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Yes, I believe a FIA official should be put into Massa's cockpit to verify that he doesn't lift off the accelerator to help Raikkonen.

But let's avoid pretending - again - that the situation in Ferrari and McLaren is identical. It isn't. Massa said he's willing to help Raikkonen. Did Alonso say the same thing about Hamilton?

For me it's simpe: I'll wait and see what happens without thinking the baddies are all in Ferrari, or thinking that Ferrari deserves in this situation the same level of screening that McLaren has rightfully earned for this and for next year, or hinting at the Ferrari mafia or Massa wrecking opponents... Partisanship shouldn't be distasteful.

There are better reasons to believe that competition in McLaren could be unfair than to believe that competition in Ferrari could be unfair simply because in Ferrari there's no competition for the title between drivers.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Hamilton actually visited the FIA in person, so he did cooperate.

I just think its absolute madness to make sure a team like Mclaren treat their drivers with equality...they always have, for decades. I just don't see why Mclaren can't tell Alonso to come in for a drive through by accident, if Ferrari can do it to Massa and ruin his chances of a championship.

Let's avoid pretending Hamilton needs protection from McLaren. This is not the case. Instead if we talk about Alonso's case the suspicion may be well motivated.

Absolute madness? I don't think so. I think that having a rosey picture of McLaren after what happened this year would be absolute madness. Anyone is free to believe what he wants anyway: as I said earlier, I believe my heroes died a long time ago.
S2 licensed
BenjiMC, if Hamilton had nothing in his hands he didn't need to cooperate. Therefore he doesn't need protection.
S2 licensed
No problem at all. Anyway even that decision is far from being stupid, if put in the right perspective. But I don't mean to say FIA are acting for good, it's just the outcome of an endless sequence of garbage processing. Trash in, trash out. Or even better: you can't polish a turd, and that's what they're trying to do.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Stupid. illepall

Why? It would be stupid not to relate this to what happened in the spy case. The FIA has stated very clearly that they would have protected Alonso and De La Rosa from any kind of retorsion. They have been granted total immunity and they cooperated (not Hamilton). It's far from being stupid. It's a fact.

And please, zeugnimod, just as a simple matter of education and intelligence, back your opinion with facts, if it's not humorous.
S2 licensed
Yes, Ferrari are a bunch of well known cheaters, they took advantage of McLaren plans!
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I like the answer many people say : I don`t care as long as it`s something that won`t affect ME"

I think I'm the only one to declare such things. Actually, that's a paraphrase of another sentence taken from a DK song called Stars and Stripes of Corruption, "Who cares about my civil rights as long as I get paid".

Nobody had to specify in that song that the sentence was sarcastic. Given the sheer idiocy of what I wrote and the total contradiction with what I wrote in the same post I thought I should have triggered the sarcasm detector of most forum users. I acknowledge it isn't so.

My position is similar to that of SamH: noble ends, noble means. Those who are interested in astroturfing in a different direction can safely dismiss such claims as an unconvenient lie, and offer a much more convenient truth. Which would you accept?
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
All of the quoted sources are coming from right wing parties or organisations tied with right wing parties or corporations interested in the maintenance of the status quo. They are far from having a neutral point of view, just like Gore. On top of that, a final decision is still to be made.

Digging some info about the sources is interesting, though. They seem just as dodgy as Gore's truth.

Anyway inaccuracies in a movie shouldn't be interpreted as a reason to ignore possible dangers. If there really was such a potential risk for the planet I'd do my best to investigate it and try to avoid it, not to dismiss it as a result of partisanship.

Edit: and mind you, the planet doesn't give a damn about global warming or whatever the hell you could call it. It will survive our possible stupidity. Probably mankind or many other species could die, but who cares as long as I get paid by my boss. I probably won't have children, so why should I have to worry, then?
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dropin_biking :
As for the negativity, it's all on a personal basis, if Critical was still demo he would probably be flamed to shit right now
EDIT: Just noticed the unnecessarily large font Great way to get people to take you seriously...

