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S3 licensed
Actually, what you want is a tall gear ratio to give the engine as little "leverage" as possible (otherwise the engine will lock the wheels). Usually this is done by using a higher gear, but also a very tall first gear will make bump starting possible/easier.
S3 licensed
Will people ever stop reporting the same goddamn thing over and over?
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I got long hair

Case in point.
S3 licensed
Sorry I snapped a bit yesterday, the worship like wording of his post just got to me. Didn't help that I was slightly intoxicated either
S3 licensed
Quote from rjm1982 :Android, like I said, depending on the implementation of the game... Mention FFB problems with a logi wheel on the iRacing forums and the first thing you will see is "turn off the profiler"

They went above and beyond when it comes to the FFB in iRacing, and it shows in it's use. While you might not get the auto force reduction in the profiler, the game does it for you. Like a real car, the forces are varied depending on how close to center you are... and it's different for each car... The problem with the profiler is that it tries to normalize everything, which is counterproductive when the game simulates the different "feel" of every car. The solstice with power steering is very different from the skippy without it... for example.

Sorry but you don't have much knowledge about the technical side of FFB, do you? The reason I said to use the profiler is so you can turn all the effects which are not made by the game OFF. Force reduction at the centre is a BAD thing, but it's there by default in the drivers. By installing the profiler you can make sure all that crap is turned off and the pure FFB that the game generates can be felt.

Now saying that iRacing "went above and beyond" that just takes the cake. Sorry that's at its essence delusional fanboy BS propaganda talk. Like you have no idea what's actually going on behind it but it's so good that it must be some kind of magic made by the geniuses at iRacing.

Forgive me snapping at you but this is just blind fanboyism, and if I've learned one thing on these forums then that it is NEVER good, for NO game. iRacing is new, it's fresh and it's good, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't question it.

If the FFB breaks when the profiler is installed (which is supposed to be installed and existed way before iRacing), then either iRacing is doing something wrong or it actually relies on the default non-profiler behaviour of the drivers, in whatever way they alter the FFB commands sent by the game. "Don't use the software you're supposed to use" is just the generic BS I-have-no-idea-whats-wrong solution to a problem, just like saying to reinstall Windows for every little thing that crops up.

S3 licensed
Quote from rjm1982 :First, turn off the profiler. The profiler will hose up your settings, and you will end up with different settings game to game. Since the profiler is a process that has controll of the device, running said process in the background behind a game meants you have a process with limited CPU time trying to run the game. Some games it helps, but games that are developed correctly for FFB, it messes up. iRacing is the latter.

Sorry but I think this is BS. The profiler doesn't "hose up" my settings in LFS so why should it in iRacing? The profiler is in fact the only way to set up all the effects in a way you want, instead of just letting the driver do whatever it feels like. Without the profiler you might have an automatic force reduction at the centre ("to prevent oscillation") and other things like automatic returning to centre or steer damping, which do NOT belong in a proper sim.
S3 licensed
Quote from southamptonfc :I would feel that I'd been ripped off if this happens.

I paid my license money to be able to play with setups, if that was taken away, I would feel cheated.

Quote :

1. General
1.4 You must be aware that we can alter any aspect of LFS as we see fit. Improvements, fixes and/or changes made to the game, are to be expected.

Too bad

Personally I voted for locked with restrictions. I don't want completely locked setups but they should be restricted to realistic, cartype-appropriate tuning options. Letting the servers choose what to allow is IMO a bad idea, it will just make an even huger mess out of the current setup management.

I generally agree that fully open setup options can help greatly in identifying physics issues, but FFS we know almost every detail about these issues for years now and it's time that LFS stops being a sandbox game and starts becoming a simulator. I'd rather have the physics issues masked by limited setups now than wait another year or two (optimistic guess) for the tyres to be finally fixed.
S3 licensed
Quote from DragonCommando :What if the guy behind you doesn't have ABS? you are both slowing down as quickly as possible, and unless that guy behind you practiced for hours threshhold braking, he's not going to match your rate of deceleration.

That is probably the worst argument, ever.
S3 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :Teh expert of internet.

It's just a series of tubes, ya' know?
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :This has to be one of the worst examples of not bothering to read ANYTHING before posting. Come on, open your eyes for goodness sake.. there's no excuse for spamming the test patch thread through such blatent laziness.

The patch doesn't say anything about the FXR, so I think that's a valid question.
S3 licensed
Yeah but, don't get me wrong here, I'd rather you learn how to search for tutorials or code snippets yourself . Usually entering "c# <whateveryouneed>" in Google yields pretty good results, especially for beginner stuff like those dialogs.

