Niels, I'll try to record while I drive tonight. The rFactor replay systrem just don't give enough fidelity, and don't give enough credit. I'll post some incar stuff from Road Atlanta in a little while.
we had the most amazing few races last night on Road Atlanta. Just awesome. I felt like being part of a best motoring clip or something. Totally awesome. This mod is better than LFS, imo.
Just played the first act of the full game... Looks stunning, runs great. Not as good atmosphere as I had hoped, though. It's not real scary, like. Intense, but not scary. Nowhere near FEAR in that department. The story is good, but not stunning. Maybe my expectations were just too high.
Maybe the demo is too short to bring out the brilliance of teh storyline? Maybe someone go into the demo with the wrong attitude? The actual action might not be revolutionary, but the 'whys' and the 'whats' seem to be.
I got GRAW working with single core, though. But the 3d effect was pretty poor in that game for some reason. I never got a proper depth effect at all. Might have something to do with z-depth imlementation or whatever. But it orks in single core, and most cames don't use both cores anyway, so... Too bad FSX does, in a way. And Oblivion too...
I got my glasses yesterday, and have been struggling with them since. I got them working in the nVidia control panel test thing, the eDimensional screen saver and Shipsim2008, but no other games I have can run them. My computer hangs with sound looping, and I have to hard reset the poor thing.
I use nvidia 91.31 drivers and stereodriver on two XFX 7900GTX cards. I have tried disabling SLi, although nVidia claim the 91.31 stereo driver support SLi. I just can't see what shipsim does differently from FSX, LFS, GRAW, NFS:C and the other titles I have tried.
Any tips? Any other drivers I shoud try? I have tried the 78.01 drivers that came with the glasses. Same thing there.
The glasses are awesome when they work, my kids have been trying to catch stuff coming out of the monitor all day, and I took my wife on a guided tour of the Titanic and she loved it. But I'd like to race with them!
Ok. I figured it was the vertical component of gravity that was the main force here. Maybe Tronicgr can enlighten us both? And about the 30 times less than the 301, how much HAVE you spent on components?
How is the latency of this system? From the videos it looked like quite a delay from the on-screen action until the platform was in the corresponding position.
Awesome job, btw! Looks very well built, and I envy you so much!
One I took of my wife last night. Thought it turned out pretty nice. i usually Photoshop the crap out of my images, but this one is straight off the camera.
Well... with my G25 I pretty much let go of the wheel, stomp the throttle and the car sorts itself out. That's fast enough in my book. The DFP felt really, really slow in comparison, but that can of course be the brake thing.
I use a second monitor and a separate desk for mine. That way I can have it mounted at all times, the seat in the good racing position and all the good bits where I need them. I have a wireless mouse and keyboard, so I just take them with me. Switching monitors via desktop is a 5 second thing and no hassle. Works great for me.
Also, the BHP/tonne is PEAK values. One car might have a very wide powerband and be able to accelerate much more evenly than a car with the same peak power, but a narrower band, where acceleration would come in burst. Power is area under the torquecurve, not peak horsepower, in my book.
It's weird, cause it sounds just like mine when it picks up a stray light source. have you tried light filtering? What about turning the lights off altogether, just to test? I have a light in my room that affect my TIR, and I can't see it in the tracker window. Once I learned to switch that off before using the TIR I was all right.
Regarding centering, just map a key to your wheel or keyboard, I need to center quite often, and everybody else does too.
Totally useless post: Just wanted to let Scawen know the 6DOF works very well, and the limits seem decent. I can lift my head out of the car, though. Maybe set up a 'box' or some limits for the view to move? This could be applied to the g-force movement as well, unless you want to model broken windows.. Good job, Scawen!