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S3 licensed
Bit of an interesting discussion going on, been reading!

I suppose I'll plead guilty in the fact that I'm pretty narrow minded against drugs, not something I can help really, however, it 100% comes from experience, not from watching or reading information.
S3 licensed
Says 2000 for J@tko on mine too.
S3 licensed
I picture a situation.

Vettle followed by Webber then Alonso. Vettel moves over for Webber (fair move, its between the drivers, not the team). After that, Alonso retires. What would happen next? I want Webber for title (as you can clearly see, im from Aus), however, i would find it only fair and extreamly honourable if Webber moves back over for Vettel AND THEN fight for the title.

If so, we would see another Prost/Senna situation (that is, two team mates fighting at the end for title).
S3 licensed
I dont see that much of a problem with the COD franchise. People are complaining that theres too much bling and what not. Move up afew levels online and you have barebones which takes out killstreaks etc. Move up abit more and you have hardcore, which is litrally no hud, no maps, no killstreaks, die correctly etc etc.
S3 licensed
This is gay.

You want to score, you play games. Full stop.

Call me weird guys, but sometimes the chase is better than the score. Makes it more exciting, and any girl enjoys a chase more than, "hey, lets ****, ok!"

If its that easy for most, your either a human afrodisiac or youve walked into a brothel.
S3 licensed
As a Webber fan, I would still see it wrong if Seb was to hand over the title if Webber was in the position and Seb wasnt. Just because Ferrari did it, doesnt mean RBR should do it. I Said to myself earlier this season, if Webber wins it, he will deserve it more than anyone else on the grid, if he doesnt, he doesnt, thats his fault. No one elses! If hes champion material, he will win at Abu Dhabi, and if Vettel has a brain and is mature, he will make sure that he finishes second.

Correct me if im wrong!
S3 licensed
Quote from Lible :The right thing for Vettel to do would be to simply pit from the first position on the last lap to let Webber win.

Park his car and go home.

He cant do that, if webber is winning, he must finish second (or someone other than alonso needs to)
S3 licensed
If Vettel is winning at Abu Dhabi with Webber and Alonso behind, id love to see what Vettel would do (Seeing how in those positions, Vettel is out of the wdc and for webber to win the wdc, he needs the win.)
S3 licensed
This is getting too interesting.

If webber overheats as being talked about over the radio, red bull drivers are out of the wdc if its vettel win, alonso second.
S3 licensed
Sorry to interrupt the interesting conversation of your night, didnt read much of it but i hope you enjoyed yourself.

My two cents on all of this garbage about drugs.

As we all have established, alcohol and smokes are drugs, yet legal. Many argue the fact that they shouldnt be legal because they are drugs too and many argue the fact that they are not as bad as some illegal drugs (that is, cocaine, weed, ice etc).. Now, Im not the most intelligent person in the world, so bare with me if im not 100% puncutal and formal.

We have drugs, which are mostly stimulants or depressants. As we know, drugs are used also for medicinal, not just recreational. Lets think of drugs only as being medicinal. A drug would stimulate or depress and even enhance (now we are talking about steroids) a human body/mind. One thing it comes down to, is how a person feels. Some, such as myself, feel that our minds and body should be all natural, where others, feel theres nothing wrong with enhancing ones body (ie, Klutch's opinion on enhancing his night at a rave, stimulating his nerves and emotions to socialize on a level that he may just not be able to sober). Some have alcohol or weed to calm their body's down because they are too nervous (such as, just about to get on stage, having a quick beer etc).

When you look at it this way, drugs are sweet! Theres nothing wrong with it when you see it in that way.

Now if we are to look at drugs for recreational use. Its pretty much the same thing in my opinion, however, its more for want to use, rather than need to use. Such as, Im bored, lets have some fun and smoke weed, or lets get pissed and have fun. In my opinion, its abit stupid, but thats my opinion, and i wouldnt look down on another or think differently because they would want to do this.

Still even now, when you look at it as ive stated, you would ask yourself, now why the **** would drugs be illegal.

