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S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :"Misinterpreting the meaning of the use of the "…" (ellipsis) in 0.999… accounts for some of the misunderstanding about its equality to 1. The use here is different from the usage in language or in 0.99…9, in which the ellipsis specifies that some finite portion is left unstated or otherwise omitted. When used to specify a recurring decimal, "…" means that some infinite portion is left unstated, which can only be interpreted as a number by using the mathematical concept of limits."

Let me repeat that VITAL part... "When used to specify a recurring decimal, "…" means that some infinite portion is left unstated, which can only be interpreted as a number by using the mathematical concept of limits."

You do realise that YOU are the one this paragraph talks about? Did you even understand what it says? For some reason you think there is a tiny difference between 1 and 0.9~ (to use your notation), which there is not. There would be one if 0.9~ was finite, which it isn't. There is no botching whatsoever going on, since this is the only way to write a number with a recurrence.

Now, I'll try to explain this by how I think about it, sorry if I don't make sense:

What do you think is inbetween 0.9~9 (some '9' digit of the recurrence) and 1? On a finite number, you could say, "ha, there is 0.9...91, 0.9...92 [...] 0.9...99." Note that the finite number stops at some point (only continuing with '0' if you want so), which gives you "room" to have a final digit. But on .9~ we are infinitely repeating the 9, there is simply no point where you ever cut off the line of 9s to make room for something (a difference) to exist between 0.9~ and 1. The difference between 0.9~ and 1 is 0.

*sigh* anyway...
S3 licensed
Is this a very well disguised troll attempt?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
You can't. You have to view the hotlap replay and in the lap before the lap you want to extract, hit ESC and click "Output lap data" (I think, can't remember exactly).
S3 licensed

I can think of countless things I'd rather have the devs work on other than... trucks.
S3 licensed
No, 1/3 IS 0.333... recurring. There is no rounding error, people just can't wrap it around their head that 0.999... recurring and 1 are the same number. It is just ingrained in their heads that for each number there is only one way to write it (without using fractions), which is simply not true.

E: Beaten, twice
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :but wouldn't of stopped
but the train would of carried

S3 licensed
It's very logical and simple, but you opened a can of worms here
S3 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :very well, looks interesting, a real challenge to makeup for last week, great idea!

^ Yeah, that was kinda the reasoning behind the theme. Providing a challenge that encourages quality over quantity, if you understand what I mean
Quote from lukelfs :Awwwww... , ill have to edit it lol....

Edit- Ok, ive fixed it now, still not my final, will try something else...

Just as a minor note, try to pay attention to where the light comes from. The shadow cast by the broken-off tyre is quite... impossible (and directly contradicts the one from the broken-off wing)
Last edited by AndroidXP, .
S3 licensed
Are you sure you're using the correct decimal separator for the culture the program is running under? For some countries it's a dot, for others a comma.

Maybe see if there are controls that restrict the user input to numeric instead of using a normal textbox, which could fix the problem too by just giving you a value directly instead of having to parse the text. I've never coded VB though, so I don't know if something like this exists (it should under VB.NET).

Posting the error message would be helpful, too
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Go to Options > Controls
- Press the button "Axes / FF" in the middle of the screen
- On the right, make sure "unlock" is activated
- Rotate the wheel from full left to full right once

Personally, I leave it on "unlock" and rarely if ever have to recalibrate the wheel. Just the pedals need a stab each to make sure their full range is used
S3 licensed
Craving for attention again?
S3 licensed
This has been suggested before already, with all kinds of rules and twists to make it as comfortable and unproblematic for the devs as possible. However, the truth seems to be that the devs are simply not interested in something like that, at least regarding the main content. It's not like they didn't have chances to implement real tracks without licensing costs before, they're just doing their thing the way they want it to do.
S3 licensed
Obama definitely. McCain himself probably wouldn't be so bad either if he were younger and more capable to be himself instead of what the Republican strategists tell him to be. The ultimate dealbreaker however is Mrs. Sarah "Pitbull with a lipstick" Palin. The opinion on that woman went from "wow she's hot" to "wow she's dumb" unbelievably fast, and some of the things she said are actually quite scary. Electing McCain means a significant chance of Palin actually becoming President, which is something that must never, ever happen. Bush might be generally perceived as dumb, but this woman takes the cake in that regard and she didn't need years to make that painfully apparent.

Besides that I think that Obama might actually change something to the better in the good ol' US of A, which frankly in the long run has probably more of an impact on us than local elections here (considering how much the USA like to play world police and "solve" conflicts by arming their future enemies).
S3 licensed
Okay, this is my Final Entry now.

Added a more realistic helmet interior and touched up the girl a bit (gave her a more fleshy skin tone). Also tried adding shadows that actually come from the correct angle, but this is the first time I did something like this, so the result is probably only moderately realistic. In any way it was quite fun doing this
Last edited by AndroidXP, .
S3 licensed
Quote from vari :Android: You lost me

Ahh, you were talking about the resolution used in the benchmark :doh:
S3 licensed
Really? I thought such lowres TFTs aren't even sold anymore?
S3 licensed
The only real way to solve this is giving the most common resolutions as a parameter you have to select when submitting the benchmark. At least I don't see another way considering the vast amount of TFT monitors with a fixed resolution nowadays. Or you can force everyone to run 1024x768 (which isn't used by TFTs at all) or 1280x1024 (which a good amount of TFT owners use, but noone with a CRT does).
S3 licensed
^ Unrealistic. No woman would ever get this deep into a parking spot sideways, yet alone without damaging the cars
S3 licensed
The devs are aware that the heating model is not finished - it's a WIP, after all. Nevertheless, it would be a lot more helpful if you'd give a bit more detail other than saying "it's wrong." Some specific examples would be nice.
S3 licensed

E: Consider this the final version should I not post anything today anymore
Last edited by AndroidXP, .