something really good.

My 2 cents.
S2 licensed
Well of today morning all hosts of mine are marked as "invalid".
Before there was a series of disconnects of insim relay service.
All connections shut down finally at 2:38 CET.

Mar 23 02:37:36 InSim - TCP : InSim Relay
Mar 23 02:38:00 InSim guest closed : InSim Relay

S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :OSX is (and I'm the biggest advocate of OSX on these boards), however it's not worth Scawens effort for a few reasons:
Second: DirectX offers a relatively complete package for Networking, Graphics, Sound, Input and Force Feedback. On Linux and OSX, this doesn't exist. You need to manually implement your Graphics from scratch (in OpenGL, possibly with an aide like GLUT), where DirectX offers a lot of helpers for this.
Sound you need to decide what to support. OpenAL? Core Audio? ALSA? This raises platform issues and keeping multiple sound engines working similarly across platforms.

Input/FFB (I'll group them as they're related). DirectX offers a lot of frameworks, to the extent that it's like "Oh hai wheel.. force = 10345" and DirectX does the medium work to send the correct signal to the wheel. Linux/OSX doesn't have such luxuries, so you need to either leave the feature out, or limit your support to specific devices that you've targeted.
S2 licensed
If there is anything to help, let me know.
S2 licensed
I think I put it in the wrong words.
I don't look for help as I could easly remove it from host list and add it again to solve the issue.

It shall be more of a bug report with facts:

- host claimed to be invalid
- but insim works and server is reachable

You can't help much here as you don't know the reasons for the entry marked invalid.
InSim Relay
S2 licensed
Lately I run into a few problems with insim relay.
First insim relay loses connection from time to time.
About a week ago all my servers disappeared from the insim relay tab in lfsw and I had to add them again.

Now there is a new problem, lfsw says "invalid host".
I got no idea what to do, as there a now options.

Currently there are runing 3 lfs hosts on one computer. It is a dedicated server with linux os.
But only for one host it says "invalid host".

The log for this host says:

Mar 20 01:29:00 InSim guest closed : InSim Relay
Mar 20 01:29:27 InSim - TCP : InSim Relay
Mar 20 01:29:58 InSim guest closed : InSim Relay

I also checked if due to strange things the host might not listen on insim port but netstat says it does:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Normally if the insim connection is lost I can choose to reactivate ... but what to do now ?
S2 licensed
I wasn't talking about binding port tho.

It is like I said, if I stopped a host (via kill) and then started it with no delay,
it did not appear on lfsworld.

But shame on me I just tested it 2 times and now it appears even with no delay.

Little OT: If you really going in gentoo, I could give you same valueable tipps.
S2 licensed
It might not have directly to do with recomplining the kernel,
but my experience is, that stopping/starting a host running via wine makes it not showing up in server list.
When I put a delay between stopping and starting however non such problem occures.

One other thing, if you like to have full control of your binaries (=compile them from source) and squeeze the last bit out of your hardware try gentoo distribution.
S2 licensed
Well the shop is hosted in a different location.

But none of the was reachable (,,, and I doubt they all belong to the same server so it seems to me that the datacentre had a problem.
S2 licensed
Quote from Swiss-Spirit :Wow Quick-Nick, nicely done. Even if it's just testing.

Beaten Senna by a second and Petrov by two.
I hope people here are realize Heidfeld is the best option for Kubicas cockpit no matter what.
There is nothing about Senna nor Petrov, both are good drivers but at the level for current F1.