There is one other way to look at drugs, and thats drug abuse. This my friends, just isn't right! Of course, we all have our own choices and should be able to do what we want. Some say, this person has this drug, x amount of times a week, but who cares, he wants to, so let him. In my opinion, i don't have the heart to let another human, or friend, put their body through abuse. Its unfair for me, the people who love him/her and their family. Anyone who was to say but that's his life, does not seem to understand that its just still not right. This abuse leads to abuse on others. Being with 10+ group of mates all pissed off your head walking home from the pub, chances are you are going to walk past something that you all are going to look at each other with a cheaky smirk knowing exactly what to do. Vandalism, abuse, even rape, damage, theft etc

It comes down to how people are. I was once stupid, and went through all of the above on a life threatening level. These days, I dont need stimulants, enhancements or anything to enjoy myself. I believe in being natural and people around me respect that, as i respect people who choose to do whatever, but as stated, when it comes to abuse (which i briefly stated, im sure theres 100000 more points to talk about drug abuse), thats where things change and starts to make sense about why certain drugs are illegal.

Please correct me if im wrong, id love to hear what people have to say.
Last edited by aoun, .
S3 licensed
Good to see this actually turned into a discussion when this was just a quick question.

Carry on..
S3 licensed
Haha! Ok, maybe I should be abit more specific. Im talking engines that would not cost an arm or leg. In the line of an RB, FJ, 4G, VTEC etc.
Most powerful engine?
S3 licensed
Hey guys, I have a question. What is the most powerful engine?

An engine thats for the road ofcourse, no F1 engines etc. Naturally aspirated, no more than 6 cylinders, runs on pump fuel (unleaded)?

S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :He has more clue than you pair, that's for sure. Green comes after yellow. As soon as he sees the red at the previous post he brings out the red. What should he be doing instead? Like Tristan says it's not up to marshals to decide if it's an SC or red.

It is a penalty, just not one which affects the race results. It means penalty points on your racing licence though. If he had chopped across and it was Engel that had a big accident I'm sure he'd be getting a bigger penalty.

Just abit of laugh mate, . nothing more.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :At that instant the race is neutralised under waved yellows, so there is a waved green at the end of that area. It's exactly the right thing to wave. Only when the CotC gives the Race Stopped order does the red flag fly.

The marshal did everything correctly.

I suppose, Im not a marshal myself so Ill shut my mouth. Found it funny though.
S3 licensed
3:24 on the first video.

I honestly think that marshal in the background had no clue what was going on.
S3 licensed
Wow, people assume Webber MAY have done that on purpose. No offence, some of you must really suck hard. Most people make the same mistake over and over again, and that is, criticising from a tv screen AND/OR from a grandstand.

No offence guys, and this goes for me as well, we dont drive F1 cars. We may drive karts, formula renaults, formula fords etc, but we dont drive F1 cars. We can only judge and criticise to a level that this forum (and im sure the rest of the internet) go well beyond. If some feel the need to talk a load of bs, than it doesnt really show much, and im sure many would hate me after this post, but im just posting my opinion, just like many do here.

GreyBull [CHA] pretty much sums up the point im trying to get at.
S3 licensed
I find nothing wrong with the layout of the track. Its built great, looks as any other European track. I think it would be amazing as a half city circuit.

However that pit entry is dangerous!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :all of those drivers, apart from Hamilton wouldn't of done a move as good as the one Kobayashi did on Barrichello.

They would be more likely on the receiving end of it. ... KdygY&feature=related
S3 licensed
"The book of Eli"

Found it really good with an amazing twist!!
S3 licensed
Hope this patch fixes the game.

I decide to get the game. I install it and get excited to play, and what do you know, it crashes on start up. Cant get it working. Waste of 90$ if you ask me!!!
S3 licensed
I take my hat off to Kobayashi with his skill and judgement on passing. But lets not forget where he is running. In the midfield! Sure he battled off a Brawn and made a pass here and there with the front runners, however, when running at the front, on the limit lap to lap against someone whos doing the exact times as you, its alot harder to make those moves, as im sure you all know. Ive seen Lewis, Massa, Michael etc make better passes in the midfield and yes i know they have better cars, but its pretty much the same thing.
S3 licensed
Got the demo of this game in 04. Was S1 licenced in 05 i believe and upgraded to s2 the day it was released. I still remember waiting for s2.