When you say that he would be flamed to death if he was a demo user, you may be right. Abuse is abuse no matter where it comes from, but there's a difference: I paid for a service as a licensed user. That shouldn't allow me to flame or insult; nonetheless the fact that someone doesn't have to pay to register here as a demo user leaves the door open to more abuse from demo users.

I could easily use a sock puppet and post from a different IP address as a demo user if I was to flame. That's not something I'm willing to do as a licensed user because my reputation would be hurt.

So, whenever I post something that may stir up controversy (and trust me, I do it), I risk my own reputation as a licensed user. Demo users risk almost nothing. And if you care to take a look, as long as a demo user posts something sensible or doesn't ask as if something was due he/she doesn't get flamed.

On top of that CriticalDrift (notice that he's still getting a fair and needed amount of flaming regardless of his status) is a paying customer whose behaviour has to be treated with more patience than demo users deserve, just because he (or someone else) paid for a service.

The unnecessarily large font: a sign of a bad forum education that just shames who posted it, no matter if it's only a reaction. We're not visually impaired, and if we were we'd be able to take care of small fonts. He just wants to scream when everybody would have read all the same. Totally useless and disturbing.
Last edited by Albieg, .
S2 licensed
I think it's so twisted everything's allowed.
S2 licensed
I dunno, but reminds me of this
S2 licensed
reads like affliction/syndrome, but I'm not sure.

Edit: quite sure now.
S2 licensed
victor scawen eric.
S2 licensed

Edit: ah, the slowliness.
S2 licensed
Exactly. I see no reason to discuss demoers, drifters, cruisers, racers, whatever, as long as they make legitimate use of LFS.

And most of the answers I cared to give on the tech assistance forum are aimed at demo users. I guess that the general bad feeling some demo users have shouldn't apply to me, but I think that kind of feeling is overall wrong and misplaced. If demoers handled that perceived abuse on a per-user basis and not on a per-status basis the situation couldn't be reconducted to demo users having troubles with licensed users, it would be some demo users having trouble with some licensed users.

Nice big letters (and the screenies are explanatory too, although they shouldn't in all fairness be posted here). Am I the only one annoyed by such things?
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :2 things I wouldn't be suprised to see...

'oh and Massa has accidently pushed both mclarens off at the start!'


'Alonso comes in for his final pitstop, he will surely win the championship now, oh but wait those are wets going on instead of slicks!'

How nice. But what else should I expect?
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :This isn't going to make me popular... but everyone knows how popular I here. ME + Popularity = non-existant
Your from Sheffield. I can't comprehend you speak another language.
Go stick to making Knifes

You know I respect you BlueFlame, and if you mean nationalism can lead to biased position, it's a matter of fact. If you notice, you're using the same (albeit reversed) logic in the sentence above. Anyway, it's nothing more than a general rule that cannot be indiscriminately applied. Each person is different, no matter what flag they wear, because flags, last time I checked, were speechless. People are not, generally.
S2 licensed
Quote from jamvib :What a pile of crap, mate, I recommend you go to see a doctor, you're probably suffering Troll-silly-tis...
Believe all the lost translation from Alonso is your choice, but stop messing with Alonso or Hamilton personae, every character is different. Write judgments about that in a forum is like spit into the wind.

So now we know your opinion, but can we know why you write such things? Axus' words are civilised, although they convey a strong opinion backed with facts. I can only know your conclusions, but are you able to back those conclusions with facts? This is what a debate is all about.

I'm afraid that accusing someone of trolling isn't an easy or elegant way out, so please explain why Axus wrote a pile of crap since forums are made for civilised debates, not for generic and undeserved attacks to other forumers' opinions.
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :
Remember Michael? He would be humble (off the track anyway) and thank every person in the team for the team's success because a great team is held together by passion and appreciation towards others' work, not by some tard that things he's the best thing that ever happened to F1.

I can't say I like Michael Schumacher, in fact it's exactly the opposite, but no matter what I think about him, he always supported his team and he's always been grateful during interviews. I can't say this of Alonso for sure. Maybe the treatment the two have experienced in teams isn't the same and this influenced both Alonso and Schumacher in different ways, but overall McLaren policy has always hinted at equal opportunities between both drivers and Alonso must have known this from the start. I don't believe Hamilton was favoured in McLaren in a blatant way.

