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S3 licensed
It works on my setup as well, dude! Awesome stuff!

AMD athlon64 X2 4200+
2x 7900GTX
AN8 32x Abit mobo

Thanks a million for this!

I'll film my setup tomorrow, maybe.
S3 licensed
That looks incredibly cool! I'll try it right away! Will post how it goes! Videos are very impressive!
triple/quad instead of SLI?
S3 licensed
I have an SLI capable system. LFS doesn't really take advantage of this fact, so I was wondering if I might somehow disable SLI and use the two cards in a triple monitor setup? I got a few 19" CRTs lying around unused. The cards are XFX 7900GTX on an Abit AN8 32x mobo.
S3 licensed
I ran a 20 slot server on my very old celeron 166 with 512Mb RAM. The software is very easy on hardware. Uploadspeed is much more important than hardware.
S3 licensed
Ok, if you're coming to Stavanger, and driving.. there's some roads you just GOTTA try.. Some great mountain roads around here, man!
S3 licensed
What can I say... I agree on car classes. The need to be evened out, and as you say, keeping the cars withing a set of 'rules' will achieve this. This is how real car classes get defined, so why not LFS?

About tyres: Not sure how this can be achieved, but the current tiremodel need work. They feel better than before, but their behavious contradict common knowledge and literature on performance tires. I find it hard to apply real life solutions to problems in LFS. If this is tire-model issues or other issues remain to be seen. Gimpster has also pointed out some issue with suspension geometry than can affect tire and car behaviour. I suspect this will come in another thread.
S3 licensed
That is SO a Photochop from RBR...
S3 licensed
The way LFS is handling physics will make it hard to do multithreaded, I think. Only advantage would be to run all AI and gfx stuff on one thread and physics on another. i THINK the physics thread need to be on a single core, because each calculation depend on the one before it. I could be wrong though. Would be cool if it could be done, though.
next GURU race
S3 licensed
Real cracker this time.

MRT on FE Club reversed.

Check our website
GURU Race sunday 13.8.06
S3 licensed

We'll set up a race tomorrow night.

XFR/UFR on Aston Club reversed. 30 laps, no mandatory pitstop.
20 minute qual starts at 19:00UTC

Won't count points or anything, just a scheduled fun race.

Hope to see you there!
S3 licensed
Yeah, like Flippy said, it's not real easy recording keys that don't work.
But I solved the issue, though. It was my TrackIR drivers that intercepted the keypresses.
S3 licensed
We were just racing. tried to get a few GURU online.. and ended up with a full server all night.

The server is 'GURU public'. It's a 20slot server, so just get in line!
We're doing it again tonight!
S3 licensed
Big thanks to all who was on the GURU server last night!
We're doing it again tonight, so please join the fun and action in the UFR and XFR on Aston North
S3 licensed
Not sure if it's just me, or summer vacations are over or what, but there seems to be more activity lately. Even our GURU server was full up last night, and we had an abolute blast!
S3 licensed
I use 1:1 pixelmapping on my Samsung LE40M61. I end up at about 1290x746 or something for no overscan. Looks awesome in LFS at fairly high AA (16x SLI AA). Just remember to turn on v-sync, as tearing is VERY apparent on a TV-set. As long as your PC can churn out 60frames or more you're ok. The immersion is great, and you can run wider FOV on a widescreen set and get better sense of speed. Add in a decent set of speakers and a good amp, and I'm all set!
Broken F-keys, need a DFP profile.
S3 licensed
A few of my F-keys are broken. If someone could make me a profile for a DFP where L3 is mapped to F9, and R3 is mapped to F12, I'd be grateful. Please email to mav(at)

S3 licensed
Could it be that it differs from model to model, even from the same manufacturer too? I mean, I switched from a 7800GTX to two 7900GTX, and while I didn't take ant reference screenshots, it looks sharper to me.
GURU Trackday saturday aug 5th
S3 licensed
Have a look, guys. Nothing fancy, just plain old fun on track!
GURU (Grown Up Racing Union) revival
S3 licensed
GURU originally started because I was tired of losing to racers that could practice 4 hours a day all week, and then get bashed for being slow. This was way back in demo days. I posted on RSC if anyone was interested in forming a loose group of racers that are not the fastest, but try to be clean and friendly, and just be on track for a good time and good close racing, not winning at all cost. This post resulted in a very nice group of people, many of whom I can call friends today.
However, as time passed, other things came up for many of us, and races got scarse. Families demand our time, jobs. In GURU we actually have a life.

So now I feel the time has come to shake the tree again. Get some fresh blood, some new input and maybe even some new friends. Please take a look at our website at Sign up, race with us, see if GURU could be for you. And most important, join us on track for a fun race or five!
Final test, Fixed setup, road cup
S3 licensed
Thought I'd do a final test for the new format, before I kick the cup into top gear.

And since most of you probably forgot what this is all about, I'll recap:

I'm doing a cup with the XRG on a fixed setup. The setup is based on a daily-driver, so it's soft, geared low, forgiving, and realistic. Everybody race the same setup, but tirepressures can be adjusted, like a real car. I will enforce the setup by having all of the racers send me their setup before pitting after the race. If you pit before you send me your setup, I'l disqualify you. Simple.
I'll score points for fastest lap (2), pole(2), and progressive for finishing position, like F1.

the thing is, I need a server for tonight. Anybody that can lend me a decent server for tonight? I'm thinking around 20:00-21:00UTC and as long as we find it interesting.

Please post if you're interested, bot in tonight's test and the cup itself.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :could you post a few more turbo engine powerbands? Preferably(not compulsory) 2.0L turboes, just to show what real turbo engine powercurves actually look like.

Here's one from a stock and tuned 2.0T from the new Golf GTI:

Here's one for my car (1.8T):

Volvo 2.0T:
S3 licensed
Regarding turbos and spool time: I have limited experience driving turbo cars. My car has a turbo, although it is a small one. It is currently set to produce about 1.4bar of peak boost. The boost comes on really quick if I am at anything over 3000rpm. The boost drop off relatively quickly as the little turbine can't deliver the volume of air it's being asked to. That means the car surges off the line, and pulls pretty evenly as the rpm increase. I have max torque at around 3500rpm. Having that powercurve in the RB4 would be awesome. BTW, my figures are 209hp(6300), 365Nm(3500). Bit weak for the class, but the powerband would feel better, I think.

So basically I'm saying I agree with jamexing, here..
S3 licensed
What's with all the bikes? Geez!

I ride a slightly tuned (209hp/355Nm) VW Passat 1.8T. It's got A/C, so no need for a bike! I can even ride in the rain. And I don't have to worry about people not seeing me, hitting me, throwing things at me and getting run over. And in case of a crash, I'm pretty sure Car 1 - Bike 0...
S3 licensed
Yes it does. It is the very same, with a new DNS pointer.. Hopefully we'll get a bit more active when this damn summer thing is over and we get back to rain and sleet like we're used to.
GURU got a new home!
S3 licensed
[Public service announcement]

Seems many is not aware of this. GURU got a new home at Please update your bookmarks.

[/Public service announcement]