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S3 licensed
they only did the pro promotions yet. Later this week is the normal promotions
S3 licensed
got in

sownloading at 1,3Mb/s
S3 licensed

Still can't get in! Damn clogged servers... I think we at least deserve a tweet....
S3 licensed
and there it broke down again...
S3 licensed
Anybody got a spare F5 key? Mine is worn to splinters....
S3 licensed
Are we there yet?
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Of course I'm smug about it. People are idiots ..... so I piss them off.

Great attitude there, pal...
S3 licensed
Sweetness, thanks for the headsup!

Going to be a busy fall, with Arma2, MW4 (5?) and iracing...
S3 licensed
Yeah, cause dutch is SO easy for anyone not dutch.. Personally I can't speak or read either.
S3 licensed
trailers look cool. Looks from teh Rewind Theater on IGN they have kept a lot of the original core elements of the universe and expanded them even further.

Imagine playing this with TrackIR, a big screen, massive audio, high resolution gfx... Man... i'm droolin!
S3 licensed
The natural FOV for that setup would be around 64-65 degrees.
S3 licensed
Sense of speed and scale are very dependant on yur field of view as well. If you have a 19" monitor a meter from your eyes, your field of view will either be very limited or wildly distorted. This makes distance and speed much harder to judge. I drive with a real FOV of 88 degrees and same setting ingame, and corners, elevations and speed is easier to judge.
S3 licensed
Zandvoort is coming early next year!
S3 licensed
Next time you drive one of your real cars and do a bend at 90kph, watch your steering input. Not alot, is it?

Now do the same in LFS. Notice how you're overdriving the car?
S3 licensed
I can peak at around 1,3G and sustain just under 1G with my Mazda 323 GTR on warm street tires on track. That's a pretty heavy car, though, 1150kg plus my fat bum.
S3 licensed
Try mentioning the development speed of LFS on this forum for a true display of fanboyism..
S3 licensed
Still looks alot better than LFS does...
S3 licensed
I'm totally with Niels here.

Most people would struggle to pick out even 128kbit MP3 in a proper test.

And regarding EQ on a playback system, it SHOULD used to counteract the room influence, not do anything to the recording. Properly EQ'ing a system is a complete science in itself and not something to be 'tuned by ear', or twist a knob here and move a slider there.
S3 licensed
The harness won't limit your head movement, but your shoulders can't move much at all. Try it and see ho much you can turn your head without moving your shoulders. Add the fact that you helmet is hitting the headrest on your seat, and you're pretty limited....
S3 licensed
I use the TIR for driving, yes.

It's the way the sim is designed, it's a feature, not a bug. Nothing we can do about it, and I was trying to give you a reason behind the decision to make it like this. Don't bite my head off...
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Sorry for the massive bump, but I'd like to bring this problem to knowledge again. Before we got the 45/90 degree button view option in LFS, it was possible to look around nearly 180 degrees with TrackIR, now it doesn't seem to be possible anymore. Why not?

It shouldn't be limited in the street cars atleast, I always look around more than 90 degrees to my sides in real life when I'm switching lanes to see that there aren't any cars in the blind spot of the side mirrors. This same should apply in LFS while racing.

Ever been on track? Strapped in a 4 or 5 point harness with a helmet you just can't see behind you. Simple as that.
S3 licensed
So the iRacing thread, the GTR, GTR2, GPL, GTL, NFS, GT4, GT5, GT5p and what have you threads is different than the rFactor one how exactly?

There wouldn't be much going on on this forum at all besides other games, bitching about progress and teams folding, so be thankful there's SOMETHING to keep you here...

Back on topic, I'd love another rF session with you, Niels! I have a new setup now that give me true 90degree FOV and a better driving position, so I'm up for a C6 session!
S3 licensed
Now THIS is proper, good old fashion skill, enthusiasm and music! Crazy Rob and James, trippy Lars and poor Kirk in the background as usual being AWESOME!
S3 licensed
Quote from arco :Had a much better race just now. Pole position, no incidents, won by 22 seconds to 2nd guy and lapped everyone but 2 drivers.

Ok, so here's probably where the mindset of many LFS'ers differ from iRacers. See, I'd rather be in a hard battle for 7th place for 22 laps than lap all but two and win by a mile.
S3 licensed
Well, it doens't really take that much of a hit to do serious damage to cars in real life either, and very often the 'slight brushes' are harder than you think. But admittedly, the damage model needs work, no denying that!