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S3 licensed
Quote from three_jump :nah, real junkies spend a lot more time.....

I am talking average licensed players, not real junkies. Look at how many people are on-line, and the number of licensed players is between 20,000 and 30,000, probably around 25.000.
S3 licensed
Quote from _rod_ :Glad to hear that. Welcome to lfs and kiss good bye to your social life

In most cases the initial fascination will be over in few months, often even faster. After that a licensed player spends about 20 minutes in day (on average, some more, some less) playing lfs, assuming half of the time is offline. Of couse the number increases substantially after patches or new versions are released.
S3 licensed
No option can disable octagonal wheels in some cases. Sometimes you can move or change your view in certain way to remove the effect. The lfs engine decides by itself when and what it alters. It simplifies the models which it assumes are not very important or with not sufficient resources. Far away, too many cars around etc. I am sure Scawen can adjust these things, so those of us with more fast machines won't notice these that much, at least at close perimeter.
Last edited by afastest, .
S3 licensed
The clip is very short, but we can see clearly. I wonder how many people will get to typing the address in browser.
S3 licensed
Scawen's project of his life is LFS (besides the kid of course). He's good at making it, likes it, and I think will stick to it for many years. If there won't be S4, I'm still sure he will work on LFS after S3, maybe adding bikes, making editor, further polishing, the list goes on.

How much it will cost? I don't care. 24£ or 48£, anyhow a good value for the money.
S3 licensed
Last time, before S2 alpha release, all the surprises were revealed in advance. I hope it won't happen again. I lost interest for the game quite quickly after the the alpha release. Now I don't think much of LFS, and just live my life. So please don't raise all this hype again, because the thing is, there is a big chance Scawen (for some reason) won't provide us with that nice surpise in one or two months. It may take half a year or more, and we will be seeing all the disappointed smily faces all over the forums once again.
S3 licensed
It is loser, not loooooser, and lose, not looooose.
S3 licensed
Swedes played more aggresively. In the beginning sweden were a bit faint. But right after the breaks the swedish team performed really quick and precise attacks. But the broken stick I think played a role in the final score.

The puck was more often at finnish side, and it tells something...
S3 licensed
Quote from Frankmd :The stream for the second qualification is running now.

Ooh, in german.
S3 licensed
When I pay with paypal, the money are withdrown from my credit card, not from paypal account. Haven't actually thought how to pay from your paypal account.

But you can use money bookers as well, that system doesn't require CC at all, you just deposit some money with bank transfer (for example with internet banking). Then it usually will take few days before the money appear on their account.
S3 licensed
I have radeon 9600, not XT, and 128MB version. The cpu is athlon64 3000+ running at 2250mhz (overclocked from 1800). Usually it is no less than 60fps with highest details, and with with a huge crash with 20 cars in front of me it may drop to somewhere 15fps fps for short periods of time.

I also had radeon 9800 pro, and it mostly gave more fps (compared to 9600) with few cars on the screen, gave even more than 200fps. But with 20 cars and highest details it didn't help much compared to 9600.
S3 licensed
Quote from Stellios :Ive got a 2800 sempron and it blows, dont knwo whether the 3100 si any better.

The best fps per dollar ratio would be sempron 2600, radeon 9600, 512MB DDR400, I think. Or some pentium 100mhz, which you can get for free nowaydays :insane: .
S3 licensed
This thread should get closed too. Or at least some people should stop posting same crap over and over again.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Better to have one big physics change that makes us go "wow, cool, thanks Scawen + co", rather than lots of small ones that slowly fix the problems, but we don't notice the end affect as much and with lots of hassle along with way.

I agree, also the lfs-world's records get deleted after physics updates.
S3 licensed
This can only be an option. You could place any track to any location you like. For example there would be many Blackwood servers, each of them would have different locations, Europe, Japane, USA etc. Then the racers could pick any location they like, based on the weather conditions of different locations etc. Of course there would also be 24/7 shiny, no wind servers just like now. So the racers could choose any conditions they like, either virtual 24/7 shiny/cloudy, wind/no wind, or the servers with real locations and weather conditions.

Also leagues could choose a location for an event, say Italy, some place, and on racing time, the real weather from that location would be generated on the server. Including rain, wind direction and velocity. Also the position of the sun, and even the real time pictures can be taken from the location, for example of the sky, and being sent to the server.
Last edited by afastest, .
S3 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :M D K

S3 licensed
Hey ppl, why do keep calling quids(pounds) euros? It's not the same thing. 12 pounds is 18euros or 21 US dollars.
S3 licensed
I always thought christmas is on december 25th.
S3 licensed
Ok, there are several somehow, maybe remotely, maybe in some way , valid points, but... eeerh, there is something abo... well, i couldn't read the first post to the end.
Last edited by afastest, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Sooty1977 :Thx blues as you can see buy my posts so far i am new here and have only just sarted looking at lfs and do not know a great deal about it yet, just unlucky i stunmbled across that vid giving me false hopes !!
Still from what i have seen lfs looks like being a verry good good simulation.
I just whant to get away from gtr,gtl,ect ect the only other choice is r factor but am just not sure what a big diffrtence if any there would be to any other isi engined game.

Then maybe you should post questions like this in beginners' (noobs) section?
S3 licensed
Quote from DanISTheMan :yo guys i was just wondering! i been going on the ovals alot and been getting a bit better, but i can only go like 185mph max before i have to turn a lil bit and go down to +-175mph, and everyone else can go like 190mph - 198mph mostly. i was just wondering what i need to do to my setup to give me that extra boost, and also at the start of the race i always get wheel spins and start slow

so any advice would be apreciated thanks in advance!!

The highest speed you can get is 187miles. If there is wind or/and you're slipstreaming, you can get more than 200 easily.
S3 licensed
Two years ago I assumed S2 would come in 2004, and S3 in 2006. As the time has passed we all(including the devs) see how big project it turned to be, and how much there is done during last years and how much more to be done.

Now, taking into consideration what Scawen said about development time, it's not hard to estimate that final S3 won't come before 2008. I personally even think not before 2009.

And due to inflation, 36£ won't seem that expensive comparing to other games in 2008 or 2009 or whoknows when.
And... That additional 12£ for S3 is not final yet. We'll see what the devs will come up with.
S3 licensed
Date of Birth:
11th June 1971
United Kingdom
S3 licensed
Got 5032 points after about 10 rounds...
S3 licensed
I voted for:

Live For Speed - Because I can't afford a race car...
Live For Speed: Online Racing Simulator

The first one is actually very good! The funniest and best so far