Alonso's constant whining seems more like a form of bullying to me, lacking the necessary elegance in public relationship, always pointing fingers somewhere else. He's done it to a very large extent, and this makes him - for me - a person far from being likeable.

And I'm not talking about his driving skills, or his ability to set up cars, or his ability to gather and use information on how to setup cars ... I don't know how good they are, but I have to assume they're good enough.

But if I have to like a racer I need something more than skills. From a technical point of view this isn't correct, but there are more than racing skills in a racer for me to find him likeable, although seeing a human side in F1 may sound paradoxical since most persons seems to be completely lost in their greatness, save a few nice people.
S2 licensed
I wear glasses since I was 8, so almost 30 years from now. My myopia went slightly worse for five years, than it stabilised and it's always been the same since then. I am in front of a computer for most part of my day, both at home and at work. Ironically I had no computer till I was 14, so my myopia has nothing to do with computers, and it hasn't gotten worse since I have one.

I wear my glasses full time, I need them to have a better life, although I'm not completely helpless without them (but I couldn't recognise your face if I was five meters away from you).
S2 licensed
What would I do?

I'd try disabling the driver with autoruns by Sysinternals, for instance. Or seek if it comes with an application that can be uninstalled along with the driver. I'd try disabling or removing the wireless hardware, if it's usb or pccard.

Or maybe I'd simply rename the driver rt61.sys in c:\windows\system32\drivers to rt61.bak so that it wouldn't be found at next boot as rt61.sys, and I'd rename it either from safe mode or - if it doesn't work - from recovery console, and rename also all instances of the file on your hard disks so that it cannot be reinstalled automatically in case your hardware is recognised as new.

I'd try to have updated drivers ready for the need in order to reinstall the hardware (which is probably what you'll have to do, so you'll need your wireless network settings at hand). I'd just rename it, not delete it, just to be able to revert changes if needed.

Or maybe I'd see if I have a different version of rt61.sys available, and just try that one.

I'd also try to see if the wireless hardware is secured firmly, triple or quadruple checking the wireless card.

I'd take a look at the event viewer to see if an automatic (or not) update was installed and revert to a restore point if this was the case, update the driver and reinstall the update.

You should just try analysing your PC and choose the method that best suits your skills. The most potentially painless in case you screw up something, in my opinion, should be searching for all instances of rt61.sys and rename them as mentioned above. Use advanced search, search in all hard disks, hidden and system files too. Rename the files. Use recovery console for files that can't be renamed in safe mode. Write down every renamed rt61.sys so that changes can be successively reverted with recovery console if something goes wrong, I'd try booting in normal mode, then reinstall the driver.
S2 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :Oh ffs will you all stfu

S2 licensed
It seems you have a problem with a wireless adapter driver. Update the driver first and see if it helps.

The driver is related to D-Link hardware generally. If you don't use a wireless adapter disable the driver or uninstall it.

Microsoft Knowledge Base article that applies.

rt61.sys information.
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Tbh, I thought that move was a bit strange by LH and perhaps he should have been penalised for it, but from what that clip showed (I didn't see the whole race) it looked as if Vettel wasn't looking where he was going, and that he was going quite fast, even accelerating maybe.

This leaves a few questions unanswered: is the weather good enough as an excuse to get both of 'em out of jail for free? Why didn't the stewards recognise the weather was bad when they originally handed out the punishment to Vettel (and it wasn't during the race, so they had plenty of time)? Did the weather change in the memory of the stewards from the initial handling of the punishment?

There's no logic whatsoever in this decision. It just smells badly.
S2 licensed
From the official site:

Vettel was initially blamed for the shunt and was given a ten-place grid penalty for this weekend's Chinese Grand Prix as a result. However, after hearing evidence from all three drivers, and in light of the unusually severe weather conditions at the time of the accident, the stewards decided that sanctions were not appropriate and reduced Vettel's punishment to a reprimand.

Compared to these guys Al Capone was a total noob.