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Quote from DevilDare :All you guys saying, "got a girlfriend" make it sound like you are some kind of freaks because its an "achievement".


- The whole year in general. Not an achievement, but still, terrific year as a whole.

So getting a girlfriend means nothing to you? You say that months/years of chasing down the one you love and finally getting her is NOT an achievement?
S2 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :Where do you buy the Formula Gran turismo for the Formula GT event?

Used car lot for 4.8million and it's a **** to find.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Didn't you say you use gamepad?
Anyway i use DFGT, Simulation, Power Assisted OFF, FF 3.

@ mason

But how do you burn them so much? Just use the default settings, don't touch anything, use square for autofocus and you're done.. they will look miles better

The don't look too bad ingame. Although you're right, should really stop button bashing.
S2 licensed
The same as the last 3 years. Nothing worth pointing out.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I think you have a hidden talent for photography...

Sadly i don't spend 20+ minutes to piss about with F numbers, shutter speed, filters, aspec ratio etc so my pictures do have a tendency to look horrible.

Perhaps these are a little better?
S2 licensed
Some pics of the illusive Formula GT.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Damn that SLS challenge, i'm half a second off gold Anyone managed it with pad?

The one in the dry or wet? Got gold with a pad in the wet but needed a wheel for the dry.

Also managed to obtain the Formula GT so off i go to do 20 laps on 7 different tracks.
S2 licensed
Quote from mariuba2 :hey guys(povo, broken) ummm nice talking but can u guys maybe argue some where else or somthing ^^ and nice grama broken smart dude

Init. Certainly compared to yours.
S2 licensed
"Just plugging in the USB won't enable FF. In fact when everything's plugged in, the wheel should naturally be quite difficult to steer outside of a game, and should automatically rotate the entire 900 degrees when its fully plugged in." If that's a problem make sure you get the latest drivers and Logitech profiler.
S2 licensed
I swear i just had an acid trip.. Rest of the videos is pretty epic.
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :What they need to add is proper encodes (2 mbit/s for 720p and 3 mbit/s for 1080p just won't cut it).

I will pay you 5K if you get my internet speed anywhere near that. Sky broadband, because of the village im in, can't reach past 0.5meg ON a good day. (1am-4am).
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :/me jumps in

/me posts for <50 km and for ~730 km

/me runs the **** away

You better get running..

How is that connection possible?
S2 licensed
Quote from BurnOut69 :Santa brings new cars!

I can just imagine now the thousands upon thousands of people flocking onto the PS Store inevitably causing it to crash.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :This is on my home computer that has been formated not many months ago. +6k from work and all the other computers I have been on. No idea how many times I have been connected here since 03 tbh

S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Expand?

Because I dont see any valid points. Anywhere.

And Dan, you wouldnt like it if some guy came and stole your girl from you, would you? All the, "but I love her!!" excuses coming from the guy would just bounce off you.

And to be honest your, "Some choose to stay because its easier" reason is complete, utter bullshit. Either that or she is very immature and doesnt give 2 ****s about good quality of life.


If a friend did try to take her away from me and succeeded then no i wouldn't like it but if she left that easily then it's obvious she doesn't love as much as she does your friend. It's almost like a test of trust, she leaves then she can't be trusted, she stays then is a very trustworthy person.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Expand?

Because I dont see any valid points. Anywhere.

1. Expressing emotions to the girl - Takes balls to do that, i know i certainly couldn't.
2. Making sure he knew where he was with her.
3. Trying to get the dream girl despite her current relationship. - Again i tend to leave them to it and try not interfere with the relationship, more like trying to bestest friend i can be.

Any further points you need simplified for you?
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :I'm sorry thats just dumb.

Basically, according to this, women/girls cannot leave their current boyfriends if they do not have a immediate replacement.

My point is, if she was unhappy with him she would of left him already and wouldnt have waited for you to come riding on a white horse to rescue her.

You wouldn't know love even if it came up and raped you. Dan made very valid points, some of which i envy him for.
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Well, yeah. But it think its time for them to change the rules. This stuff is far beyound reality, we're living in 21st century u know ...

Just we are living in the 21st century doesn't necessarily mean they are also.
S2 licensed
Banning protests/marches simply wouldn't work. Everyone would ignore it and the police would have even more work to do than they would of had to do if they let protesters hold marches and protests.

?When you have got people willing to break the law in this way, what is the likelihood of them obeying an order not to march or complying with conditions on a demonstration?"

Also, with their budget being cut to an extreme extent. "planned cuts to the Metropolitan Police budget ? which will see it lose £330 million over the next four years".
It's not the protesters they should be clamping down on it's whoever is approving of these budget cuts. Without sufficient funds the police force is, as he said, getting strained beyond their capabilities. So in a way the goverment are screwing over our police force.
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :30 seconds per post * 3,231 posts =
96930 seconds
1615.5 minutes
26.925 hours
1.122 days

Lets say you'll live 75 years.
27,375 days

So you have therefore consumed 0.00409% of your life up posting on this forum. How dare you sir, how dare you.

Felt like doing a bit of math I guess...

Oh wow. Guess im not as sad as all you folk.
S2 licensed
I don't think picking the people who have done previous H2H events is a fair idea. Having new people involved in it, such as me, may show good potential and future talent. Obviously the regulars should get priority but don't totally alienate us new guys.
S2 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :It's easy with a pad, you just gotta be smooth.

Oh really? I thought you just threw the controller around, maybe stand on it a couple of times and with a bit of luck you would end up facing the right way.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :usually not, unless your car is really heavy and the stock already has 6K or so spring.

btw. just why are the endurance reward cars so shit???!!! I thought driving for two hours I should deserve something proper.

The Indy 500 onwards rewards you with fairly decent cars. (Indy 500 - Jaguar XJ13)
S2 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :I think they should spend 4 years developing it just worked for GT 5 xD

No it didn't.