I just occasionally answer stuff here on the forums when I feel like it, but I'm not going to be your personal tutor, sorry! Too many bad experiences with that

E: Of course you need to define a variable that will hold the image path.
string imagePath;

It seems you're completely new to C# or programming in general, which just reinforces my point. There are tons and tons of good beginner tutorials on the net. Reading them is much more effective than asking for every tiny problem here on the forums.
S3 licensed
1) It's Visual Studio
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
ofd.Filter = "Image files|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.dds;*.bmp";
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
imagePath = ofd.FileName;

SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
sfd.Filter = "JPEG|*.jpg;*.jpeg|DDS|*.dds|BMP|*.bmp";
if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
imagePath = sfd.FileName;

Be sure to also check out the various properties of both dialogs, like the initial directory or whether the dialog checks if the entered filename exists, etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :It has always been my understanding, from reading your [Scawens] posts that the cars in LFS represented cars in racing trim

I think this is where you think wrong. From what I can remember Scawen never partook in any of the setup limitation discussions, so we never had an official statement, other than noticing that the road cars gradually lost setup options over the last patches. Can you maybe point me to the posts (regarding helical/square cut gears) that left that impression on you?

IMO the reason the road cars (and I think they're supposed to be really road cars) still have so many setup options is a combination of
  1. Not wanting to piss off the community / not knowing how it would react.
    Just see how carefully the post regarding the VWS setup is formulated. It's the first car where they can steer into that direction without destroying existing work/setups.
  2. Not having the time yet to code up a system that restricts the setup options in a realistic manner. To me it seems the VWS will be easy there because most options will be completely removed, instead of restricted to steps / realistic values.
S3 licensed
I bet it's quite a relief to get rid of a bug that was quite mysterious and appeared at seemingly random times

It's one thing to have the application crash, see a callstack from within your app and are able to deduce from that where it happened and most likely also why it happened (even better if there are clear steps to reproduce), but with the DX8 error I guess all you saw from the callstack was you calling your graphics drawing routine (or maybe even as accurate as hinting you to the shadow drawing) and then DX8 going tits up. Figuring out why one of hundreds of thousands calls to the same function fails isn't fun.
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :There are reasons to have multiple instance of LFS running (I've done it quite a bit over the years).

1. To view an MPR without leaving the server you're currently connected to.
2. Opening the temp.mpr file in multiple instances and skipping to the end so you can have several different camera views of the current race.

There are probably more but I can't think of any at the moment.

Granted, but in neither of them you need the steering to work
S3 licensed
Why would you *ever* have two LFS instances running at the same time, though? Don't really think that counts as a bug
S3 licensed
You could unlock the kitchen chains for a day, but only if you feel generous.
S3 licensed
Yes, just to make it clear DO NOT lock your LFS installation just to race on demo. You can connect to demo servers perfectly fine with your S2 unlocked account, even easier so since the online system has changed and all the license tiers (Demo, S1, S2) have been united.
S3 licensed
"Unfortunately the Scirocco release had to be postponed due to unforeseen complications, however we are pleased to announce what we think is an adequate replacement; Ladies and gentlemen, we present you the Rally Pack!"

S3 licensed
Well, bummer, but it was kinda foreseeable with the amount of problems that appeared in the test patches. Glad you cleared up the situation as soon as it became apparent instead of trying for the best till Christmas and then disappointing everyone on the last day.

On the positive side, I very very much like what I hear regarding the VWS setup. This might finally become the first car that can be driven "as intended" instead of exploiting certain physics shortcomings. Considering how the car will most likely not be the most challenging to drive, it ought to provide great, close races!

Maybe there's a possibility to concentrate on the crash/graphics issues now and release 0.6A around Christmas without the Scirocco, followed with a quick 0.6B including the Scirocco in "early" 2009. The test patch content alone is already a nice upgrade, especially considering the drastic change that ABS will bring for some cars. At least I think this would be the overall better solution, because experience tells me the "early" 2009 could end up not being as early as many people would understand it using non-programmer speech
S3 licensed
I doubt it will be very inspiring. Don't forget it has traction control, too.
S3 licensed
Quote from SRR Marty :
Quote from Danke :Any chance of taking ABS away from the FXO? It might be a quick and dirty way to even up the TBOs.

+1 from me for that

That would be a completely artificial and unpredictable way of balancing. Why not use the handicap system that was put there exactly for balancing reasons?
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :When i view from the wheels camera, i can't see the rims. Sorry if it's been reported already.

Reported many times already and is not a bug to begin with. The rims were never visible before and still aren't. The only difference is that the brake disc is now gone, too.

Seriously why does this matter to people so much (judging from the amount of reports of this)? You're driving in a view that magically makes the car body transparent, ffs.
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :It's like colour and color U.S. and U.K.

So it's a complete non-issue? Why bother with a different translation then?
S3 licensed
Quote from XmaX :Maybe add a rev limiter to next Test Patch pls ?
Nice done Scawen

Every car in LFS has a rev limiter at the moment...