Anyone have some Oculus tips for me? I know the rendering in AC is flawed for the DK1, but I think I've read somewhere that someone did something to make it better....
Not close racing on Nords? Wth?
I've had more bumper to bumper action the last week than I've had in years in any other game. Did a 7 lap race on Nords in the E30 with less than 5 seconds separation the entire time. That's one intense hour! Beats 3 laps of catchup racing on Fern Bay Club or whatever 5 minute race is available at any given time.
Got a long list of cars? There was an issue with the server init string getting too long with many cars in the list, dunno if they fixed that yet. Try with one car, just to be sure.
Make sure both ports are opened and routed to your server. I tried with HTTP port at the default but that didn't work. Set the ports to some higher number (think I use 9700 and 8600 (UDP/TCP) now) and it works like a charm.
Unless the official one is utter crap I can't see myself playing a half-finished Rf1 conversion (which the current best version is). No matter how you slice it, it's nowhere near the quality of the official tracks. It's still fun and challenging and I have no problem seeing past the shortcomings of the current version, but the "real deal" og the official track will surely be a whole lot better.
I got a bit jittery movement for the lower ping clients. It's like the netcode defaults to a "no prediction mode" when the latency is low, making the cars jitter. I have a more stable experience with a little more latency, probably due to heavier prediction.
I love to watch the cars bounce, roll and yaw over the bumps, looks pretty badass. :-)
Yeah, that penalty was a config booboo from my side.
How was the latency and jitter? It felt good in my end. A little jitter, but that is in the netcode I think, and comes with low latency connections.
I had a great first few laps, but you guys are soooo much faster than me, I'm struggling to be consistent because I have to push beyond my talent. I did the race alone earlier in the day and did consistent 8:57 laps, but with you lot on the server I did one clean lap that was slightly faster, the rest were a mess.... :-)